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How to Groom a Jack Russell Terrier: Tips & Step-by-Step Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

groomer stripping the hair of jack russell terrier dog

A Jack Russell is a common companion dog that’s known for their limitless energy and loyalty. Fortunately, they’re also a fairly low-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming, which leaves a lot of time for playing and running.

Jack Russells do need regular grooming, however, especially the rough-coated varieties. Here’s everything you need to know about how to groom a Jack Russell Terrier.


Smooth Coat vs Rough and Wire-Haired Coats

A smooth-coated Jack Russell won’t need much trimming. Grooming focuses on regular brushing to shed loose hair and dirt and prevent skin issues.

On the other hand, rough-coated and wire-haired Jack Russells need more extensive grooming around their face and stripping to remove excess hair.

close up of wire-haired jack russell terrier puppy
Photo Credit: evrymmnt, Shutterstock

Grooming a Jack Russell Terrier: Important Supplies

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Dog-safe shampoo
  • Stiff dog brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Nail clippers
  • Clippers or bullnose scissors (rough and wire-haired)
  • Comb
  • Wire brush
  • Stripping knife
  • Thinning shears


Step-By-Step Guide to Grooming Your Jack Russell

1. Brush Your Dog Once a Week

Brushing is the most important aspect of grooming a Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs have a hard, water-repellent coat, which needs to be brushed regularly to maintain its capabilities. You should brush your dog at least once a week, but you may need to brush more during the seasonal sheds with a slicker brush to remove the loose hair.

The best approach is to comb your Jack Russell first, then follow with the slicker brush. Once all the loose hair is removed, give your dog a thorough brushing with the regular brush to remove any remaining hair and smooth the coat.

woman brushing jack russell terrier dog
Photo Credit: Lazy_Bear, Shutterstock

2. Bathe Your Dog Once a Month

Your smooth-coat Jack Russell may need to be bathed once a month, more if you play outside and they’re particularly dirty. Avoid overbathing, however, which can strip your dog’s coat of its vital oils.

Shampoo is not ideal for a rough-coated Jack Russell. You can use a dog-safe dry shampoo made of cornstarch and baby powder, which you rub into the coat and brush out thoroughly to remove dirt and debris.

3. Stripping for Rough-Coat Jack Russells

Rough-coat and wire-haired Jack Russells need to be stripped twice a year as part of their grooming. This is best done while your dog is blowing their coat. If you don’t have experience stripping a dog’s coat, you may want to consult a professional groomer.

It’s best to tire out your Jack Russell before starting the stripping process. Here are the steps to stripping:

  • Position your dog in an area where you can easily clean up the fur.
  • Hold your stripping knife with your index finger behind the blade with a firm grip.
  • Begin combing a portion of your dog’s hair.
  • Continue across your dog’s whole body.
  • If you encounter loose areas or cowlicks, hold the skin taut and work around as best you can.
woman stripping the hair of jack russell terrier dog
Photo Credit: woodHunt, Shutterstock

4. Trim Your Dog’s Loose Hair

Most Jack Russells need little trimming. You may need to trim the loose hair around your dog’s face, legs, and genital area, however. If you are uncomfortable trimming your dog’s sensitive areas, consult a professional groomer.

Typically, Jack Russells need the loose hairs around their face trimmed with a pair of bullnose scissors or dog clippers. You only need to remove a little and make sure you leave the dog’s whiskers intact. You should also trim the excess hair around your dog’s paw pads and near the genital area. You can use thinning shears to trim the tip of the tail and keep it neat.


Should Jack Russells Be Shaved?

Shaving a Jack Russell Terrier, particularly those with a rough or wire-haired coat is not recommended. These dogs have a double coat that protects them from the cold and other environmental factors. If you shave them, you’re disrupting their natural insulation and protection.

combing jack russell terrier dog
Image Credit: dezy, Shutterstock



Jack Russell Terriers are a high-maintenance breed, but not when it comes to grooming. They need some light trimming and brushing on a regular basis, as well as stripping during the shedding seasons. Learning how to groom your Jack Russell properly is an important part of ownership and keeping your dog healthy.

Featured Image Credit: Dora Zett, Shutterstock

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