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10 Wheaten Terrier Haircuts & Grooming Styles (With Pictures)

Adam Mann

By Adam Mann

wheaten terrier lying on sofa

Part of owning a dog that doesn’t shed is the need to groom them from time to time to keep up with their hair growth. However, while this can be an added inconvenience or expense, it’s also an opportunity to give your pup a new look!

Don’t settle for the same look year after year. Instead, mix things up a bit! With that creative spirit in mind, check out 10 different haircuts that will look great on your Wheaten Terrier.


Top 10 Wheaten Terrier Haircuts & Grooming Styles

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1. The Traditional Cut

Irish soft coated wheaten terrier with a traditional Cut
Image Credit: dien, Shutterstock

Coat Length: Medium/long
Signature Feature: Longer hair around the snout and eyes

There is a reason the traditional cut is at the top of our list, and it’s because it’s the go-to cut for many Wheaten Terrier owners. This haircut starts with an even, medium haircut throughout the entire body and then leaves an area around the snout and eyes a bit longer.

It’s a medium-length haircut that gives them a curly look, but around their eyes and snout, it’s on the longer side of things. This haircut does require a bit more work to keep up with, though, because, as it gets too long around their eyes, it can become problematic.

2. Puppy Cut

brown Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier with a Puppy haircut
Image Credit: Wirestock Creators, Shutterstock

Coat Length: Medium
Signature Feature: Shorter hair around the back legs and underbelly

The puppy cut is similar to the traditional cut in a lot of ways, but it does have a few signature differences that make it a bit easier to keep up with. A puppy cut is a medium cut around their entire body but with shorter hair around the back legs, behind, and underbelly.

This reduces the risk of them making a mess when they go to the bathroom, and since they don’t have longer hair around their eyes, they don’t need haircuts quite as often.

3. Teddy Bear Cut

Coat Length: Medium/long
Signature Feature: Extra hair around the neck, head, and eyes

The teddy bear cut makes your Wheaten Terrier look like just that—a teddy bear. With curls around their body, it’s a relatively easy look for a groomer to achieve, and it’s adorable when they pull it off! The look starts with a medium cut throughout most of their body, but you leave the hair a little longer around their neck, head, and eyes.

The teddy bear cut isn’t the easiest to pull off if you’re doing it by yourself, and it requires more haircuts, but there’s no denying how cute it is!

4. Summer Cut

Coat Length: Short
Signature Feature: Shorter hair all around

If you think your Wheaten Terrier gets hot in the summer, there is a good chance they are! The summer haircut can help with that. All you do to pull this look off is to give them a shorter haircut all around, which means less fur making them overheat when things get hot.

You can use this cut year-round or keep it as a seasonal cut for the hotter months. Either way, it looks great. However, keep in mind that with a summer cut, a Wheaten Terrier will lose most of their curls.

5. Short Cut


Coat Length: Short
Signature Feature: Slightly longer than a summer cut

While “short” is right in the name of short cut, this haircut is actually just a smidge longer than a summer cut. In fact, if you choose to give your Wheaten Terrier a summer cut, all you need to do to get a short cut is to let it grow out a bit!

A short cut is easier to maintain and achieve, and it lets you keep a little of their curls, which is a signature Wheaten Terrier trait.

6. Schnauzer Cut

Coat Length: Short
Signature Feature: Shorter hair and a slightly longer beard

The Schnauzer cut technically isn’t for a Wheaten Terrier, but that doesn’t mean they don’t look great with it! In fact, unless you really know your pooches, many people can’t tell the difference between a Wheaten Terrier with a Schnauzer cut and a purebred Schnauzer, and that alone makes it worth trying once or twice!

The Schnauzer cut has short hair throughout their body, and the only hair you let them grow out a bit longer is their beard. It’s up to you how long you want to let it grow, and no matter the answer, it’s still a Schnauzer cut.

7. Poodle Cut

Coat Length: Short/medium
Signature Feature: Shorter but curly hair and a little more hair on their legs

The Poodle cut is another haircut that technically belongs to another breed but still looks great on a Wheaten Terrier. With a Poodle cut, they have short hair throughout their body except for their legs. It is essential to keep their curls though, so don’t cut the hair too short.

You’ll either want to keep the hair the same length as a short cut or just a smidge longer. That way, the curls can really stand out.

8. Mohawk Cut

Coat Length: Short
Signature Feature: Long hair on the top of their head

This might be one of the sillier haircuts on our list, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying out from time to time! It’s a great in-between haircut if they’re already going from a longer haircut to a shorter one, and it’s perfect for Halloween!

All you do with this haircut is cut the hair short throughout the body, everywhere except the top of the head! You don’t always need to style it straight up, either.

9. Lion Cut

Hepper_Wheaten Terrier Haircut Illustrations__Lion Cut
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Coat Length: Short/medium
Signature Feature: Longer chest and head hair

Whether you love the lion cut or hate it, there’s no denying how cute the Wheaten Terrier looks with it. With a lion cut, you cut their hair short everywhere except their chest and head, and you leave that hair at a medium length.

While you can technically grow it out to a longer length, you want to ensure it retains its curly look; otherwise, you’re straying too far from the lion cut’s intent.

10. Show Cut

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Coat Length: Shorter
Signature Feature: Longer beard and a manicured tail

You don’t need to put your Wheaten Terrier in a dog show to give them a show cut, but that is the original intent of this haircut. A show cut involves a longer beard like you’d find in a Schnauzer cut, but you need to give them a perfectly manicured tail too.

Dog shows love this cut because it shows off all the different features of a Wheaten Terrier, but it looks great and is pretty easy to keep up with too!

Our Recommendations

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Now that you know a little more about some of the different haircuts and styles for a Wheaten Terrier, all that is left is for you to pick your favorite and go for it! And don’t worry about getting it perfectly right the first time. It’s only hair, and there’s no reason you can’t mix it up and try something different when they need a haircut again.

Featured Image Credit: Joseph Hendrickson, Shutterstock

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