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Hairless Chihuahua Dog Breed Info: Pictures, Personality & Facts

Jordyn Alger

By Jordyn Alger


Chihuahuas rank as the 32nd most popular dog breed in America as of 2023. It’s understandable why so many people fall in love with this little dog; their grace and sass can charm nearly anyone. If you yearn for a Chihuahua but are wary of having dog fur everywhere, why not consider the hairless Chihuahua? The hairless Chihuahua is just like the regular Chihuahua, without all the fur.

Height: 5–8 inches
Weight: 6 pounds or less
Lifespan: 14–16 years
Colors: White, gray, brown, black
Suitable for: Apartment living, singles or couples, households in warmer climates
Temperament: Expressive, spunky and sassy, graceful, and charming

Chihuahuas are little dogs with big personalities. These appealing, entertaining dogs have a long history and are one of the oldest breeds. They are beloved for their adorable appearance, charm, and undying loyalty.

Hairless Chihuahuas are Chihuahuas with a genetic code that leads to hairlessness. Besides having no fur, they are just like any other Chihuahua in terms of physique and personality. However, hairless Chihuahuas are considered rare in comparison to the average Chihuahua.

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Hairless Chihuahua Characteristics


Hairless Chihuahua Puppies

Finding a hairless Chihuahua will not be an easy feat. Hairless Chihuahuas are considered somewhat rare since a specific genetic condition is required for them to be born with no fur. Due to this, it is unlikely that a hairless Chihuahua will be at your local animal shelter, but it doesn’t hurt to check rescue centers and shelters. You can reach out to animal shelters near you and ask if they have hairless Chihuahuas in need of a home, and if they do, you can adopt one without spending as much as you would with a breeder.

However, it is much more likely that you will need to go through a breeder to find a hairless Chihuahua. When searching for a breeder, make sure that you find someone that is ethical and reputable. Puppies bred by irresponsible breeders are at higher risk of having genetic conditions, so ensure you only support ethical breeders.

Before bringing your puppy home, there are upfront costs that you will need to cover in addition to the cost of the dog. Items such as food, food and water bowls, toys, leashes, collars, crates, and more are necessary for a new dog.

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Hairless Chihuahua 🧠

The hairless Chihuahua has the same temperament and intelligence as any other version of the breed. Chihuahuas are bold, loyal, and vigilant dogs that tend to be wary of strangers. They are endlessly devoted to their families and love to shower their favorite humans with affection.

They have a keen mind and are highly adaptable, so housetraining the hairless Chihuahua shouldn’t be too difficult. The Chihuahua can be occasionally self-willed, but they are also eager to please. By indulging in the people-pleasing side of your hairless Chihuahua’s personality, you can make lessons much more enjoyable for both of you.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Hairless Chihuahuas are highly affectionate dogs that love to shower their loved ones with affection. They make excellent companions for singles or couples but are not recommended for all families. Families with young children are discouraged from bringing a hairless Chihuahua home since they are very delicate animals. They reach no more than 6 pounds and are extremely vulnerable to roughhousing.

Children who do not yet know proper boundaries with animals will be a bad fit for the hairless Chihuahua, and they are more likely to injure the dog accidentally. As a result, the hairless Chihuahua may become fearful or aggressive towards children in the home, creating a hostile environment. Overall, waiting until children are older and gentler is best before inviting such a fragile dog into the home.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Chihuahuas get along moderately well with other dogs, and with proper socialization and introductions, they can cohabitate. However, the main issue to consider is the size of the dogs you plan on having your hairless Chihuahua live with.

For example, having a hairless Chihuahua live with a Great Dante is a recipe for disaster. Since the hairless Chihuahua is so delicate, one misstep or accident on a larger dog’s behalf can lead to catastrophe. Therefore, if you want a larger dog in the home (or already have one), the hairless Chihuahua is not a suitable pet.

On the other hand, other small breeds can be ideal housemates for the hairless Chihuahua. As long as all animals are given adequate time to adjust to each other’s presence, the hairless Chihuahua should tolerate another dog just fine.

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Things to Know When Owning a Hairless Chihuahua

Before bringing any pet home, the primary factors to consider are their food and diet needs, activity requirements, training abilities, and grooming care. While the hairless Chihuahua is no different from the Chihuahua in terms of personality and intelligence, there are some significant differences in the day-to-day care, so take a look at the categories below to learn more.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

The food and diet requirements for the hairless Chihuahua and the Chihuahua are the same. Depending on the dog’s age, weight, and health, the Chihuahua typically eats around ½ to 1 cup of dry food daily.

They need to consume high-quality dog food appropriate to their age. For example, puppies should eat a formula designed for them, and older dogs should have a senior formula. Chihuahuas can be prone to obesity, so monitoring your pet’s calorie consumption is necessary for their care.

Exercise 🐕

Chihuahuas are active creatures; however, they shouldn’t be put through rigorous exercise. Their little bodies are not built for long runs or other strenuous activities. Instead, exercise your hairless Chihuahua by playing games such as fetch and tug-of-war. If your Chihuahua is panting or looking weary, it’s time for a break.

Since the hairless Chihuahua does not have fur, they are more susceptible to the elements. They are prone to sunburns and require sunscreen designed for canines. In cold weather, they are at higher risk of hypothermia, so provide a doggy jacket and boots if you go outside.

Training 🦮

As mentioned, the Chihuahua is an intelligent dog. They are occasionally stubborn but eager to please, and training your hairless Chihuahua can sometimes be a challenge and other times a delight. Establish that you are in charge from day one, and your Chihuahua will be much more agreeable to your commands. A firm yet gentle hand is necessary to train the hairless Chihuahua properly.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming care is the main difference between the hairless Chihuahua and the Chihuahua. While Chihuahuas need regular brushing, the hairless Chihuahua does not. That doesn’t mean your hairless Chihuahua has no grooming needs, however. It’s vital to clean their skin with canine wipes to make sure no grime gets caught between the folds of their skin. Likewise, they need their nails clipped and their ears cleaned regularly.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Chihuahuas are typically healthy dogs, as are hairless Chihuahuas. Hairless Chihuahuas may be more susceptible to hypothermia than the average Chihuahua. The conditions that your hairless Chihuahua may be genetically predisposed to include severe conditions such as patent ductus arteriosus, mitral valve disease, and idiopathic epilepsy, as well as less serious ones like a luxating patella.

Minor Conditions
  • Luxating patella
Serious Conditions
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
  • Mitral valve disease
  • Idiopathic epilepsy

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Male vs Female

There are no significant differences between the male and female hairless Chihuahuas other than their size. On average, males are larger than females.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Hairless Chihuahua

1. Hairless Chihuahuas Are Not Hypoallergenic

There are no 100% hypoallergenic dogs; however, there are dogs that produce less dander. But the hairless Chihuahuas actually might trigger allergies more because they have no hair to trap the dander.

2. Hairless Chihuahuas May Suffer Weather-Related Issues

Hair and fur help protect dogs from the sun and cold. However, the hairless Chihuahua is always exposed to the elements so take that into consideration when you take them outside on sunny or cold days.

3. Hairless Chihuahuas Are Not Entirely Hairless

Despite the name, hairless Chihuahuas have very thin patches of fur. From a distance, they do look hairless. But once you get up close, you might see the wisps of hair.

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Final Thoughts

The hairless Chihuahua is strikingly similar to the Chihuahua in terms of personality and intelligence; however, there are notable differences in the care needed for the hairless Chihuahua and the Chihuahua. If you love the personality of the Chihuahua but want to clean up less hair, the hairless Chihuahua could be the perfect fit for you. Just ensure you invest in canine sunscreen, jackets, and boots!

Featured Image Credit: Rosa Jay, shutterstock

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