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Can Dogs Eat Dried Mangos? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ

Patricia Dickson

By Patricia Dickson

Can Dogs Eat Dried Mangos

Vet approved

Dr. Lauren Demos  Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Few things in this world are happier than a dog that’s been given human food as a treat. Despite your dog’s love for whatever it is you’re eating, you must be careful about what you give them. The last thing you’d want to do is feed your furry friend something that could hurt them. For instance, you know your dog would probably love them like dried mangos but are they good for your dog? Yes, mangos are safe for dogs and can be included as an occasional treat. In this article, we’ll discuss how nutritious dried mango is for your pet and alternatives that are safe to feed.

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Can Dogs Eat Dried Mangos?

Your dog can eat dried mangos, but there are a few things you need to consider. The first is that while they aren’t bad for your dog, they aren’t good for them. Dried mangos should be given as a special treat rather than as regular food.

Fresh mangos are much better for your canine since they contain more nutrients and far less sugar, so if you have the option, you should always choose fresh mangos over dried ones. Freeze-dried mangos are also safe, so long as they aren’t green. But, with any mango, always ensure you’ve removed the pit before giving it to your dog. A mango’s pit contains cyanide and can be a choking hazard.

woman sitting on sofa and giving treat to the pembroke welsh corgi dog
Photo By: LightField Studios, Shutterstock

Do Dried Mangos Provide any Benefit to my Dog?

Yes, dried mangos provide some health benefits to your dog. A piece of dried mango can provide your furry friend with 20% of their daily vitamin C requirement. On top of that, mangos provide vitamins A, B6, and E and are high in alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. However, as mentioned previously, fresh mangos are a better source of these nutrients than dried mangos.

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Fruits That Are Safe to Serve Your Dog


It’s a well-known fact that Apples contain cyanide, so you’d assume it can’t be good for your dog. Surprisingly, this isn’t the case; giving your dog an apple is entirely okay, and it is even healthy for them. Apples provide your dog with vitamins A and C, along with fiber. As long as you’re careful always to remove the core and seeds first, your apples are an excellent treat for your dog, and the fact that they’re low in fat and protein makes them a great choice for elderly dogs.


Bananas can be great for your dog in moderation. Their high sugar content means they should only be given as a rare treat, not as a regular part of your dog’s diet. Despite their high sugar content, Bananas provide your dog with a high amount of potassium, fiber, copper, biotin, and vitamins while remaining low-calorie.


Watermelon is safe for your dog if you remove the rind and seeds. The rind and seeds can cause blockages in your dog’s digestive system. The fleshy part of the watermelon contains potassium and vitamins A, B6, and C. This, along with watermelon being 92% water, means it’s a great choice to keep your dog healthy and hydrated.

dog eating watermelon
Photo By: rangsan-lerkngam, Shutterstock


Oranges are perfectly good for your canine, but like most other fruits, you should remove the peel and seed from the orange. Oranges provide your dog with a lot of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Oranges make a great rare treat for your pup, but the strong citrus smell might make them avoid it.


Blueberries are great for your dog. They’re packed with antioxidants and fiber and make a great replacement for normal treats.


Strawberries, much like bananas, are suitable for your dog but as a rare treat. Strawberries are very high in sugar but also high in vitamin C and fiber.

offering dog strawberry
Photo Credit: MRAORAOR, Shutterstock

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Fruits That Can Harm Your Dog If Consumed


Like apples, cherries are known to contain cyanide. Unlike apples, they are dangerous for your dog. Cherries are toxic to dogs and cause cyanide poisoning, meaning your dog’s blood cells won’t be able to get the proper oxygen. The signs of cyanide poisoning are red gums, difficulty breathing, and dilated pupils. Be on the lookout for these signs if your dog eats a cherry, and if you spot them, get your dog to a vet immediately.


Grapes are incredibly toxic to dogs and can lead to acute sudden kidney failure. Your dog should be kept away from grapes and raisins; if they eat one, you should contact your vet.

Image Credit: Pexels, Pixabay


It’s in your best interest to keep your dog away from tomatoes. While your dog can eat most of the tomatoes, the green part is toxic and contains solanine. While your dog would probably have to eat quite a bit of it to get sick, it is better to be safe than sorry.


You should never give your furry friend avocado. The skin, the pit, and the fruit contain persin, which is toxic to your dog. Persin causes diarrhea and vomiting in dogs, and the amount in an avocado is too much for your dog.

Image by tookapic from Pixabay

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Final Thoughts

Several veggies and fruits are safe for your dog to eat, and dried mangos are just one of them. However, just as with human food, you only need to feed mangoes and other fruits and veggies to your canine pal in moderation. You should never substitute fruits and veggies for the regular diet you have your dog on. While they’re somewhat healthy for your dog, fruits, and veggies don’t contain everything they need. Some fruits, such as grapes, are toxic to your canine friend, so keep them away from your dog at all costs.

Featured Image Credit:  DimiSotirov, Shutterstock

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