12 DIY Dog Fences: Vet-Approved Plans You Can Make at Home

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Dog fences are an invaluable tool in the dog owner’s arsenal. They can prevent your dog from making a bid for freedom. They can provide a barrier between your yard and the outside world, or they can be used to fence off specific areas of your own property.
While there are plenty of commercial dog fences available, these can cost a lot of money and may not be suitable for the exact space that you have available and that you need to fill. Using DIY plans and following along with instructional videos teaches you how to build a dog fence, so even if you have a unique space or have some other specific requirement, these DIY dog fences could be the ideal solution for you.
Top 12 DIY Dog Fence Plans
1. No Digging DIY Dog Fence by LittleAboutAlot
It isn’t always practical to dig down into your garden. Whether your garden is covered in an impenetrable substrate, or you don’t want to risk your security deposit, this no-digging DIY dog fence design enables you to create a dog fence that uses posts that can be easily hammered down into the ground.
The fence itself is made from reasonably sturdy wire, although if you have an especially large or strong dog, you may need to consider a different material for your fence construction.
2. Wire Dog Fence Panels by Bits of Wood Workshop
Using these wire dog fence panels, you can create a run or completely encompass the dog play area in your yard. Use the panels to separate your own yard from the outside or create a specific area that is set aside for your dog.
This is another design that uses wire, but the main frame is made from sturdy wood, so it should be stronger than the previous plan.
3. Cheap DIY Wire Dog Pen by JasonWorksAlot
Wire is a popular choice of material for creating dog fences. It is cheap, flexible enough that it won’t break easily during construction or use, and it is readily available and easy to work with. This cheap DIY wire dog pen is made by hammering stakes into the ground and then running the wire mesh around the stakes, and fixing it in place.
Best suited to smaller dogs, this pen will also work with calm dogs that aren’t too keen on getting away.
4. DIY Mesh Dog Fence by UnchainYourDog
Mesh fences provide a better alternative to chaining or leashing up dogs while they’re outside. They can be erected around the house and, as with these DIY mesh dog fence plans, you can use existing features like the side of the property to help create an enclosed space and potentially reduce the amount of fencing you have to make.
These plans not only show the capability of DIY fences to meet any special requirements, but they also show the benefit of working with the space you have.
5. Dig Resistant Dog Run by LeaveMeAloneImBusyFarming
Some dogs are born escapologists, and if they can’t find a way over or around fences, they will dig and look for a way under any boundary you erect. This dig-resistant dog run is designed to keep even the most determined pup in, and your dog will have to dig down several inches to be able to fashion an escape route.
6. DIY PVC Dog Fence by JulesVerneReyes
This PVC dog fence is made from PVC and costs the owner a little more than $30 to construct. The plans use PVC pipes, which are obviously not as strong and resilient as wood, but they will be effective in keeping calm dogs that do not have a strong sense of wanderlust.
7. Indoor Fence by Dogsaholic by Dogsaholic
Fences aren’t just useful outdoors; they can keep your dog safe indoors too. A DIY indoor fence is a sturdy way to keep your puppy in one place without shutting them in a spare room. It’s a great option for when you need to leave the house for work but want to give your puppy space to play outside of their crate, without giving them run of the whole house.
For this DIY plan, you’ll need to purchase a few supplies and adjust the measurements of your fence to suit your home and the size of your dog. It doesn’t require that much work or many tools to put together, though you might need a hammer if the bars are a tight fit.
8. Wooden Dog Lot by Timothy DC
Simple wire fences are effective but aren’t always aesthetically pleasing or sturdy. This wooden dog lot combines a wire fence with a wooden framework to create a safe, reliable, and strong fence for your dog.
You can adjust the post sizes to your needs, though it does require digging and concreting them in place to ensure proper stability. The best part about this design is how easy it is to join it with an existing fence. If you’re planning to section off a part of your yard for a dog run or keep your dog out of your vegetable patch, it’s a sturdy choice with a modern flair.
9. DIY Wire Fence by Komar Project
Building a reliable fence takes time and effort, but it’s the best way to keep your dog in and other animals out. This DIY wire fence is simple but labor-intensive and requires careful attention to ensure that the fence is straight. The result is stylish and sturdy and looks perfect in a small neighborhood or on a farm.
You’ll need plenty of time to spare, as well as marking paint and string for planning where your new fence will go. Remember to purchase hinges and a locking mechanism if you’re making a gate to match the fence.
10. Pallet Dog Fence by Kinlock’s Korner
One of the most versatile DIY materials is wooden pallets. They can be used for all sorts of projects and can even make a sturdy dog fence. Unlike traditional wire or wooden fences, a pallet fence only requires a few metal joiners and wooden stakes to secure it in place.
The best part is that the pallets look neat and stylish and are more than durable enough to keep your dog safe in your yard. It doesn’t take much work to put together, and a friend’s help can make the job much quicker.
11. Modular Hogwire Panel Fence by Gator_Overland
Unraveling heavy rolls of wire fencing is always hard work, and you can avoid the hassle by using horse or cow panels. This DIY plan is for a modular hogwire panel fence that looks stylish and is relatively easy to put together. The design relies on a wooden framework with dado grooves and sturdy horse panels that don’t need to be unrolled.
You’ll need to adjust the measurements for each panel depending on how big you want your dog’s space to be. Remember to mark out the fence line with string and marking paint to keep everything in line.
12. Wooden Privacy Fence by Lowe’s
If you live in town, a wire fence won’t shelter your yard from prying eyes. A wooden privacy fence is a reliable alternative and is more than sturdy enough to keep your dog safe.
You’ll have to purchase the supplies that you need from a home improvement store, though, and putting the fence together is time-consuming. However, this DIY plan by Lowe’s ensures that you won’t be on your own during your project and will soon have a sturdy fence that keeps your dog in and nosy neighbors out.
Besides providing more privacy, wooden fences have the benefit of avoiding the need to handle massive rolls of wire fencing. The construction isn’t as fast but it is much easier.
Final Thoughts
Dog fences help you keep dogs in your yard, or they can be used to prevent your dog from getting into certain areas of the garden. They don’t have to be expensive, but they do need to be strong enough to cope with your dog, and they can be made from a range of materials including wood, wire, metal, and even PVC.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed learning how to build a dog fence you and your dog can both enjoy!
Featured Image Credit: sergio souza, Pexels