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Borkie (Beagle & Yorkie Mix): Info, Pictures, Puppies, Traits & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Borkie (Beagle & Yorkie Mix)

Height: 12 – 15 inches
Weight: 15 – 25 pounds
Lifespan: 10 – 15 years
Colors: Black, gray, brown, tan, pied, tricolor
Suitable for: Active families, apartments or houses, someone who is home a Lot
Temperament: Devoted, affectionate, energetic, playful, patient, intelligent

The Borkie is an adorable mix between the Beagle and the Yorkshire Terrier breeds. Beagles are known for their friendly, loving, and happy nature, and Yorkies are affectionate, energetic, and courageous dogs. The Borkie is a combination of its parents’ personalities and physical appearances but also has its own unique character.

A Beagle and Yorkie mix is usually closer in size to the Beagle and is, therefore, medium-sized with a similar build and has the Beagle’s floppy ears. However, they do tend to sport the silky coat of the Yorkshire Terrier, which could mean the Borkie might also be hypoallergenic. The Borkie’s coat is usually medium to long and silky, and generally comes in the Beagle’s traditional tricolor of white, tan, and black but also is available in shades of gray, black, pied, and brown.

Divider 1Borkie Puppies


The Borkie is a small to medium-sized dog that has a long lifespan and is healthy and energetic. They are easy to train thanks to their intelligent and easygoing nature but are also prone to be easily distracted. Borkies are very friendly and social and enjoy spending time playing with other dogs.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Borkie

1. The Borkie is a social dog.

They love almost everyone they meet, which also means they won’t make the best guard or watchdogs.

2. The Borkie is sensitive to the cold.

They don’t enjoy cold weather, so be prepared to invest in a dog coat if you live in a location with a colder climate.

3. The Borkie becomes very attached to their family.

They shouldn’t be left alone for too long, as they love spending time with their family and will probably follow you around constantly.

The parent breeds of Borkie
The parent breeds of Borkie: Left – Beagle (825545, Pixabay) | Right – Yorkshire Terrier (Nel_Botha-NZ, Pixabay)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Borkie 🧠

The Borkie is a friendly and loving dog that will want to follow you around and sleep with you at night. They will also enjoy spending time romping with other dogs at the dog park to help burn off some of their energy.

Both the Beagle and the Yorkie are intelligent breeds, so the Borkie will inherit the parents’ smarts. They are fantastic companion dogs that have plenty of love and affection for everyone in their family.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Absolutely! The Borkie makes an amazing dog for the entire family. They are patient, active, and affectionate dogs that enjoy playing with children. Be sure to supervise your children, particularly the little ones, and you should teach all of your children to respect dogs.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Borkie gets along very well with all pets when raised with them, as long as they are socialized while they are puppies. Keep in mind, however, that the Beagle is a hunting dog and is known to chase after smaller animals, and the Borkie could inherit this trait.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Borkie

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

First, you need to find a high-quality dog kibble that is designed for your dog’s age, size, and activity level. If you follow the guidelines on the back of your dog’s food bag, it can help you to determine how much and how often you should feed your Borkie daily. You might also consult your dog’s vet if you are at all concerned about their weight or health.

Exercise 🐕

Your Borkie is an energetic dog that will need a lot of exercise to keep up with their mental and physical needs. If your Borkie is closer to Beagle size, they will need more exercise than if they’re smaller like the Yorkie. On average, be prepared to provide them with a 30 to 60-minute walk every day, but since this isn’t a large dog, many of their exercise needs can be met indoors during playtime.

Training 🦮

The Borkie is relatively easy to train since they are highly intelligent and eager to please, but they might be easily distracted during training sessions. Be sure to use positive reinforcements through both praise and rewards and keep the sessions fun and short.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming the Borkie will depend on which parent they take after more. If their coat is similar to the Beagle parent, they will be more likely to shed and less likely to be hypoallergenic and will need less brushing. If they’re more like the Yorkie parent, they’ll shed less and could be hypoallergenic but might require daily brushing. Most dogs should only be given a bath when absolutely necessary, but usually about once a month with a good dog shampoo (like this one). If your dog has a Yorkie type coat, they might need a weekly bath.

The nails of your Borkie should be trimmed every 3 to 4 weeks, and their teeth should be brushed two or three times a week. You should also clean their ears about once a month.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Because the Borkie is a mixed breed, they’re not as likely to have the same health issues as most purebred dogs. However, it’s always a good idea to be familiar with the kinds of health problems their parent breeds might endure on the chance that they might inherit some of these conditions.

The vet will check your dog’s eyes and skin in addition to running hearing tests and urinalysis and blood tests.

Your vet will check your Borkie’s knees and hips, and run urinalyses and blood tests in addition to a complete physical exam to rule out the possibility of your dog inheriting any of these conditions from the parents.

Divider 5Male vs. Female

The female Borkie could be smaller and lighter than the male, but of course, it all depends on which parent they take after most. A female Borkie that more closely resembles the Beagle will be larger and heavier than a male Borkie that physically takes after its Yorkie parent. The average height of a Borkie is 12 to 15 inches and can be 15 to 25 pounds in weight.

Of course, the next main difference between the male and female Borkie is biological. If you elect to have your dog undergo surgery, then you should realize that spaying a female is a more complicated operation than neutering the male and is, therefore, more expensive and will take her longer to recover from. One great advantage of spaying or neutering your dog is that it can help prolong your Borkie’s life as it is known to help prevent health conditions in the future.

Finally, it has been said that there is a difference in personality and temperament between males and females. Some believe that male dogs are a little less affectionate and not quite as easy to train as females, but this is up for debate. Overall, however, what will truly determine any dog’s behavior usually comes down to how they trained and socialized as a puppy and how they are treated well into adulthood.

Divider 3Final Thoughts

The Borkie is a mix of two completely adorable purebreds that are both very friendly and smart dogs.

When you start your search for a Borkie puppy, you can talk to Yorkshire Terrier and Beagle breeders about your interest in this mixed breed. You can also approach local and national dog clubs and attend dog shows as a way to speak to as many informed dog people as possible. Social media is another excellent method for getting your message out to a big audience. The name “Borkie” is also used for a Bichon Frise and Yorkshire Terrier crossbreed, so keep that in mind when looking for a Beagle Yorkie puppy.

The Borkie is a dog that will be a perfect fit for a family that can spend most of their time with them and will enjoy cuddling and playing with a delightful companion.

See Also:

Featured Photo Credit: Pixabay

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