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Can Dogs Eat Sausage? Nutrition Facts & Safety Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

can dogs eat sausage2

Sausage is a delicious and hardy breakfast food that perfectly pairs with pancakes or eggs. But is it safe to share this mouthwatering meaty morsel with your dog?

Let’s cut to the chase: while sausage is a meat product, it isn’t a healthy snack for dogs.

Here is everything you need to know about why feeding your dog sausage isn’t the smartest idea, as well as some safer protein alternatives.

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Why is Sausage Bad for Dogs?

While it may be tempting to treat your dog to a piece or two of sausage, it’s not the best idea. Even when your pooch is flashing you those big, sad, pleading eyes, don’t give in.

The main reason why your dog should skip the sausage is that it contains an extremely high level of fat. In fact, sausage can contain as much as 50% fat. Not only can this cause obesity later in life, but it can also lead to diabetes, heart issues, and pancreatitis.

Moreover, sausage is typically loaded with salt, which is bad for dogs. Other types of seasonings that sausage may contain include garlic and onions, which are both super bad for pups because they can destroy red blood cells.

Image Credit: Sunny Forest, Shutterstock

Is Sausage Good for Dogs?

Meat is usually good for dogs. They are, of course, carnivores. Meat is a great source of protein and offers many different kinds of vitamins and nutrients, all of which are beneficial to dogs.

However, due to the high-fat content found in sausage, this type of meat is not good for your pet. While it is safe to feed a piece of sausage to your dog every now and then, you should never overdo it.

What Happens if My Dog Eats Sausage?

If your dog consumes a large amount of contaminated sausage, he may experience the following symptoms:
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

If you notice your pet displaying any of the aforementioned symptoms, take away his food for about a day until his stomach settles. Be sure to provide him with plenty of water. The high salt content in the sausage can lead to dehydration, so water is essential.

If the problem persists, take your pet to your local veterinary practice.

Be aware that contaminated or undercooked sausage may put your pet at risk of harmful health conditions because of a parasitic infection known as trichinosis.

rottweiler vomit
Image By: Olexandr Andreiko, Shutterstock

Avoid Sausage Grease

Never, ever try to enhance the flavor of your dog’s kibble by pouring sausage grease over it. The high fat and salt levels can lead to one very sick pup.

Sausage Substitutes

If you want to treat your dog to a tasty tidbit, consider feeding him a piece of chicken or turkey hot dog. Keep the quantity you feed your pet limited, as hot dogs can contain lots of salt.

Beef sausages crafted from premium meat can also be a suitable choice for your pet, as long as they do not contain any seasoning.

Chicken sausage is also a safe alternative.

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While a small piece of cooked sausage won’t harm your dog, sausage isn’t the best snack for pooches. Sausage is loaded with salt and fat and can seriously upset your pet’s stomach. It can also cause dehydration.

So, don’t be tempted to share your love of breakfast food with your pet. Thankfully, your dog’s health means even more to you!

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