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Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Ashley Bates

By Ashley Bates

Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries

Vet approved

Dr. Ashley Darby Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Ashley Darby

Veterinarian, BVSc

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Learning how to feed our small hamster friends can be a challenge. After all, you want to supplement their commercial pellets with a variety of fresh produce. And when Thanksgiving and Christmas come around, you might have fresh cranberries for holiday dessert recipes in the house.

Cranberries should be seen as a very occasional treat for your hamster. In small, safe amounts, they can actually provide your little pet with some healthy benefits. However, these small fruits are acidic, contain quite a bit of sugar, and large amounts can cause gastrointestinal upset. The dried varieties are also very high in sugar and not recommended.


Cranberries Are Non-Toxic to Hamsters

Cranberries are non-toxic to hamsters, which means it won’t necessarily hurt them to have one. However, you won’t want to give them to your hamster daily or in large quantities at a time. Hamsters are sensitive to changes in the diet, so be careful what you introduce.

Before ever making a change to your hamster’s diet, it’s best to consult your veterinarian. Your vet can advise you on what action to take and the correct portions to serve if you are allowed to make the introduction.

vet holding a white hamster
Image Credit: v-svirido, Shutterstock

Health Benefits

If you allow your hamster an occasional cranberry snack, you may be introducing them to a few health benefits, particularly antioxidants. These little berries really bring it to the antioxidant table.  They play a role in cancer prevention, heart health, vision, and decreasing inflammation in people, and they could possibly benefit your hamster too!

Cranberries also contain fiber, something your hamster needs a lot of. Fiber is a necessary component for proper digestion.

Keep in mind that feeding your hamster the occasional cranberry more than likely won’t boost their health by an incredible amount. While cranberries do provide these healthy benefits, the amount of them that your hamster will be eating won’t be significant enough to make a huge difference. Just know that giving them every now and then isn’t without some benefit.


Cranberry Health Risks

Gastrointestinal Upset

As we hinted at before, high amounts of sugar and acidity can send your hamster’s digestive tract into a tailspin, they’re just not used to handling it. What you may end up with is a hamster that doesn’t want to eat and possibly has diarrhea.

hamster on substrate
Image Credit: ToNN Stocker, Shutterstock

Weight Gain

Your hamster’s body is tiny, meaning that any extra calories are significant when it comes to weight gain. Diets that are high in sugar are also typically high in calories, something that could lead to weight gain and obesity in your hamster.

Dried Cranberries

Dried cranberries are actually very highly concentrated in sugar. While they may be marketed as a healthy snack, they’re actually not–especially for your hamsters.

Cranberry Salad/Sauce

While cranberry salad generally contains fruit and other hamster-friendly items (like certain nuts), you should never feed it to your hamster. Cranberry sauce is highly concentrated and full of preservatives and sugar.

cranberry sauce on wooden background
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

Cranberry Juices

Cranberry juices are an absolute no. They are packed full of unhealthy additives—from table sugar to artificial dyes. Hamsters require fresh water only.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do Hamsters Like Cranberries?

Your hamster may or may not be interested in cranberries. Raw cranberries have quite a bitter taste and might not be a first choice for your furry friend. If they don’t have much interest, you can supplement with other items instead.

How Can You Feed Cranberries to Your Hamster?

Again, cranberries, and other fruits, should be used as an occasional treat in your hamster’s normal diet. Raw cranberries are the preferred way to serve. If you have a larger hamster breed, like the Syrian, you can safely feed around 1-2 cranberries a week. These should be split up into different days and rotated with other fruits and vegetables.

For those of you with smaller hamsters, speak to your veterinarian first to determine the proper amounts of cranberries to feed and whether you should feed them at all.

Hamster eating a cranberry
Image Credit: IRINA ORLOVA, Shutterstock

What Should Your Hamster Be Eating Generally?

Hamsters require the majority of their nutrients to come from a commercial hamster pellet. It should make up about 80% of what you give them daily. The other 20% can be comprised of hay, fresh vegetables, and to a smaller amount, fruit.

You can prepare a wide list of options as snacks for your hamster. Cranberries, and other fruits, should only make up a small portion of this list, and really shouldn’t be an everyday addition. Instead, it would be best to focus more on hays and vegetables for their dietary additions. However, here are some hamster fruit favorites:



Cranberries can be incorporated as an occasional treat for most hamsters. While they aren’t toxic and can provide some health benefits, they are also high in sugar and acidity, which can be detrimental to your hamster’s short-term and long-term health if fed in high quantities. Speak to your veterinarian before adding cranberries to their diet to ensure it is a safe option and to find out the proper amounts.

Featured Image Credit: ita Kulinitch Studio, Shutterstock

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