300+ Unique Cat Names: Our Top Picks for Your Rare Cat

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Every cat is unique, but some are rarer than others. While most people might recognize the sphynx, thanks to its lack of hair, or the munchkin with its short legs, very few people own one of these rare feline breeds.
If you are fortunate enough to have one, it is important that you choose a name that represents its quirky and unusual character, while also choosing a name that you like and one that you will be comfortable calling in the street, if your feline friend ever goes missing.
Below, we have listed more than 300 cat names for you to gain inspiration from. There are names inspired by historical figures, borrowed from the pages of literature, and based on flowers and plants to match your cat’s natural beauty.
How To Name Your Rare Cat
There are many ways that you can choose a name, but you need to find one you like. After all, the typical domestic cat can live 15 years or more, so you will be using that name a lot. Some people have a roster of cat names that they have already decided on. Otherwise, you can look to your favorite movies or books, celebrities that you obsess over, or even go for something funny and quirky by choosing a punny name.
Try to make sure you don’t choose a name that is too similar sounding to the people in your house and stick to one or two syllables. Your cat will grow to recognize its name, or at least part of it, and if you have a cat named Bill and a son named Phil, your cat may come running every time you talk to your son. If you do choose a longer name, make sure it shortens to something catchier and easier to understand.
Unusual Human Names For Cats
There is something especially enjoyable about giving a cat a human name, although it is less amusing if you have to stand at the front of your house calling Dave in for his tea.
- Aaron
- Abbey
- Alice
- Amy
- Angel
- Annabelle
- Annie
- Arthur
- Ashley
- Bailey
- Bella
- Betty
- Billy
- Bobby
- Bradley
- Brett
- Carl
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chelsea
- Chloe
- Cleopatra
- Damian
- Dave
- Dennis
- Dudley
- Eddie
- Elsa
- Emily
- Emma
- Eva
- Ezra
- Fiona
- Frank
- Freddie
- Geoff
- George
- Isabelle
- Jackson
- Jessie
- Jonny
- Juliet
- Katie
- Kira
- Lilly
- Lola
- Louise
- Lucy
- Mandy
- Marley
- Matilda
- Maya
- Mickey
- Mila
- Mitchel
- Molly
- Monty
- Natasha
- Nicky
- Nigel
- Nina
- Nora
- Oliver
- Ophelia
- Oscar
- Pat
- Penelope
- Percy
- Ray
- Rick
- Rob
- Roxy
- Rupert
- Ryan
- Sabrina
- Samantha
- Sarah
- Sasha
- Scarlett
- Scott
- Seb
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Stan
- Stella
- Theo
- Thomas
- Tiffany
- Timmy
- Tina
- Tommy
Names Inspired By Movies And TV
Most of us have a favorite TV show and a movie franchise that we love. Whether you obsessed over Game Of Thrones or are a massive Marvel fan, you can find inspiration for your cat naming from the big screen.
- Alex
- Aslan
- Baby
- Bagheera
- Berlioz
- Binx
- Blanche
- Bob
- Butch
- Buttercup
- Catbus
- Charlie
- Cheshire Cat
- Church
- Clarence
- Clawhauser
- Crookshanks
- Dandelo
- Diego
- Duchess
- Floyd
- Frankie
- Fred the OneEyed Cat
- Fritz
- Garfield
- General
- Irina
- Jake The Cat
- Jasmine
- Jiji
- Jonesy
- Lucifer
- Marty
- Meowthra
- Meowth
- Milo
- Mittens
- Bigglesworth
- Jinx
- Tinkles
- Norris
- Mufasa
- Nala
- Prince John
- Pyewacket
- Rajah
- Rhubarb
- Ruh
- Sassy
- Scar
- Shere Khan
- Simba
- Smokey
- Snowbell
- The Pink Panther
- Tibbs
- Tigger
- Tonto
- Ulysses
- Winkie
Historical Cat Names
Cats were first domesticated nearly 10,000 years ago, so they have plenty of history of their own. Below are dozens of historical names that can show your love for history and that give your cat an unusual name with a bit of a backstory.
- Abe
- Ada
- Albert
- Billie
- Curie
- Da Vinci
- Earhart
- Edison
- Einstein
- Frida
- Ginsburg
- Hamilton
- Holiday
- Joan of Arc
- Kahlo
- Lincoln
- Lovelace
- Marie
- Napoleon
- Newton
- Parks
- Roosevelt
- Rosa
- Sojourner Truth
- Teddy
Punny Cat Names
Some people love them, some people hate them, and some people pretend to hate them but still secretly love them: puns. If you can’t come up with a punny cat name, here’s a list to help you find an amusing moniker for your new feline.
- Ali Cat
- Ali McClaw
- Anderson Pooper
- Angelicat
- Bing Clawsby
- Bob Meowerly
- Butch Catsidy
- Cat Benatar
- Cat Damon
- Cat Stevens
- Catalie Portman
- Catpernicus
- Catrick Swayze
- Catsy Cline
- Chairman Meow
- Cindy Clawford
- Clawdia
- David Meowie
- Lucifurr
- Luke Skywhisker
- Meowses
- Meowgi
- Notorious C.A.T
- Oedipuss
- Picatso
- Santa Claws
- The Great Catsby
- William Shakespaw
- Your Highness
- Your Majesty
Inspired By Literature
Whether you read a lot or you want a name that makes it sound like you’re cultured, there are far more literary names to choose from than we could list, but you can use the following as a starting point. Alternatively, use it as a good opportunity to re-read your favorite books and pick a unique cat name.
- Argos
- Behemoth
- Bilbo
- Binti
- Cersi
- Dantes
- Darcy
- Esperanza
- Firestar
- Havisham
- Holly Golightly
- Iago
- Ichabod
- Ishmael
- Janie
- Jean Val Jean
- Khaleesi
- Lisbeth
- Merricat
- Miss Adorabelle Dearheart
- Murphy
- Oliver
- Ozymandias
- Pennywise
- Pippin
- Pluto
- Queequeg
- Samsa
- Skippyjon Jones
- Snowbell
- Tab
- Tea Cake
- Tesseract
- Wilbur
Unique Cat Names Inspired By Flowers And Plants
The natural world has proven an inspiration for some of the greatest minds in poetry, literature, art, and film. It can also act as inspiration for cat parents that are struggling to find a name as beautiful as their cat.
- Alyssum
- Azalea
- Balsam
- Baneberry
- Bloom
- Bluebell
- Boneset
- Bonnet
- Browallia
- Bugleweed
- Candytuft
- Cardinal
- Castor Bean
- Celosia
- Chive
- Cleome
- Clover
- Corydalis
- Cosmos
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Daffodil
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Fennel
- Fern
- Forest
- Gardenia
- Gaura
- Geranium
- Gerber
- Geum
- Glory
- Hepatica
- Hosta
- Hyacinth
- Iris
- Lavender
- Lightning
- Lobelia
- Malva
- Marigold
- Mirabilis
- Orchid
- Peony
- Perennial
- Petal
- Poppy
- Primrose
- Pulpit
- Ranunculus
- Ridge
- River
- Rose
- Sage
- Sanvitalia
- Snap-Dragon
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Sunflower
- Tansy
- Thistle
- Trillium
- Tulip
- Verbena
- Violet
- Yarrow
- Zinnia
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right cat name is important because it is likely that you will be using that name to call your cat for dinner, to encourage down from inside the Christmas tree, and to get them back in the house when you hear the faint sound of a distant catfight. Hopefully, our list of more than 300 cat names has inspired you to find the ideal label for your new pet.
Featured Image Credit: Mary McDonald, Shutterstock