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Are Tibetan Mastiffs Dangerous? Common Traits, Facts & FAQs

Patricia Dickson

By Patricia Dickson

two tibetan mastiff dogs on the grass

Tibetan Mastiffs are massive dogs that are purebred and powerful. The male stands at 26 inches and tops out at 150 pounds, which scares many people. There are very few historical documents about the Tibetan Mastiff, but one of the ones we do have says that the dog originated in 1100 B.C. in Tibet.

Many pet owners and non-pet owners consider the Tibetan Mastiff to be dangerous, and in fact, it is illegal to own one in some countries. Tibetan Mastiffs have double coats and a lion-like mane, which certainly plays into the story that the dog is fierce, and when untrained, Mastiffs can be dangerous. However, they are not aggressive dogs when trained and socialized properly.

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Is the Tibetan Mastiff Dangerous?

The Tibetan Mastiff is loyal, protective, and very intelligent. Many people believe the dogs are aggressive because they are strong and massive. In fact, the opposite is true. They can be very gentle. Many people think that the Tibetan Mastiff isn’t intelligent, making it aggressive and dangerous. This also isn’t true.

They tend to bond with one person in a family, so they need to have a firm hand regarding socialization and training. While the dogs are huge and intimidating, they are gentle and loving once you spend time with them.

In other words, the Tibetan Mastiff is no more dangerous than any other dog breed. They are independent, intelligent, loving, and protective. They can, however, be a bit stubborn, so they aren’t the best choice of a pet for someone who has never owned a pet before. These dogs are better off with experienced dog owners who are gentle, loving, and affectionate with their pets.

tibetan mastiffs in the park
Image By: Olga Aniven, Shutterstock

Is the Tibetan Mastiff a Naturally Mean Dog?

No, the Tibetan Mastiff is not a naturally mean dog, no more than any other dog breed is. They protect their pet parents and property and make excellent guard dogs and pets. It is all in the way that you raise them. You need to socialize and train this dog just as you would any other at an early age for the best results.

If you don’t think you can handle training and socializing a Tibetan Mastiff, it might not be the right choice of pet for you. However, if you already have one, you can seek professional training if your dog is stubborn and resistant to your training methods.

These dogs make amazing pets for the right family, though it’s best to have them around a family that doesn’t have small children. Their size can be intimidating, and they can easily knock over a small child during play. Mastiffs typically get along with older children and enjoy playing with them, but kids must be taught by their parents to handle them gently and respect their strength.

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Wrapping Up

Tibetan Mastiffs are accused of being dangerous just because of their size and appearance. In reality, they are very gentle canines when properly trained. However, first-time owners don’t have the experience to handle a Tibetan Mastiff and are better off adopting another breed. If you’re experienced with caring for giant-breed dogs, the Tibetan Mastiff will be a loyal companion that will love you unconditionally for many years.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Olga Aniven, Shutterstock

Patricia Dickson

Authored by

Patricia is a pet and coffee writer and a published author under the pen name Skylar McKinzie. When she isn’t writing, Patricia enjoys spending time with her two cats and dog. Since she was a young child, she has been a pet lover and enjoys nothing more than cuddling with her pets, Mystery, and her two cats, Binx and Link. Mystery has been with her family since the day she was born, as has Link. Binx was found under the...Read more

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