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Does Barnes and Noble Allow Dogs? A Complete Guide (2024 Update)

Adam Mann

By Adam Mann

aisle of bookshelves in a bookstore

While many people think they can only bring their dog into a pet store, often that’s not the case! While you might not think of Barnes and Noble as the most pet-friendly store out there, most Barnes and Noble stores will allow you to bring your pet in.

However, each store can set its policies and regulations, so you need to verify before you bring your dog into the store. But how can you check if you can bring your dog into your local Barnes and Noble store, and what should you know before bringing your dog? We will break it all down for you here.

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How to Tell if Your Barnes and Noble Store Allows Dogs

While most Barnes and Noble stores allow dogs, it does depend on local laws, rules, and ordinances. This means you can’t just assume you can bring your pup; you need to check before heading into the store with them.

The best way to check if your local Barnes and Noble store allows service dogs is to call ahead of time and ask them what their policy is. Ideally, you’ll want to speak to a manager, but most of the time, any employee can give you accurate information about the store’s policy.

interior of a bookstore
Image Credit: vnwayne fan, Unsplash

Barnes and Noble and Service Dogs

Barnes and Noble allow service dogs at all their stores in the United States in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA states that all stores must make reasonable accommodations for service dogs and cannot exclude them from their stores.

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Top 5 Tips for Bringing Your Dog to Store

If you discover that you can bring your pet to a Barnes and Noble store and want to try it out for yourself, there are a few things you need to do to ensure a pleasant trip. Below, we’ve highlighted a few tips you need to follow whenever you decide to bring a pet into the store.

1. Use a Short Leash

a dog looking at the leash on the floor
Image Credit: mattycoulton, Pixabay

While you might decide to use a retractable leash or a longer leash option for your regular walks, that’s not what you should use when you’re going inside a store. When you’re inside a store, your dog needs to stay right next to you, and a short leash ensures they can’t go anywhere else.

We recommend a non-retractable leash that is no longer than 5 feet long. That way, your pup doesn’t have space to wander.

2. Watch Them the Entire Time

Whenever you take your dog into a store, you’re taking full responsibility for their behavior while you’re there. It doesn’t matter if another dog comes in, someone makes a loud noise, or anything else—you’re still responsible for your dog’s behavior.

Because of this, you need to keep an eye on your dog the entire time you’re inside the store. All it takes is a moment for something to happen, which means you need to stay vigilant the entire time.

3. Train Them

border collie dog getting trained
Image Credit: Dora Zett, Shutterstock

Before you decide to bring your dog into a store, you need to know that they’re going to know how to behave. This means taking the time to train them before you decide to bring them into a store. They should respond to basic voice commands and shouldn’t bark at every new thing.

The store isn’t the time for a training session or an unruly pup, so do yourself a favor and train them before bringing them in.

4. Bring Waste Bags

No matter how well you train your dog, you need to ensure you have everything you need to clean up after them if they have an accident. Because while a well-trained dog is far less likely to have an accident in a store, sometimes new environments can cause accidents that wouldn’t happen otherwise.

Bring waste bags for solid waste and whatever you need to clean up after them if they pee on the floor inside the store. If your dog has an accident in the store, it’s your responsibility to clean up after them, not the store’s employees.

5. Bring Treats

bernese mountain dog waiting for treats
Image Credit: viktoria.jpg, Shutterstock

While a well-trained pup shouldn’t have any problems listening to you even if you don’t have treats, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of extra motivation! Bring a few of your pup’s favorite treats and feed them to your dog to keep their attention on you throughout your entire trip in the store.

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Final Thoughts

All it takes to figure out if you can bring your dog into your local Barnes and Noble store is a little prep work before you head out. And if it turns out you can bring them, it means you and your pup can spend a little more time together and you don’t need to leave them at home on your next trip out.

Featured Image Credit: Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash

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