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Boxador (Boxer & Lab Mix): Info, Pictures, Traits, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

brindle boxador

Height: 23–25 inches
Weight: 50–90 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Black, brown, brindle, white
Suitable for: Active families looking for an active and fun dog
Temperament: Loyal & loving, intelligent, easy to train, fun, lively

The Boxador is a mix of Boxer and Labrador, two retriever breeds that are popular family pets. The breed inherits similar traits from its parent breeds, resulting in a loyal and loving dog that requires a good amount of exercise and that will keep all members of the family entertained.

The Labrador is famed for its combination of friendliness and intelligence. As well as being the most popular dog breed in the USA for the past 26 years, it is also widely used as a service dog and rescue dog. Although the two breeds are similar, breeders attempt to mix the best traits of the two, creating a dog that is as protective as the boxer and as loving and devoted as the Labrador.

Although every puppy is different, and some will inherit more attributes from one of the parent breeds than the other, the Boxador hybrid designer breed meets the desired traits and is a desirable family pet. The protectiveness inherited from the Boxer breed means that the hybrid also tends to make an effective guard dog.

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Boxador Puppies

boxador puppy
Image Credit: Ashleycd1, Shutterstock


Despite the popularity of both parent breeds, the Boxador remains relatively uncommon. This may be because the size of the dog means that they are not suitable for all families and may not settle into life in an apartment. Their size also means that the average litter size is between 4 and 7 puppies, which is far fewer than other breeds. Breeders may not consider them profitable enough to breed. Many owners are known to prefer smaller breeds, although the Labrador retains its spot as the most popular dog breed in the USA.

When choosing a puppy, you should buy through a reputable breeder. They will be able to show health screening results for the puppy and his parents, and they should have no issue letting you meet the parents. Puppies get a lot of their habits and characteristics from their parents, giving you a clue of their likely temperament and even appearance.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Boxador

1. The Labrador Remains the Most Popular Breed in the USA

The Labrador parent breed is the most popular dog breed in the USA and the UK. It has been listed as the number 1 breed by the American Kennel Club for 26 years in a row, and it doesn’t look like being dethroned any time soon. Its popularity doesn’t stop at private owners, either. The Labrador has a loving nature and depends on its owner or handler.

It is also intelligent and considered easy to train, although you should start training early. This combination means that the breed is very popular as a service dog for people with disabilities. They are also used as police dogs, are enlisted in the Armed Forces, and are used to sniff out survivors after natural disasters.

2. The Boxer Gets Their Name From Their Tendency to Box

Although not quite as popular as the Labrador, the Boxer is another popular breed. This breed gets their popularity thanks to their playful nature, and they love nothing more than to play with toys or to rough house with their owner. Their name, Boxer, comes from the action of standing on their back legs and boxing with their front legs, which they will do whenever given the opportunity.

They also have a bit of a boxer’s face, with a flattened nose and alert stare. Whether your Boxador puppy inherits any of these traits will depend on which of the parent breeds is dominant. They may get the flat-faced look of the Boxer and the mild-mannered loving nature of the Labrador.

3. They Make Excellent Family Pets for Older Children

Not much is known about the Boxador because hybrid designer breeds are still relatively new. However, both parent breeds are chosen for their family-loving nature. They will usually get along with anybody and can mix with other dogs and family pets, and the Labrador is not only considered loving but has an innate gentle quality that makes him the perfect companion for children.

However, families with very small children should always take care to ensure that dogs and children are supervised and not left alone together. Small children tend to grab ears and tails, and other parts, and this can hurt the dog, potentially even leading to nipping. The size of the Boxador means that they may cause injury by accident, especially if they are having a mad moment and playing with you.

Parent Breeds of the Boxador
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Boxador 🧠

The Boxador may be a relatively new breed, but what we do know about them is that they have the perfect combination of characteristics and traits to be a loving and loyal family dog. They love to have fun, so if you have older children, your Boxador is likely to shadow them, present them with toys, and encourage them to give some playtime. The Labrador is a gentle dog, but while the Boxer would not usually intentionally cause harm to their owners, they are big and can be a bit daft, which means that they might cause accident harm to you or your family.

Both breeds are considered highly intelligent and are easy to train, hence their use as service and police dogs. Start training early and use positive reinforcement and you should be able to encourage any of the parent traits of the parent breeds.

Although very friendly, the Boxador can make a good guard dog. They will not usually display aggression, but they are a large size and some dogs of this breed may bark at strangers that they believe are getting close to the house. They are not naturally vocal dogs, but their desire to protect will push them to bark if they feel that their owner needs warning of potential dangers.

Are Boxadors Good for Families? 🏡

The Boxador is widely regarded as being an excellent pet for families. They are playful and loving and do not usually display any aggressive tendencies. They will gladly bring their own ball to any playtime and they will tug on a rope or other toy for hours on end, given the opportunity. They will also play without the aid of toys, so be prepared for the occasional play fight.

It is worth noting that the Boxador can suffer from separation anxiety, such as the level of love they have for their human owners. If left alone for too long, they can get bored, and when this happens, they will invent new ways to entertain themselves – for example, emptying bins, shredding sofas, and other unwanted displays. If you are out for long periods and the dog won’t have company, the Boxador might not be your best choice of dog.

black boxador
Image Credit: Luke Sadler, Shutterstock

Do Boxadors Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Boxador’s love doesn’t stop at humans. They will usually want to meet any dog or other animal that they see. They get on with other dogs of the same breeds, as well as other breeds. They can also be introduced to cats, but this is best done when both the dog and the cat are young.

You should always introduce a dog to a cat slowly and don’t just throw them in a room and leave them to it. Both will want reassurance that they’re behaving well and that they aren’t in any danger. Boxadors can get on very well with cats, assuming a proper introduction.

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Things to Know When Owning a Boxador

The Boxador is a good family pet, is ideal for active individuals looking for a walking or running companion, and they can make good guard dogs as well. They train easily, want to please their owners, and they also love attention and affection. However, potential owners should always ensure that they choose a breed that is right for their lifestyle. The Boxador is a big dog with a reasonable amount of energy, and this may mean that they are not the best option for all families and owners. Before you buy a Boxador, consider the following factors:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

The Boxador is big and active, and they have the appetite of their Labrador parent. Expect to feed your dog between four and five cups of good-quality food every day. This can be given in two meals, and they will enjoy the routine of having set meal times.

Labradors are famed for their appetite, and while this can be troublesome when you are eating your own meals or when your child has a chocolate bar whipped out from under their noses, it also gives you a great way to train your puppy. They will respond to tasty, healthy treats, and will look for ways in which to receive more.

Image Credit: Jumpstory

Exercise 🐕

The Boxador is bred from two highly active parent breeds, and you should expect a similar level of energy from your hybrid. They are not lap dogs and will expect and appreciate regular exercise. Even a quick five-minute run around the yard will not be enough, so if you are looking for a dog with minimal exercise requirements, you should look elsewhere.

Whether you enjoy long walks or even runs, you could have your new companion dog, although you should also expect to have to stop while they say hello to everybody you pass. Give your dog at least an hour of exercise a day, on top of the time you spend in the garden throwing and chasing a ball. Another reason that the Boxador makes a great family pet is that having multiple people to play and exercise them means that they are more likely to have their exercise requirements met.

Both breeds are good at agility classes. They will pick up the moves and skills they need to get around an agility course, especially if you use healthy treats as an incentive. Agility classes are a very good way for your dog to burn off energy in a controlled environment, and they usually also appreciate the opportunity to meet and mingle with other people and other animals.

Training 🦮

Labradors are trained as service dogs, and guide dogs, and used as police dogs because they are highly intelligent and easy to train. Boxers can be easy to train, as well, but their attention is more likely to wander, which means that you will have to keep training sessions shorter and ensure that they are fun, if you want to enjoy the best training results.

Puppy classes are a good idea. They teach you how to train your dog, while also teaching the basic commands that a dog will need. They are also a good opportunity to socialize your puppy in a safe environment where everybody is in the same boat. People in the park might be less excited about a Boxador jumping up at them, but other puppy owners will understand.

Labradors are led by their stomach, but they are also very keen to please their owners. This makes for a convenient and relatively easy way to train a dog. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behavior. Use treats and lavish praise on your dog when they get it right, and they will soon learn what is expected of them.

Also, bear in mind that this breed will not respond well to being scolded. They can feel betrayed when shouted at, and this can have a long-term damaging effect on a dog’s welfare. Avoid physical and verbal scolding, but you can still employ a firm “no” or negative response when required.

brindle coat boxador at the beach
Image By: Chris Buckley, Pexels

Grooming ✂️

Both parent breeds have short hair, and the Boxador will usually inherit the smooth and short hair of the Boxer. The hair is easy to care for, although this breed will normally shed twice a year and will need brushing for a few minutes every day during these periods. Brushing a dog when they are shedding helps to remove the stray hairs, keeps them cool, prevents matting, and has your dog looking their best.

Only bathe your dog when it is absolutely necessary, which might be more often if yours likes to swim and run around in the water. Bathing a dog strips their coat of natural protective oils.

Boxers and Labradors can have a problem with weepy eyes. This isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, but you can wipe the mess away whenever required. Check your dog’s ears every couple of weeks or if she is scratching them more often than normal. Wax and debris can build up, causing discomfort, and your dog can’t do as good a job as you of clearing them out. Use a damp cloth or tissue to wipe away the gunk.

Brush your dog’s teeth two or three times a week. This helps protect the teeth and gums, which is important throughout their life, but especially important when they age.

Finally, as an active dog, your Boxador should do a reasonably good job of maintaining their own nails. They grind down on hard surfaces like concrete. But, with that said, if you tend to walk your dog on grass and you hear their nails scraping on the floor then you should trim them to keep them short.

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Boxador itself is not known to have any prevalent health conditions, and the designer breed might benefit from hybrid vigor. As with all hybrid breeds, we have to look at the parent breeds to determine any likely health problems. Boxers are prone to cancer, heart disease, and Boxer Cardiomyopathy, which is more common in males and in dogs over 10 years old.

Labradors suffer from joint dysplasia, although this is a complaint that is common in a lot of dog breeds and not specific to Labradors. Hip dysplasia can lead to arthritic pain and even lameness and signs should be treated as soon as they are spotted.

Minor Conditions
  •  Eye and ear infections
  • Hip dysplasia
Serious Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Boxer cardiomyopathy


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Male vs. Female

Males tend to be larger than females in most breeds, but both males and females of the species are very similar. One factor to note, however, is that Boxer males are more prone to Boxer cardiomyopathy than females and this may be passed on to the Boxador hybrid breed.

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Final Thoughts: Boxador

The Boxador is a mix of two very popular breeds, the Labrador and the Boxer. Both are known for being intelligent, loving, energetic, and easy to train. They make excellent family pets and can make good guard dogs, although if the Labrador is the dominant breed, any home intruder is likely to be met with a tongue and a toy.

They have a hearty appetite, demand exercise, and prefer short bursts of training rather than long and drawn-out sessions, but this hybrid breed will mix well with children and other animals, which makes them a great addition to your family, no matter the size of the family or how many legs other family members have. The Boxador also has a good lifespan, and if you have room for a dog of this size and the energy to provide adequate exercise, they are a great pet.

Featured Image By: Pikist

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