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Can Dogs Eat Hard Boiled Eggs? Nutrition Facts & Safety Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Can Dogs Eat hardboiled-egg

As dog owners, we know that there are a lot of foods that dogs should never be given. These are foods such as chocolate, alcohol, grapes, and almonds. But what about eggs? More specifically, what about hard-boiled eggs? Are they safe to give to your four-legged friend? We have good news for you. The answer is a resounding yes! Even better, your dog is likely to love its taste. In fact, when you are looking for a way to serve your faithful friend an egg, hard-boiling it is one of the easiest and safest options.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Old Yeller, you may remember the dog stealing eggs from the neighbor’s hen house. That’s not something that was just made up for the movie; they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years!

Even though an egg is safe for your dog to eat, we’ll explain just how it will help your pup and any known dangers and side effects it can cause.Divider 8

How to Prepare an Egg for Your Canine Friend

Although dogs can be content eating raw eggs (including the shells) from chicken coops and birds’ nests, it’s not the best way for you to feed them to your dog. Feeding a dog raw eggs can be very messy and may also spread unwanted bacteria and germs. Take it from us – giving your dog hard-boiled eggs is a good idea all around. It’s foolproof, straightforward and something your pooch will love.

Can Dogs Eat Hard-Boiled Eggs
Photo credit: Monsterkoi, Pixabay

It’s very simple to make hard-boiled eggs. Just follow these easy instructions:

  1. Put your eggs into a pot.
  2. Cover your eggs with around an inch of water (cold).
  3. Boil the water on medium-high heat.
  4. Let your eggs sit in the water for around 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. Drain your water.
  6. Place your eggs into ice.
  7. Peel your eggs and discard the shells.

But why choose to hard-boil the eggs for your dog? Chances are your dog would love it in just about any way, including scrambled, over hard, over easy, etc. However, hard-boiled is the cleanest and simplest preparation method. You also don’t have to add any additional ingredients like spices or fats. There’s a high probability that you normally add some extra stuff such as butter, margarine, salt, non-stick spray, or an oil base to your preferred method of cooking.

To give your dog that delicious hard-boiled egg, cut the egg into bite-sized pieces. When you are feeding your dog an egg, you can either give it to them straight or add it into their kibble for a protein boost.

Can Dogs Eat Hard-Boiled Eggs
Photo credit: ivabalk, Pixabay

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Benefits That Hard-Boiled Eggs Give Dogs

There are a lot of nutrients in eggs. They are good for humans, and they are good for our dogs. Below are some of the reasons why adding eggs to your dog’s diet is a good idea.

Promote Healthy Muscle Development & Repairs Damaged Tissues

Eggs have a lot of quality protein in them that can help your dog with building muscle. They also help with repairing any tissues that are damaged.

Help Settle Uneasy Stomachs

Eggs often will help with settling an upset stomach. Therefore, hard-boiled eggs can be used as a substitute or meal replacement if your dog’s been sick or doesn’t want to eat.

Eggs are a great source of calcium, riboflavin, and selenium

chopped boiled eggs
Image Credit: Helena Zolotuhina, Shutterstock

Eggs will promote healthy, strong bones because they contain the necessary calcium. Eggs also contain other types of minerals and vitamins that help your dog to stay healthy.

Great Source of Essential Amino Acids & Fatty Acids

Eggs contain a lot of essential amino acids and fatty acids that can help your dog’s coat look shinier and can also make it stronger.

What About the Shell?

There are studies that show that eggshells are a great source of calcium and protein, both of which are wonderful for your dog’s teeth and bones.

After you have removed the shell from your hard-boiled eggs, crush the shells using a grinder, food processor, or just put them into a plastic bag and crush them using something hard like a pan or rolling pin. No matter how you’re breaking up the shell, the pieces should be finely crushed.

Once this is done, sprinkle the pieces into your dog’s regular food to give them some extra nutrition. It’s not necessary to feed the whole shell to the dog at once. Based on your dog’s size, it might be a better idea to spread it out over a few days. It’s always possible to refrigerate leftover shells to use later.

egg shells
Image Credit: congerdesign, Pixabay

Dangers of Feeding Your Dog Eggs

Now that we have discussed why eggs are a great thing to give to your dog, we’re going to look at some of the things that you want to be aware of when serving this food to your favorite canine.

Firstly, a raw egg can cause salmonella poisoning in your dog, so it’s always better to cook them. Secondly, make sure you give your dog both the white and the yolk of the egg. Feeding your dog only egg whites for extended periods of time can put them at risk of having biotin deficiency. Lastly, too many eggs can cause obesity if they are being offered along with your dog’s regular food. Eggs range from 50-100 calories each, so be mindful of how much you’re giving your pup.

It’s rare for a dog to have side effects from eating an egg. However, you should only feed your dog eggs that have been cooked thoroughly, and only in moderation.

a sick beagle dog lying on the floor
Image By: Elena Loza, Shutterstock

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There you have it – the complete rundown of instructions on feeding hard-boiled eggs to your dog. Remember, whether you’re interested in using eggs as a meal replacement once in a while or if your dog’s not feeling well and you want to settle their stomach with an egg, it’s always a good idea to speak with your vet or a dog nutritionist about the number of eggs necessary to properly nourish your dog. Although eggs are fairly safe for the majority of dogs, giving your dog too many eggs can cause health problems, such as obesity.

Featured Image Credit: happyrich358, Pixabay

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