Do Cats Like Fans? Vet-Approved Facts & Recommendations

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Fans are a great addition to your home and keep a relaxing breeze flowing, but do cats like fans? The answer depends on the cat, but generally, cats do like fans. Like humans, they feel relaxed by the soothing breeze.
A fan won’t help a cat cool down, however. Like dogs and rodents, cats release heat through their paws, lips, chin, and surrounding the anus. When they need to cool down, they sweat through these areas, and the evaporation produces a cooling effect.
Do Fans Cool Cats Down?
Fans may be relaxing for your cat, but they don’t need them for cooling. Because their sweat glands are limited to certain areas of the body, a fan isn’t as efficient at cooling cats as it is for cooling humans.
Like us, your cat may enjoy lying in front of or beneath a fan to feel the breeze through their fur. If your cat doesn’t enjoy this feeling, they can easily move to a different area away from the direct breeze.
Can Cats Become Overheated?
The domestic cat descended from desert species in Africa and Arabia, so they’re accustomed to hot environments. They don’t get overheated as easily as humans or dogs.
Still, if a cat needs to cool down, it has efficient ways to do so. The cat’s body will send signals to cool down by sweating in the hairless areas. If this isn’t enough, they can groom themselves. As the saliva evaporates, it cools the skin and dissipates excessive heat.
Cats may also sleep in the hottest part of the day and become more active at night. Cats are primarily nocturnal anyway, but this allows them to conserve energy and avoid overheating. They may find cool surfaces to lie on to dissipate heat while they rest.
Recommendations and Precautions for Fans and Cats
Cats are naturally curious creatures. If you have a fan in your home, it’s important to take precautions to avoid injury to your cat.
Ceiling fans are generally safe if your cat can’t reach them from high shelves or furniture. Whether tall or short, standing fans should be sturdy enough to avoid being knocked over by a curious cat.
Also, be sure that any fan in your home has a grill or cover with small enough openings to avoid your cat sticking a paw inside and getting hurt. Cats are smart, but a rotating fan may seem like a tempting toy to swat or pay at. You may also want to avoid fans with ribbons on the blades, which may encourage cats to see them as toys.
Cats may enjoy lounging around in front of a standing fan or beneath a ceiling fan. Like people, they may like the feeling of a breeze in their fur, though it isn’t necessary to keep them cool. Overall, cats are efficient at cooling themselves through sweating and seeking out cool places to rest. However, fans are a nice touch to keep air flowing in your home and give your cat some added pampering.
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Featured Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock