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7 Signs Your Cat Missed You (Explained)

Sarah Psaradelis

By Sarah Psaradelis

cat owner looking at her pet

When you have been gone from home for a while, it is normal to wonder if your cat is missing you. You might be counting down the hours until you get to see your cat, but do they feel the same way about you?

Dogs are usually the pets we guarantee will miss us and show it by wagging their tails or barking, but cats can miss us too. We can form close bonds with our cat that is built on mutual love and trust, so it is natural for them to miss us while we are away. However, cats do not exactly show they miss us the same way dogs do.

Cats have their ways of communicating and expressing their attachment to us through body language, purring, and vocals. So, this article will explain the seven signs your cat might show if they missed you.

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The 7 Signs Your Cat Missed You

1. Rubbing Their Head Against You

Cat welcomes his owner at home
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

One of the first signs your cat missed you while you were gone is by rubbing their head on you. When you come home, you might notice your cat walks up to you and rubs their head along your legs or shoes. Cats have scent glands along their head and faces, specifically along their cheeks, mouth, and ears. They use these scent glands to transfer pheromones to mark their territories or communicate a need. This is simply your catโ€™s way of reclaiming their territory with a familiar scent and greeting you.

2. Meowing Upon Your Return

Meowing is one of a catโ€™s primary ways of communicating with us. Cats will meow for various reasons and there can be different emotions behind their meows. For example, cats will meow in greetingโ€”their way of saying โ€œhelloโ€. Cats can also meow in response to a stressful situation or when they are feeling anxious.

A cat who is meowing after you have been away from them is likely greeting you or acknowledging that you are home. It could definitely be a sign that they missed you, especially if their meowing is accompanied by leg rubbing or purring.

3. Purring

woman holding and stroking a cat purring
Image Credit: Gadzick, Shutterstock

Purring is a nonverbal way for cats to communicate, generally to express relaxation, contentment, or to self-soothe. If your cat is purring when you get home, it might be because they missed you and are genuinely happy to see you. Most cats will show more than one sign that they missed you when you get home. So, your cat might be rubbing up against you, purring, and meowing all at once. Some cats will enjoy being petted as you get home and may only start purring when you touch them.

4. Walking Up to You

It is heartwarming to walk into your home after a long day of work and have your cat walk up to you. This could be a sign that they missed you and were patiently awaiting your return. They likely finished whatever activity they were doing just to walk up and greet you. Sometimes, it could also be a sign that they want something like food or fresh water.

5. Following You Around

a cat with its naked owner without clothes
Image Credit: Svetlana Rey, Shutterstock

Cats can be needy at times, especially if they are eagerly waiting for you to come home. If your cat follows you around after you have been away for a while, it could be a sign that they missed you. Some cats will do this if they associate you coming home with something they look forward to, such as food. If you regularly feed your cat when you get home, they will make it a habit of following you around to show that they are ready to be fed or to play.

6. Waiting Near a Door or Window

Similar to how a dog would, cats might wait by the window or door for you at certain times when they expect you to come home. Cats enjoy following routines that make them feel comfortable and safe, and waiting for you could be one of them. This is usually a sign that your cat is missing you and is ready for you to come home. Other than missing you, cats may do this when they know they will be fed as you get home. Regardless, it is nice to come home to your cat waiting for you!

7. Attempting to Play

young cat owner playing with her pet at home
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

Cats love to play and enjoy using playtime to bond and socialize with us. When you get home, you might be greeted by a playful cat ready to pounce on your shoelaces or get the โ€œzoomiesโ€. This shows that your cat feels comfortable around you and associates you with playtime. They might be so excited to see you that they can only express their emotions by playing. This type of behavior is usually more common in kittens or young cats, but older cats can do it too.

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While itโ€™s not guaranteed that every cat misses their owners, there are many that long for our return. Cats can miss us when we are away from home, especially if we have formed a close bond with them.

A few common signs that your cat missed you include purring, rubbing against you, meowing, and following you around. Some cats show multiple potential signs that they might have missed you, whereas others only show one or two.

Remember, even if your cat doesnโ€™t show the signs mentioned in this article, it doesnโ€™t mean that they do not love you. Each cat is different and might show how they missed you in different ways.

Featured Image Credit: U__Photo, Shutterstock

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