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How to Stop a Dog From Barking at a Fence Line in 7 Steps

Melissa Gunter

By Melissa Gunter

neighbors dog barking

Having a dog that is known as the neighborhood bully or troublemaker is hard on any pet parent. Your neighbors may give you strange looks, they might avoid you when they have their dogs out, and the fear of nearing your fence line can scare away the neighborhood kids. When your dog constantly barks at your fence line, these things become a part of your daily life. Luckily, it is possible to stop your dog from showing aggression towards everything beyond your fence line, and we’re going to show you how.

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The 7 Steps to Stop Dogs Barking at Fence Lines:

1. Determine the Issue

Every situation is different. Perhaps your dog doesn’t start barking at the fence line until your neighbor’s dogs come outside. Maybe they aren’t fond of the mailman? One of the first things you should do when trying to stop your dog from barking at your fence line is to determine your dog’s triggers. If everything moving gets your dog barking, then you need to work on their control overall. If it’s a particular person or animal triggering their behavior you can take a more focused approach to stop that aggression.

belgian sheepdog malinois barking
Image Credit: cynoclub, Shutterstock

2. Make Introductions

If your dog is barking at your neighbors or their pets, perhaps proper introductions are in order. Contact your neighbor to schedule a meet and greet. It is likely your dog is barking due to them seeing a strange person or dog they aren’t familiar with. By familiarizing them with the people who live around you, it’s possible to put an end to unwanted fence barking.

3. Make Sure Your Pup’s Needs Are Met

When your dog spends a lot of time in the yard, it may be reaching out for assistance. Ensure your dog has fresh, clean water, food, and toys to keep them occupied while they are outside. It is possible their barking is a way to alert passersby that their needs aren’t being met, and they could be asking for help.

little dog barking
Image Credit: zEdward_Indy, Shutterstock

4. Try Exercise

Maybe your dog has too much energy pent up and is showing it in the wrong way. By adding a bit of extra exercise to their daily routine you could help them expel this energy and keep things lighter and more enjoyable when they are out in the yard. Try walking them each morning, then add another walk before they go outside to play.

5. Train Your Dog

Providing your dog with proper training is another great way of keeping their mind engaged, and their exercise needs met. It also makes stopping bad behavior easier. One command you can add to your dog’s list is “Stop barking.” By using praise and rewards you can help your dog understand when they should bark and when they shouldn’t. This command can make things quieter for the entire neighborhood.

dog walkig with the owner
Image Credit: Piqsels

6. Restrict Outside Time

If you’ve tried the previous five steps and nothing is working with your dog, restricting outside time is your next step. Each time you let your dog out, and they begin barking, bring them back inside. Dogs are smart animals. They will eventually realize each time they bark at the fence that they are losing their playtime outside. This will help them learn the behaviors you aren’t going to allow.

7. Make a Schedule

If you’ve tried all the other steps and your dog is still having issues with fence barking, it may be best to coordinate schedules with your neighbors. If you can learn the times they are outside with their families or pets, when the mailman comes, and when the neighborhood kids get off the school bus, you can have your dog inside at those times to avoid any unwanted fence line barking and make everyone more content about the situation.

white american bulldog in the park
Image Credit: Golland, Shutterstock

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Why Do Dogs Bark at the Fence Line?

There are several reasons dogs may bark at the fence line. Let’s take a look at a few to help you determine why your dog may be showing fence-line aggression.

To Defend Their Territory

Most dogs feel the need to protect their owners, homes, and property. When people or animals get too close to areas your dog considers theirs, it’s common for them to bark. While this may be annoying to you and the other people in the area, it is a dog’s protective nature coming out.

American Bulldog running in the forest
Image Credit: Volchock, Shutterstock

They Are Trying to Socialize

While constant barking at the fence line can be annoying, it may not be triggered by something bad. When your dog sees your neighbors or local kids and animals out and about, they could be barking to interact with them. If this is the case, you’ll notice their bark isn’t aggressive. Stopping this behavior is still important, but it is nice to know things are good around the neighborhood.

They Are Alerting You to Danger

While you may not see your neighbor and his dog as a threat, your dog could. If your dog isn’t socialized with the people in your area, it’s common for them to alert you when strangers come near. This is their way of keeping their families safe.

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Final Words

If you have a dog that is barking at your fence line, these seven steps can help you put an end to this unwanted behavior. You and the entire neighborhood will be able to enjoy a peaceful day of no barking, and perhaps you and your pet will make a few new friends along the way.

Featured Image  Credit: Jne Valokuvaus, Shutterstock

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