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8 Great Games for Border Collies You Can Play Today!

Ashley Bates

By Ashley Bates

German Shepherd and Border Collie mix dog

Border Collies are fun, energetic pups that thrive on physical outlets. With their sharp mind and physical speed, they can learn and perform many different tricks, commands, and physical tasks. Their athleticism provides avenues for so many adventurous activities.

So if you are looking for fun ways to spend time with your Border Collie but are getting sick of the same old same, let us give you a few ideas. Here are eight fantastic games you can play with your pal.

Divider 7The 8 Games for Border Collies

1. Fetch

Fetch is a classic that you might have tried already. Puppies can start learning this game very early, and it’s one of the easiest for them to pick up. Border Collies will love testing their physical capabilities, running faster and farther for sticks and toys.

So even if you’ve been working on fetch for a little while, you could up the ante and find ways to make it more challenging. Certain companies make toys to aid in the throwing process if you don’t want to throw your arm out during a good game of fetch.

Take this product, for example. The Chuck-It Ball can go much further when you have one of these nifty launchers to help the aerodynamics.

  • Played: Outdoors/Indoors
  • Skill Level: Easy
a dog chasing a tennis ball
Image Credit: JumpStory

2. Tug-of-War

Tug-of-war is a game your Border Collie will play with their littermates long before you ever get them. It is a primal game that they can enjoy that feeds their mental and physical thirst.

Be mindful of the material of ropes and toys before you buy. Always purchase based on your pup’s current destructiveness level. If your Border Collie is aggressive with toys, you will want to buy something that will withstand rough play.

  • Played: Outdoors/Indoors
  • Skill Level: Easy

3. Scent Work

Since your Border Collie is one of the most intelligent dogs in the canine kingdom, they should easily catch on to this. Scent work is a little more advanced, but something your Border Collie will be a natural at. You can give your dog several tasks involving sniffing out for a reward, such as hide and seek or hiding a treat inside a series of cardboard boxes and having your dog sniff it out.

Scent work allows your dog to do what they love best: use all of their senses to learn about its environment. Scent work can be a fun game, but it can also be a very serious line of work for some dogs.

Dogs have exquisite senses of smell and can be trained to detect illnesses, sniff out bombs, and find missing people. It’s quite incredible what our dogs are capable of!

  • Played: Outdoors/Indoors
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
a close up of Border Collie with collar
Image Credit: Helix_Games, Pixabay

4. Agility Training

Your Border Collie will absolutely indulge in agility activities. It’s something that your canine is naturally inclined toward anyway.

Agility is something every Border Collie will enjoy. The breed is designed to be physically capable, fast, and alert. With agility training, your dog will thrive in their natural rhythm. Plus, as an owner, seeing how your dog advances and develops over time is quite impressive.

Puppies are clumsy and have short attention spans, so agility training can be a little tricky initially. Usually, you should start agility training when the dog is 6 months to a year old, depending on its growth rate. Your vet can let you know when your Border Collie is ready.

But once they learn to navigate this world, they can also start more advanced training styles. Basically, it’s all in how extensively you’re willing to train them.

  • Played: Outdoors
  • Skill Level: Intermediate

5. Hiking

Hiking is a game that your Border Collie can never get sick of. While this is more of an adventure, you can make it fun along the way. If you can hike in an area where your dog can be off-leash, this is an excellent opportunity to test their obedience.

Depending on your Border Collie’s age, they can handle a certain amount of exercise. If your Border Collie is very young, start small and work up to more challenging hikes. Since these dogs are very athletically capable, they won’t have much problem keeping up.

  • Played: Outdoors
  • Skill Level: Beginner
Border Collie with herd of sheep on farm
Image credit: S1001, Shutterstock

6. Water Games

Your Border Collie will likely love water games in the warm months. You probably won’t need much convincing on this one. And participation might be the easiest for you. You can just turn on some water and sit back while your dog enjoys it.

At home, you can buy different sprinklers that have various functions. You can also get small baby pools, doggy-designed pools, and water slides. Your pup will have fun in the backyard with the kids, other pups, or by themselves.

If you want to go away from home for this one, some local dog parks have access to water sprinklers or small ponds. Dog-friendly state parks also allow you to bring your canine to splash in creeks, rivers, and lakes.

  • Played: Outdoors
  • Skill Level: Beginner

7. Puzzles

Border Collies love their snacks, and they’re very determined; put that combination together and you get a puzzle champion. Offering different styles of puzzles to your dog will burn off some mental steam.

Your dog will enjoy the process of figuring out a new task while you interact with them along the way.

You can place different treats into balls, mats, and other compartments designed to make your dog work for the reward. Your dog will have a good time trying to figure out how to get the treats out, keeping their brain and body stimulated.

There are several different types of puzzles you can offer your Border Collie. Puzzle games are very much self-play. Your dog can sit for hours trying to crack the code.

  • Played: Outdoors/Indoors
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
border collie puppy practicing tricks
Image credit: Geertes, Shutterstock

8. Scavenger Hunt

You can make up your scavenger hunt or get some ideas from the web. When you take your dog out for a scavenger hunt, you can write virtually anything you want on the list. You can go out and search these items down with your dog, letting them explore the sights and smells around them while getting exercise.

Interestingly, scavenger hunting even has its own day. On May 24th, folks celebrate National Scavenger Hunt Day, so join in with your pup this year and see what they can find.

  • Played: Outdoors/Indoors
  • Skill Level: Intermediate

divider 9Advanced Training Games

If you and your dog have tried it all and are still unsatisfied, there are other options. Expand their horizons and let them live up to their full potential by joining in.

Obedience Training Classes

This one is for Border Collies that have a thirst for learning. Advanced training can be more than a game to them; they look forward to and thrive upon it.

You might have great success training your Border Collie at home. But what might be extra fun and challenging is taking classes with a professional trainer. You can work on basic to very advanced training with the help of a structured setting.

Some people find this is more helpful, and it gets the dog and owner out of the house and socializing with other people in canines.

Agility Training at Dog Parks

Your dog was bred for competition. Certain facilities have agility equipment, including dog parks and other pet-friendly places. You could enter some of these events if your dog was adequately trained. You can join in with a professional trainer if you are inexperienced on the subject.

If you don’t want to go that route, you can set up your own agility equipment in your backyard. You can get really creative, making some DIY equipment on Pinterest. It is a fun and inexpensive way to teach your dog the ropes.

Many dog parks and other doggy-friendly facilities have agility equipment on hand. These include things like tunnels, ramps, platforms, and other equipment to try out. If your dog has already been training, this is a great way to test its skills by creating a distraction.

It’s a fun way to really organize their train of thought and expand their horizons.

Black and White Border Collie Playing Catch
Image Credit: Magda Ehlers, Pexels

Importance of Proper Stimulation for Border Collies

Border Collies are highly energetic dogs with a deep desire for learning and activity. If you are someone who lives a more relaxed lifestyle and doesn’t like to be on the go a lot, this is probably not the breed for you. Border Collies enjoy a life of fullness and adventure.

It is in their natural breed instincts to be on the go and always on alert. If these inclinations aren’t fostered correctly, it can lead to negative outcomes. Border Collies who aren’t stimulated enough can start exhibiting unsavory behaviors like destructiveness, anxiousness, and excessive neediness.

It is crucial that your Border Collie is properly trained and adequately exercised. If your Border Collie receives the right outlets, they will be an extremely loyal, wonderful companion animal for you. One thing is for certain, your Border Collie is going to want to be on the go with you every step of the way.

So make sure you’re taking them on all of the outings and activities to satisfy wanderlust.

Border collie sitting pretty
Image Credit: kajasja, Shutterstock

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You can find all sorts of fun things to get into with this adventurous pup. Border Collies will stun you all the time with their capabilities and certainly keep you busy. Remember to always give them a challenge, as these dogs can get bored easily.

If you are thinking of getting a Border Collie, it’s important to ask yourself if you have the lifestyle necessary to meet their needs. If so, this breed will stay your loyal on-the-go companion, helping wherever they’re needed and never missing the fun.

Featured Image Credit: Colin Dewar, Shutterstock

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