How Many People Celebrate Their Pet’s Birthday? The Surprising Answer!
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Pet owners are crazy about their pets, and many shower them with love, treats, and toys. In fact, 77% of pet owners celebrate their pets’ birthdays by purchasing them a present.
Considering most pet owners treat their pets as family (as they should), a birthday celebration is not out of the ordinary. Dogs may be easier to throw a party for, as dogs are usually more sociable than cats. Still, roughly 29% of cat owners celebrate their cat’s birthday.
There are 25.4% of Americans that own a cat, and 38.4% own dogs, which make up the bulk of pet ownership in the United States. If you’ve ever wondered how to celebrate your pet’s birthday, we’ve got you covered. We’ll explore ways to celebrate your pet’s birthday and what to avoid when celebrating the special occasion.
Should I Celebrate My Pet’s Birthday?
If you own a cat that is not anti-social, then by all means, yes! You know your cat the best, and as long as you feel a little birthday celebration won’t stress your cat, go ahead and invite a few people over for the celebration. If your cat has four-legged friends, invite them over too!
Pets, including cats, may not fully understand the celebration, but they can pick up on the positive vibes from a group of people, and they’ll probably be curious as to what all the excitement is about.
Dogs, on the other hand, are a little easier to celebrate, as they tend to be more tolerable, patient, and overall sociable creatures. Your dog will enjoy a dog-friendly birthday cake, complete with a birthday hat. Be sure to invite your dog’s furry friends over, too!
How Do I Celebrate My Pet’s Birthday?
Celebrating your pet’s birthday doesn’t have to be stressful, and you definitely don’t want to stress your pet. Fortunately, there are many ways you can celebrate the special day that will be fun for your pet.
- Make homemade special treats for your pet. If you’re interested in baking for your pet, go ahead and make your cat and dog birthday cakes using safe ingredients.
Spend quality time with your pet. Make sure to do things your pet loves; if your cat loves to snuggle with you, by all means, snuggle. If your cat loves to play with a favorite toy, be sure to play until your cat is content. You can even buy a new toy for the occasion.
The same goes for your dog. Shower your canine kiddo with toys, special treats, a new bed, or anything else you feel your dog will love. - Invite your pet’s favorite people over for the celebration, and if your pet has furry companions, invite them too.
- Buy a window perch for your cat if you don’t have one already. Cats love to stare out windows and watch the world outside, and a window perch allows your cat to safely observe his surroundings indoors.
- Decorate the home with fun birthday gadgets your cat will love to bat and swat at. Dogs love toys too, and if your dog is a chewer, go ahead and buy your doggie a new chew toy.
- Give your cat catnip to enjoy, and give your dog special treats.
Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe
Celebrating your pet’s birthday can be fun for everyone involved; otherwise, there would be no reason to do it! Whatever you decide on for the special day, ensure any treats (especially homemade) are made with safe ingredients.
Remember, you don’t want to stress your pet, and you know your pet best. If you feel your pet would be happy to have a party, go ahead. However, if you feel it may stress your pet, try spending quality time with just the two of you or with anyone else your pet feels comfortable with.
Some cat owners may not know if their cat would appreciate a party. In that case, there’s only one way to find out. Be sure to observe your cat’s responses, and if you feel your cat is stressed, abort the party.
The same goes for dogs. Some dogs play well with other dogs, and some don’t. As we’ve mentioned, you know your pet the best, and if you feel a party is in order, plan it.
Final Thoughts
Pet owners love to spoil their kitties and doggies, and what better way to spoil your pet than with a birthday party? Our pets are our family, and they deserve to have their special day celebrated. You can make the celebration as big or as small as needed, and always observe your pet’s behavior and mood during the celebration.
Even if you don’t throw a party, your pet will appreciate toys, a window perch, new scratching posts, special treats, a new chew toy, and whatever else your pet enjoys.
Featured Image Credit: Ruth Black, Shutterstock