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Homemade Dog Anti-Itch Spray: Quick & Easy DIY Mix

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

dog scratching

Dogs can have sensitive skin, leading to non-stop itching and scratching. Whether the scratching is caused by a specific ingredient or a bug bite, your dog will likely need some anti-itch spray at least once during their life.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to have an anti-itch spray on hand so that you have all that you need whenever you find your dog itching. Although you can certainly purchase a premade anti-itch spray, homemade sprays are more natural and cost-efficient.

Learn how to make an affordable, easy, and effective dog anti-itch spray here. We offer one great recipe and even recommend other natural remedies you can try. Let’s get started.Divider 1

Common Reasons That Dogs Itch

Itchy Dog_shutterstock_TamaraLSanchez
Image Credit: TamaraLSanchez, Shutterstock

Like humans, it seems that an unlimited number of reasons can make your dog itch. Although dogs may appear much heartier and more capable against the elements, they too can suffer from allergies and bug bites. It’s crucial to determine the reason why your dog is itching so that you can treat the issue accordingly.

If your dog seems to itch a lot during certain seasons, they likely have seasonal allergies. Similarly, dogs that constantly itch may be allergic to some type of food in their diet or an environmental factor, such as your cushions on the couch. In contrast, dogs can start itching suddenly due to fleas, ticks, and other pests.

For dogs that are itching due to allergies, talk to your vet about long-term treatment options. The spray we list below is a great short-term approach to itching, but it won’t relieve the cause of the allergen, whether it be pollen or something in your home. The spray will simply relieve the sign, not the cause.

This spray is best for short-term itches, such as bug bites, or if your dog got into something they shouldn’t have. The spray will help to relieve the itch until their skin has gone back to normal.Divider 8

Homemade Dog Anti-Itch Spray Benefits

All of the ingredients used in this homemade spray are completely dog-friendly and effective for treating itches. There are more benefits of the spray than simple itch relief. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about your dog becoming sick if they accidentally lick the spray from their body. Here are some more benefits based on each key ingredient.

Green or Chamomile Tea

Image Credit: sergo75-75, Pixabay

Both types of tea are great for itch relief and soothing irritated and inflamed skin. Chamomile tea is especially a great option if your dog’s skin becomes irritated and inflamed from the itchiness. Green tea is a great ingredient option because it has antioxidant properties that help heal your dog’s skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
Image Credit: focal point, Shutterstock

Apple cider vinegar is used in both dog and human homemade skin sprays. It is great on itchy skin because it is antifungal. However, be sure not to use this spray, or apple cider vinegar in general, on open wounds because it will sting.

Distilled Water

Distilled water
Image Credit: rawpixel.com, Pxhere

Distilled water is the agent that connects all the rest of the ingredients. We specifically recommend distilled water because it is free from bacteria that could potentially worsen your dog’s skin.

Lavender Essential Oil


Lavender essential oil is one of the only essential oils that are dog-safe. This oil brings down inflammation associated with allergic reactions because it is a natural antihistamine. This ingredient makes the spray a great option if your dog’s itchiness is due to seasonal or food allergies.Divider 5

Making the Spray

What You’ll Need
  • ½ cup green or chamomile tea (cooled)
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup distilled water
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil
  • Mixing jug
  • Spray bottle

Once you have all your needed ingredients, making the spray is super easy. Simply begin by brewing half a cup of tea. Select chamomile or green tea based on your dog’s needs and steep it in boiling water. After the tea has steeped, let it cool completely.

Then, add the 1/2 cup of tea to some sort of mixing jug. Mix in the apple cider vinegar, distilled water, and drops of lavender essential oil. Stir or slosh the mixing jug around to adequately mix all of the ingredients. Finally, add the mixture to a spray bottle for easy application.


All you need to do to apply this spray to your dog is squirt it on the affected area. Anytime you see your dog scratching, just pull out the spray bottle and gently squirt their skin. You might want to give your pup a treat while squirting the mixture because some dogs are afraid of being sprayed with water.

Whenever you are not using the application, we recommend keeping it in the refrigerator. Storing the spray in the refrigerator will extend its lifespan. At the same time, the cool temperature will soothe the affected skin whenever you spray your dog as well.

Other Natural Remedies to Try

In addition to the recipe we recommend, you can try some other natural remedies to help relieve your dog’s itchiness. Here are some other natural ingredients to try:

Aloe Vera Oil

aloe vera
Image: Pixabay

If you’ve ever had a sunburn, you likely know the healing effect of aloe vera. Aloe vera can be applied with a spray or by itself. Simply massage it into the skin so it can penetrate the affected area. It’s important to use aloe vera oil, not raw aloe vera. Raw aloe vera is dangerous and toxic for dogs if it is licked.



Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory and relieves itchiness. As a natural cleanser, oats are a natural anti-itch remedy. Either purchase pre-grinded oatmeal or grind up oatmeal in a food processor. Add the oats to a warm water bath and let your dog have a spa day. If you don’t want to use actual oatmeal, you can select shampoo formulated with oatmeal for its anti-itch properties.

Peppermint Tea

peppermint tea
Image Credit: congerdesign, Pixabay

You can easily substitute the chamomile or green tea with peppermint tea instead. Peppermint tea is just as easy to find at the store. This is a great natural alternative if the skin is inflamed and very red. The peppermint tea will soothe the skin, much like a menthol rub, creating an almost tingly yet comfortable pain relief.Divider 4

When to See Your Vet

Using a dog anti-itch spray is a great option if your dog is having short-term itchiness. However, you should see your vet if your dog continues to itch and has irritated skin after using the spray. If your dog’s itchiness does not seem to go away, they are likely experiencing some sort of allergen.

Seasonal allergies are typically treated with over-the-counter allergy pills. Depending on the seasonal allergies’ severity, your vet may recommend a prescription-strength pill or point you toward a more affordable option at a grocery store.

If your vet thinks that a food allergy is to blame for your dog’s reactions, they will walk you through an elimination diet. This elimination diet will help you determine which ingredient your dog is allergic to. Once you eliminate the ingredient, your dog’s itchiness should go away.

Even if you know your dog’s itchiness is due to allergens or allergies, this anti-itch spray can bring some short-term relief. So, it’s a great idea to keep it on hand as extra anti-itch relief whenever the vet’s prescriptions aren’t enough for your dog’s sensitive skin.

Divider 2Final Thoughts

A homemade dog anti-itch spray is a super affordable and safe way to relieve your dog’s itchiness. Our simple four-ingredient spray is super easy to make and dog-friendly. Just store it in the refrigerator and pull it out whenever your dog starts itching. If you think that allergies are related to your dog’s itchiness, we recommend taking your pooch to the vet too.

Featured image credit: archaeon cumnonchai, Shutterstock

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