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Toy Foxy Rat Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier & Rat Terrier Mix): Info, Pictures, Traits & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Toy Foxy Rat Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier & Rat Terrier Mix)

Height: 10–15 inches
Weight: 10–25 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Brown, black, cream, white
Suitable for: Active families looking for a small and playful dog
Temperament: Energetic, friendly, intelligent, entertaining

There’s a lot to love about the Foxy Rat Terrier. They are friendly and ready to show their affection readily. Both their parent breeds, the Toy Fox Terrier and the Rat Terrier, share this trait. It’s part of what makes this pup so lovable. They are also a curious pooch who likes to explore their world. Put it down to his background as a hunter of rats, hence, the name.

That makes the Foxy Rat Terrier a spunky pup, ready to give chase at the drop of a hat. Their energy also takes center stage with their antics. They love an audience and will perform on cue. Their compact size and cute face seal the deal. If you’re looking for a dog that will make each day fun, look no further than this playful pooch.

Foxy Rat Terrier Puppies


Part of the process of getting a puppy is pre-sale research. It’s vital whether it’s your first pet or your tenth.  It’s essential to know what to expect from a pup so that it’s a good fit for everyone. That means considering the good, the bad, and the ugly. On the positive side, the Foxy Rat Terrier is small. They can adapt to apartment living as long as they get regular walks. They are also relatively long-lived.

On the downside, there is the tenaciousness that defines terriers. Remember that the Foxy Rat Terrier is a high-energy dog. They need activity to stay happy and healthy. That means a commitment on your part to ensure he gets enough exercise and bonding time. The latter is crucial since this pooch is prone to suffer from separation anxiety. They are also vocal if they don’t get their way.

There are two other considerations when discussing the Foxy Rat Terrier. First, they have a strong prey drive. That’s not surprising, given their background as a hunting dog. It’s instinctive for them to chase squirrels, rabbits, or anything else that runs from them. Second, this pup has an equally high wanderlust potential. That the tenacious terrier in them. They see a pursuit through until its end.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Foxy Rat Terrier

1. The Toy Fox Terrier is a crossbreed of several dogs.

The Toy Fox Terrier has a lengthy pedigree that includes crossbreeding with several other small pups, including the Chihuahua and Italian Greyhound. If you look closely, you can see the resemblance.

2. The Rat Terrier is the new kid on the block with the AKC.

The Rat Terrier has been on the job for a long time, keeping farms free of rodents. However, he’s relatively new with AKC. He didn’t receive that honor until 2013.

3. The Rat Terrier is one of the select competitors of the AKC.

The Rat Terrier is one of the few breeds permitted by AKC to put their digging and hunting skills on display during Earthdog competitions. The object is to test how good the pups are at their job.

Parent Breeds of the Toy Foxy Rat Terrier
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Foxy Rat Terrier 🧠

The Foxy Rat Terrier embodies many of the traits you’d expect to find in a terrier. They are alert and well aware of their surroundings due to their job as a tracker of pests. This pup is active and intense in their work. Those are the characteristics that made them successful at it. The excitability extends to their vocalizations. This pooch has a lot to say about things.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Both parent breeds of the Foxy Rat Terrier have many of the qualities you can appreciate in a family pet. They are affectionate and friendly with just about anyone they meet. They are equally so with strangers to varying degrees. Early socialization is a must to make sure this dog remains sociable. You need to take charge of it when they are a puppy to make sure these good canine manners stick.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Foxy Rat Terrier is relatively friendly with other canines. The more they interact with other pups, the better. They do have a strong prey drive, which means they’ll chase the family cat if given a chance. Instinct drives this behavior. They’ll do best if they grow up with other pets in the family. They will work out the hierarchy among themselves.

Image Credit: ihor_konst, Pixabay

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Things to Know When Owning a Foxy Rat Terrier

By now, you have a good idea about what to expect with the Foxy Rat Terrier. They are true to their group with all the positive and negative traits that it will bring. Let’s drill down to some specifics. Knowing this information can help you foster a better relationship with your pet and ensure that they get what they need to stay healthy and happy.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Your food budget won’t break the bank with the Foxy Rat Terrier. Their small size will see to that. However, there are a couple of caveats. First, you should feed your pup a food formulated for dogs of their size. They mature more quickly than larger breeds and need food that is nutrient-dense with enough calories to support this growth.

Second, it’s imperative that a dog the size of the Foxy Rat Terrier not miss a meal. Otherwise, it puts them at risk of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. The reason rests with their metabolism, which is high because of their rate of development. With a high-quality diet, they’ll have the nutrients they must have to give them an excellent start in life. Keep an eye on their weight to make sure they don’t become obese.

Exercise 🐕

The Foxy Rat Terrier is an energetic and enthusiastic pup. That means they need plenty of activity or playtime to keep them happy. You can make it more fun for both of you with a game of fetch. However, keep a close eye on your dog because of his strong prey drive. A passing squirrel is sure to catch the eye of this alert and intelligent pooch.

Image Credit: Peakpx

Training 🦮

Both parent breeds bring an eagerness to please to training. The Foxy Rat Terrier is an outgoing dog that will make the task easier than you may think. Of course, treats are an excellent way to motivate him if he needs any additional encouragement. We recommend getting them used to being on a lead early. This pup isn’t one you should let off-leash.

Grooming ✂️

While the Foxy Rat Terrier does shed, they are easy to groom. Weekly brushing and an occasional bath are sufficient to keep their coat looking its best. Be sure to check their nails to see if they need trimming. We suggest handling their paws frequently so that you’ll have an easier time when you must do it. Also, examine their ears while you’re at it to nip any infections in the bud.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Both parent breeds are generally healthy, as you can see from the pup’s long lifespan. There are a few joint and skeletal issues that medical screenings can help identify. Keeping up with routine veterinary care is the best way to keep your pooch in good shape. Prevention is the perfect way to ensure a happy pet.

Minor Conditions
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Patellar luxation
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Primary lens luxation (PLL)
  • Legg-Calves-Perthes

Male vs Female

You’ll have a delightful pet no matter whether you get a male or female Foxy Rat Terrier. Both will make loving companions. If you’re not going to breed your dog, we suggest getting your pooch neutered or spayed. Your veterinarian can help you decide when the time is right.

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In Conclusion

The Foxy Rat Terrier packs a lot of energy and fun in a small package. This energetic pooch has a lot to offer with a charming personality to boot. The best way to keep your pet healthy and happy is plenty of exercise and bonding time with you. They are pup that loves their family and will lavish love and attention on everyone. With proper care, you’ll have a faithful companion for a long time.

Featured Image Credit: Necutic, Pixabay

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