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Double Dapple Dachshund: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

Rachael Gerkensmeyer

By Rachael Gerkensmeyer

a double dapple dachshund walking outside

The Double Dapple Dachshund was created by breeding two Dapple Dachshunds together. Dapple Dachshunds have a unique color pattern on their coats, usually in the form of white or gray patches. When two Dapple Dachshunds make puppies, they are considered to have “double the dapple.” Let’s learn more about this interesting dog breed here.

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The Earliest Records of Double Dapple Dachshunds in History

It is believed that Double Dapple Dachshunds were first established in the United States sometime in the late 1800s1. The Double Dapple’s parents have always been in existence as long as Dachshunds in general have been around. The earliest records of the Dachshund are found in books that were created in the early 18th century. This breed comes from Germany, where the dogs were owned by royalty.

How the Double Dapple Dachshund Gained Popularity

The Double Dapple Dachshund is not as popular as a traditional Dachshund, but their markings make them appealing to many people who learn about them. In general, Dachshunds have been popular since their inception due to their remarkable hunting capabilities, which is what they were originally bred for.

Formal Recognition of the Double Dapple Dachshund

The Dachshund was formally recognized by the American Kennel Club in 18852 and by the United Kennel Club in 19193. However, the Double Dapple Dachshund is not recognized by either organization due to concerns over breeding and health issues. Double Dapple Dachshunds have not been formally recognized by any program or organization.

a longhaired double dapple dachshund
Image By: a katz, Shutterstock

Top 5 Unique Facts About Double Dapple Dachshund Dogs

1. They Often Have Blue Eyes

Double Dapple Dachshunds are known for their colorful eyes. Many have either one or two blue eyes due to their gene structure. Blue eyes are not common in traditional Dachshunds or Dapple Dachshunds.

2. They Come in Three Coat Types

Just like traditional Dachshunds, the Double Dapple variety comes in three different coat varieties. The first is a smooth coat, which is smooth to the touch, as the name implies. The second is a wire-haired coat that feels rough to the touch. Finally, this breed can have a longhaired coat, which typically feels soft and luxurious.

3. They Bond Hard and Quickly With Their Human Companions

Most Double Dapple Dachshunds fall in love with their human companions quickly, and their bond is strong once established. These dogs enjoy spending as much time as possible with their human counterparts, whether at home or on the road.

4. They Were Bred to Hunt Badgers

Dachshunds were bred to hunt for badgers in particular. Over time, the breed was used to hunt other types of animals, but the badger is what they are best at going after.

5. They Are Prone to Developing Health Problems

Unfortunately, serious health problems have been linked to Double Dapple Dachshunds due to the breeding practices used to develop them. For one thing, many Double Dapple Dachshunds end up becoming blind at some point in their life. Another health risk is the possibility of becoming deaf.

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Does the Double Dapple Dachshund Make a Good Pet?

If it were not for the serious health conditions that many Double Dapple Dachshunds face, these dogs would make excellent family pets and farm hands. However, it is never a good idea to support a breeding system that could result in pain and suffering for the dogs produced.

It’s also not fun to watch a beloved pet succumb to problems such as deafness and blindness. Dealing with such conditions can be extremely costly for you in terms of money and for the dog in terms of quality of life. We highly recommend that you consider a traditional Dachshund or another breed altogether instead.

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The Double Dapple Dachshund is a beautiful dog with a lively attitude and friendly disposition. Unfortunately, these dogs are prone to serious health conditions that prospective owners should know about. Adopting one of these dogs could help support breeding practices that result in blindness and deafness. Therefore, it’s a good idea to consider adopting another dog that does not face such risks.

Featured Image Credit: everydoghasastory, Shutterstock

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