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Schweenie (Shih-Tzu & Dachshund Mix) Info, Pictures, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Schweenie (Shih-Tzu & Dachshund Mix)

Height: 11–20 inches
Weight: 9–20 pounds
Lifespan: 12–17 years
Colors: Black, white, brown, gold, cream, orange, and a mixture of several colors
Suitable for: Families looking for a small dog with plenty of personality
Temperament: Playful, outgoing, and intelligent; they can be noisy, wary of strangers, and slightly stubborn

If there was a competition for the cutest mixed dog with an adorable name to match their looks, the Schweenie might take top place. This cute and charming hybrid comes from breeding a Dachshund and a Shih Tzu.

This Dachshund Shih Tzu mix has a huge personality and will need an experienced owner to cope with their slightly stubborn nature and tendency to bark at everything. Schweenies haven’t been around for that long, so you might not know as much about them as better-known pedigree breeds. In this article, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know to decide if the sweet Schweenie is the perfect dog for you.hepper-dog-paw-divider2

Schweenie Puppies

Schweenie Dog
Image credit: mrsemilyhopper, Pixabay

We’re sure that as soon as you look at a tiny and adorable Schweenie puppy, you might find it nearly impossible to resist them. But we recommend spending a little more time getting to know the characteristics of this breed.

Schweenies love to bark, and a good training foundation will make life much easier with these small but mighty pups.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Schweenie

1. Schweenies Love to Bark.

Shih Tzus and Dachshunds are known for their love of barking, and the Schweenie is no different. If you don’t spend the time training your new puppy not to bark at everything, it can easily turn into a bad habit.

If you value peace, as well as good relations with your neighbors, enrolling in puppy training classes to learn tactics to help your Schweenie control their barking will be time and money well spent!

2. Dachshunds Are Also Called “Badger Dogs.”

In German, Dachshund translates as “badger dog,” and the dog’s initial purpose was to flush out badgers from their setts. The low-slung and small body of the Dachshund were purpose-built for this task.

No one has told Dachshunds how tiny they are, so they seem to have the courage of a much larger dog. It means you’ll need to keep an eye on your Schweenie if they inherit this courageous yet slightly foolhardy trait.

3. Shih Tzu Means “Lion Dog.”

This ancient breed has roots in Chinese history and was kept hidden inside the walls of the Chinese palaces for centuries. When the outside world finally saw the pampered little lap-dogs, they soon had a legion of fans across the world.

The parent breeds of Schweenie
The parent breeds of Schweenie: Left – Shih Tzu (Goochie Poochie Grooming, Pexels) | Right – Dachshund (Hayden Patmore, Unsplash)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Schweenie🧠

While the Schweenie might be small, don’t let this fool you into thinking they will be a cute, quiet lap dog. The Shih Tzu and Dachshund are intelligent little dogs with larger-than-life personalities, so your Schweenie puppy will likely be the same.

Sometimes, this clever nature can also cause Schweenies to be a little stubborn, so don’t be surprised if they suddenly decide that a training session is over! That doesn’t mean they don’t love their owners since nothing could be further from the truth. These little pups are happiest when they’re involved in whatever their owners are doing.

Schweenies are friendly little dogs with a zest for life. They’ll love going out and about on adventures with their owners, and the great thing is that when their little legs get tired, you can pick them up!

They are a little snappier than other breeds, so they will let you know if they want to be left alone or if someone is sitting too close to their bed!

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🏡

Schweenies can indeed make good family dogs as long as everyone in the household is aware of their quirks. They like their own space and won’t appreciate pets or people invading what they see as their personal space. Training your Schweenie to use a crate where they can be on their own is a good idea.

While their playful nature means they will enjoy spending time with young family members, they’re not as tolerant as other breeds. Remember that younger children won’t necessarily be perceptive enough to pick up on warning signs that your Schweenie is tired of the attention. If smaller warnings go unheeded, a Schweenie will growl, bite, or snap to get their point across.

They’re usually better suited for families with slightly older children who can understand and respect the Schweenie’s need for personal space. Good training (of dogs and children!) will also go a long way to ensuring that your Schweenie feels safe and secure as part of a family unit.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?🐶 😽

As a rule, yes. But again, the Schweenie will let other pets know if they’ve overstepped the mark. They’ll enjoy interacting with other pets once they’ve been introduced properly. Keep initial introductions short and carry them out in a safe and enclosed space.

Schweenies won’t appreciate other pets taking over what they see as their territory, so if your puppy has a crate or particular corner of the room where their bed is, then try to keep that specifically for their use.

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Things to Know When Owning a Schweenie

Don’t let the small size of the Schweenie fool you into thinking they’re going to be a low-maintenance canine because they’re not! Before you decide if the Sweenie is for you, we’ve summarized a few more things you need to know about the little dogs.

Food & Diet Requirements🦴

It’s important not to overfeed your tiny Schweenie, so even if they look at you with those big eyes, resist the temptation to feed them more than their allocated amount. Because most Schweenies inherit the long back of their parent breeds, they can be prone to slip or ruptured discs. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can keep the pressure on their back to a minimum.

Selecting a high-quality dog food designed for small breeds is your best bet, but avoid feeding them table scraps! Human food contains more calories and fat than your dog needs, and due to their small size, it’s pretty easy for a Schweenie to put on weight, so it’s best to stick to their regular diet if you can.

Using food as a reward when training is an excellent way to motivate your Schweenie but be sure to adjust their regular meals accordingly.


The amount of exercise your Schweenie needs will depend on the traits they inherit from their parents. Shih Tzus aren’t overly active dogs, and they will be happy with a short walk or indoor playtime. Dachshunds, on the other hand, need a bit more exercise to burn off energy. If your Schweenie falls somewhere in the middle, expect two short daily walks and playtime to be enough.

Because of their long backs, you should be careful not to let your Schweenie jump off furniture or climb stairs. You can get special ramps that allow them to walk up onto your couch, which can protect them from injury.


Shih Tzus are incredibly cute, which is great until you try to train them and have to use the dreaded word “no.” Many Shih Tzu owners will admit that they let their little dog get away with things rather than correct them.

While that’s an easy option at the time, in the long run, you’re left with a badly behaved dog you don’t know how to correct. And that’s not fun for anyone! Dachshunds are more receptive to training, but they can also be stubborn and easily distracted if something seems more interesting than what you’re asking them to do!

You’ll have to experiment to see which methods best suit your Schweenie, and the best way to do that is by signing up for puppy classes.

Grooming ✂️

How much you need to groom your Schweenie will depend on whether they inherit the short coat of the Daschund or the longer coat of the Shih Tzu. What’s most likely is a combination of the two, in which case, you can probably brush them once a week to remove tangles and keep your puppy’s coat in good condition.

If your puppy has longer hair, you can always take them to a groomer for a professional trim that will keep them looking tidy.

It’s also a good idea to get your Schweenie used to have their teeth and ears checked regularly, as well as having their nails trimmed around once a month.

Health and Conditions❤️

Hybrid puppies are usually healthier than their pedigree counterparts, and while that’s true for Schweenies, there are a few conditions to be aware of. The long back of Schweenies can also cause problems if they become overweight.

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Eye problems
Serious Conditions
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Breathing problems
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Patellar luxation
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta

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Male vs. Female

By now, you might be nodding your head and thinking that the Schweenie is the perfect pup to join your family. Now, the only thing left for you to decide is whether to choose a male or female puppy.

Before you choose, remember that each Schweenie puppy is an individual. You might surprise yourself by thinking you want a female Schweenie but then immediately bond with a male pup when you visit the breeder. The best thing to do is to put any preconceptions about which sex you prefer aside and select a Schweenie puppy based purely on their personality.

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Final Thoughts

What the tiny Schweenie lacks in size, they make up for in personality. These little dogs enjoy moderate activity, so they can fit in well with families who don’t have as much time for exercising a more energetic breed.

What you will need to spend time on is training. Schweenies can be stubborn, prone to barking, and tricky to toilet-train. Investing in puppy training classes will be money well spent.

Schweenies get along with other pets and children but also like their own space. If you can provide them with everything they need to be happy, they’ll keep your family entertained with their antics.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Incredibull_Photos, Pixabay

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