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When Do Maltese Puppies Calm Down? Useful Care Tips

Adam Mann

By Adam Mann

maltese puppy running across a field with white flowers

Part of bringing a puppy into the home is knowing you’re going to have to deal with a dog that has higher energy levels. But how long does this puppy energy last and when can you expect them to calm down a bit?

The truth is that it varies from puppy to puppy, but you should start to see a drop in energy levels between the 6 and 12-month mark. But even then, you’re not going to have a lazy dog!

Below, we’ve highlighted everything you need to know and even included a few tips on how to wear out your Maltese if their high energy levels are starting to become a problem.

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How Long Do Maltese Puppies Have High Energy For?

If you’re waiting for a magical age for your Maltese puppy to calm down overnight, that won’t happen. Typically, Maltese puppies will reach peak energy levels somewhere between 6 and 12 months old, and from there, you’ll start to notice a drop in their energy levels.

However, it isn’t until they reach about 2 or 3 years old that they fully dispel all their puppy energy. It’s an aging process, and an 18-month-old Maltese typically won’t have as much energy as a 12-month-old Maltese.

maltese puppy under chair
Image Credit: Joos, Shutterstock

The 5 Tips to Help With High Energy

If your Maltese has too much energy to handle, there are a few different things you can do to try and calm them down a bit. Below, we’ve highlighted five expert tips that are sure to help you get your pup’s energy levels under control.

1. Routine

Whether they’re a puppy or an older dog, they thrive on routine. If a dog knows that they’re going to get time later in the day to burn their energy, they’re more likely to hold off using up that energy at other times throughout the day. But if a dog doesn’t know that they’re going to get an opportunity to burn off some energy in a controlled environment later, they’re less likely to control their behavior at other times.

Maltese puppy
Image Credit: PickPik

2. Exercise

Your dog needs time to burn off all that energy, and just like we’re less likely to expend more energy after a workout, the same is true for your dog. They might have a ton of energy now, but a few trips to the dog park, some games of fetch, or even a walk around the block can all help wear out your dog and keep them calm.

3. Socialization

One of the best ways to wear out your dog is to expose them to new people and to other dogs. Socialization keeps your dog active while wearing them out mentally. After an hour or two with another dog, even the most active Maltese puppies will want to lie down for a break.

Image Credit: Nutnutchar NAV, Shutterstock

4. Mental Stimulation

Not only do you need to wear out your puppy physically, but you need to wear them out mentally too. One of the best ways to do this is by getting a few interactive puzzle toys. These toys incentivize your dog to play with them by dishing out treats, but only if they interact with the toy in a certain way. This makes your dog use their brain and will wear them out both physically and mentally while you’re completing various tasks around the home.

5. Training

One of the best ways to wear out your puppy a bit is to train them. Training sessions don’t need to be long, and they provide physical and mental stimulation for your dog. Not only that, but it’s a great bonding activity for the two of you and an outstanding way to get your pets to listen to you.

Maltese Puppy Playing
Image Credit: TetiBond, Shutterstock

Divider 5Final Thoughts

While you’re Maltese might be bouncing off the walls as a puppy, they should start to calm down as they get a bit older. But you can’t just sit back and wait for that day to happen. Take the necessary steps now to help curb their energy levels, and it’ll be a problem that’ll only get easier to manage as your Maltese gets a bit older.

Featured Image Credit: SZimmermann_DE, Pixabay

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