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Can Dogs Eat Mahi Mahi? The Surprising Answer!

Elizabeth Gray

By Elizabeth Gray

Can Dogs Eat Mahi Mahi

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While fish can be a healthy part of a human diet, some fish are high in mercury. Like people, dogs shouldn’t eat a lot of fish known to be high in mercury, but is mahi mahi okay? Yes, dogs can safely eat mahi mahi as long as it is properly prepared.

In this article, we’ll explain why mahi mahi can be a healthy food choice for your dog, including some top nutritional benefits. We’ll also talk about the mercury levels in mahi mahi and mention the fish to avoid feeding your dog. Finally, we’ll discuss how to feed your dog mahi mahi safely.

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Why Mahi Mahi Is Healthy for Your Dog

Mahi mahi is an enormous tropical fish and one of the most popular species for human consumption. Because it is sustainably caught and reproduces quickly, mahi mahi is also considered an environmentally conscious choice.

In addition to being good for the earth, eating mahi mahi can also benefit your dog. This fish is low in calories and an excellent source of lean protein. Mahi mahi contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as B vitamins, potassium, and selenium. Antioxidants¹ can help fight inflammation in dogs and is helpful in treating several chronic conditions.

Finally, mahi mahi is an excellent source of fatty acids¹, which can improve your dog’s skin and coat health and reduce inflammation from conditions such as arthritis.

senior beagle dog eating food from the bowl
Image Credit: Przemek Iciak, Shutterstock

Mahi Mahi and Mercury

Mercury, a heavy metal linked to birth defects and other health concerns, is found naturally in the ocean. However, human-caused pollution has led to unusually high levels of mercury, which is then absorbed by marine life, including fish. Larger, older predator fish are most likely to have high levels of mercury in their bodies.

Mahi mahi is considered to have low-moderate mercury levels by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA.) Other species in this category include halibut, lobster, snapper, and cod. Because of this, dogs can safely enjoy this tasty fish.

Fish species that are high in mercury and should not be fed to your dog include:

  • Tilefish
  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel
  • Canned albacore tuna
mahi mahi fish
Image Credit: Cocos.Bounty, Shutterstock

How to Feed Your Dog Mahi Mahi

Here’s the most important thing to know about feeding your dog mahi mahi; never offer it raw. Uncooked fish, like other raw foods, often contains dangerous bacteria and parasites. Dogs can catch and carry bacteria like salmonella and listeria without making them sick.

However, these dogs can pass the bacteria to humans in the house. Kids, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems are all at risk of developing life-threatening illnesses from these bacteria.

Cook mahi mahi for your dog without using oil, butter, salt, or other seasonings. Remember, while this fish provides key nutrients for your dog, most of its daily calories should come from its regular diet. Commercial dog food is nutritionally balanced, with carefully calculated amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Mahi mahi should be offered only as a treat or mixed into your dog’s regular diet. It’s an especially good option for dogs with food sensitivities. Fish is often used in novel (new) protein diets fed to pups with suspected food allergies.

woman feeding her dog
Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

While mahi mahi is safe and healthy for your dog, check with your vet before offering any new food. Even safe foods could cause your dog some digestive issues and should be introduced slowly. When prepared and fed correctly, your dog can enjoy the nutritional benefits of mahi mahi. However, you might not enjoy the fishy smell on their breath that results from eating this food!

See also:

Featured Image Credit: ellaria, Shutterstock

Elizabeth Gray

Authored by

A lifelong lover of all creatures great and small, Elizabeth got her first cat at 5 years old and at 14, she started working for her local veterinarian. After spending more than 20 years working as a veterinary nurse, Elizabeth decided to step away to become a stay-at-home parent to her daughter. Now, she is excited to share her knowledge with our pet parents. Elizabeth lives in Iowa with her family, including her two fur...Read more

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