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9 Hungarian Dog Breeds: Unique Breeds That Originated in Hungary

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By Nicole Cosgrove

Two pumi dogs in a studio_jne valokuvaus_shutterstock

Hungary is home to several beautiful dog breeds that are bred and raised for different purposes: guarding, hunting, and shepherding. Several breeds are larger, and good for hunting and protection. A handful of smaller breeds round out the Hungarian breed lines and are great at shepherding. But all breeds are considered well-rounded, loyal, and intelligent.

Nine breeds in total are known as official Hungarian dog breeds, so there is much to learn about the beloved pooches of the Hungarian people. Here, we present all nine Hungarian dog breeds to you. Whether you’re simply interested in Hungarian dogs or plan to adopt one, this information should help you gain a clearer understanding of what Hungarian dog breeds have to offer.

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The 9 Hungarian Dog Breeds

1. The Vizsla

Photo Credit: TMArt, shutterstock

The Vizsla, also called the Hungarian Pointer, is arguably the most revered dog breed in Hungary. These dogs are intelligent, agile, strong, and loyal. They know how to hunt, and they’re used to spending all their time with their human family members. In a family setting, they love to hike and run.

They’re awesome sporting dogs that do well in agility and other competitions. They’re easy to identify with a large, agile build, red coat, and long ears.

2. The Wirehaired Vizsla

wirehaired vizsla dog in water
Image Credit: Shakarrigrafie, Shutterstock

As a close cousin of the Vizsla, the Wirehaired Vizsla is a great hunting dog that loves human companionship. Unlike their cousins, these dogs are identifiable by their course, wiry red hair, and their shaggy “beard.” Otherwise, they look remarkably like the original Vizsla.

These are working dogs that need a great deal of exercise and mind stimulation, but they are fun-loving family dogs for households that like to stay busy.

3. The Kuvasz

Image Credit: La Su, Shutterstock

Fearless and loyal, the Kuvasz is another beloved dog breed from Hungary that was originally bred to guard livestock. But today, they’re well known for being effective guard dogs of the family home. The Kuvasz has an excellent sense of humor and enjoys playing games. They’re intelligent and thrive when participating in training and various sports regularly.

These dogs stand up to 30 inches tall and can weigh up to a whopping 120 pounds!

4. The Pumi

Pumi Dog Breed
Image Credit: Enna8982, Shutterstock

The Pumi is one of the smaller Hungarian dog breeds that were raised to herd sheep on farms and open lands in Western Hungary. These dogs feature cute little curls and an attitude that is sure to please. Although the Pumi is hard-working, they’re also loving and loyal when it comes to their dog pack and their human family members.

They seem to have endless energy for work and play, so they need access to large fenced yards when living as family pets.

5. The Puli

Puli Dog
Image Credit: kidsnewshu, Pixabay

This Hungarian dog breed has a coat of wooly cords that resemble long locks of hair. These locks are long, dense, and waterproof, which keeps them protected while herding animals on the farms and plains of Hungary. The Puli’s herding instincts are strong, and these dogs will herd anything from chickens and birds to cats and cows.

They need consistent attention within a family setting and require extensive grooming to keep their locks from knotting together or getting too long.

6. The Transylvanian Hound

Transylvanian Hound
Image Credit: Mircea Costina, Shutterstock

This ancient hound was bred in precarious climates, terrains, and hunting conditions to create a powerful and loyal hunter who’s loyal to their master and never backs down from a challenge. These dogs are adaptable yet temperamental and should participate in a lifelong training program (whether at home or professional) to get along in a family environment.

Yet, the Transylvanian Hound is gentle and balanced, making them the perfect family pet for both apartment and house dwellers.

7. The Mudi

Mudi dog breed
Image Credit: Aneta Jungerova, Shutterstock

This breed is thought to have naturally evolved from multiple different Hungarian dog breeds, including the Puli and the Pumi. This is a rare breed, so it isn’t common among households anywhere in the world except Hungary. They love herding cattle, but they’re happy playing in the yard with kids and other dogs.

Obedience and agility are some of the things that Mudi dogs do best. They also excel at working jobs, such as search and rescue.

8. The Magyar Agar

Magyar Agar
Image Credit: Bergadder, Pixabay

As the cousin of the English Greyhound, the Magyar Agar is elegant and fast. They are typically larger and more rugged than the Greyhound. They can withstand both hot and cold weather, and they have cute rose-shaped ears that any pet parent will fall in love with. Magyar Agars love to spend time with kids and other animals.

These dogs are born with coats in a variety of colors, and they tend to maintain a mentally balanced, social personality as they age.

9. The Komondor

Image Credit: HellViolet, Pixabay

This is a hardy Hungarian dog breed that is covered in thick cords to protect their bodies as they guard their homesteads, whether that be a farm, a house, or even a junkyard. They originally protected sheep in Hungarian pastures.

These dogs have the lean muscle to power them through their active days. The Komondor is fiercely protective, so they need a firm yet loving hand when it comes to family living.

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Final Thoughts

Hungarian dog breeds are powerful, loyal, and intelligent overall. Every breed played a critical role in years past, and they continue to impress families all around the world today. Whether you want to adopt one of these dogs or are just curious about their past, rest assured that there is plenty more to learn about them.

What Hungarian dog breed is your favorite? What do you think of the corded look that some of these Hungarian dog breeds have? Let us know your thoughts in our comments section below!

Featured Image Credit:  Jne Valokuvaus, Shutterstock

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