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Border Schollie (Border Collie & Schnauzer Mix): Info, Pictures, Facts, Traits

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Border Schollie (Border Collie & Schnauzer Mix)

Height: 18–25 inches
Weight: 30–50 pounds
Lifespan: 10–16 years
Colors: Grey, black, brown, tan, white
Suitable for: Families that want a loving, alert, and active dog
Temperament: Loyal, loving, protective, friendly, playful, alert, energetic

The Border Schnollie is a hybrid resulting from a Border Collie crossed with a Schnauzer. They are very intelligent and are known to make excellent family pets because they are loving, playful, energetic, and lively. They can be a little overprotective, and they don’t tend to do well when left alone for long periods.

The Border Collie is an English herding dog that comes from older breeds like the Welsh sheepdog and the Highland Collie. The Border is renowned for their excellent herding skills. They are intelligent, diligent, and stay active throughout the day. They can be taught almost any number of commands, and once they’re done with training and playing, they are just as happy heading home to spend time with the family.

The Schnauzer is German in origin and was bred as a rat catcher. They are also very intelligent, but their history as rat hunters gives them a high prey drive. This can cause problems for families with rodent pets.

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Border Schnollie Puppies


These dogs are loving and loyal. As a pup that has high energy, they will do well with a family who wants an active dog. They are very alert and protective. But be aware that the Border Schnollie is not a fan of being left alone for long, so you must ensure they are comfortable with their surroundings and have proper training. You should also ensure you have toys to keep them busy when you need to be away longer than usual.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Border Schnollie

1. The Border Schnollie Has Herding Tendencies

The Border Collie is widely considered one of the best herding dogs in the world. They will gracefully work the fields, rounding up sheep. Where there are no sheep to herd, they will round up smaller animals, including ducks and geese. If you have small children, you can expect a Border to try rounding them up into a pack, too, and they will even exhibit these tendencies with adults.

The Border Schnollie may not be as prone to herding as the purebred Collie, but you should expect similar interactions. Cats, kids, adults, and any other animals are likely to find themselves being gently herded into a small area.

2. The Border Schnollie Is Very Energetic

Another characteristic of the Border Collie is that they have seemingly endless energy. They will run the fields all day, often with very little rest, and they are permanently alert to their handlers’ calls. As a family pet, you can take them out on a long and vigorous walk, and by the time you get home, they will be ready to play and keep the kids entertained for hours.

Once that’s finished, they may want to go on another walk in the fields. You will need to find unique ways to tire your Schnollie out, and the breed is highly adept at dog agility trials and other physical exercises and classes.

3. The Schnauzer Is Built for Ratting

The Schnauzer was also a highly sought-after breed. Rather than herding, they hunted and caught rats and other vermin. Their whiskers mat together when they get wet, preventing the dog from getting injured if bitten by their prey, which was commonplace. They also have a keen sense of smell thanks to their snout, and the name Schnauzer comes from the German word “schnauze,” which means nose.

Today, the Schnauzer is still used for the same purpose around the world and is especially popular on farms, as well as being a common family pet. Even when crossed with the Collie, you should expect some of his rat-hunting drive to remain. This means that they should be walked on a leash in public areas. It also means that if you have cats or rodents, the Border Schnollie might not be the best fit for your home.

The Parent Breeds of Border Schollie
Image Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Border Schnollie 🧠

The Border Schnollie is a bright and intelligent dog. Their Border Collie parent is widely considered to be the most intelligent dog breed. They are protective over their family and will form a close bond with any family members. They are good with children, but their prey drive means that they might not be suitable for life with cats or other small animals. They usually get along with other dogs, whether they are at the park or in the home.

The Border Schnollie can become anxious if left alone for an extended period and needs a lot of physical and mental stimulation. As such, they are not considered the best breed for families that go out to work all day long.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Border Schnollie loves to please their owners. They may believe they have done something wrong if left for too long, which can lead to separation anxiety. If you work all day, you should ensure that somebody can visit the dog throughout the day.

Although the Schnollie will deeply love their family, they may not be trusting of new faces. They are unlikely to be aggressive but will be wary of strangers. It is a protective instinct, and it can be difficult to overcome, but early socialization will help ensure that your dog is friendlier with new faces.

Schnollies don’t bond with a single person but form unique bonds with every member of the family unit. They are very good with children because they are patient and tolerant.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The herding instincts of the Border Schnollie are not the only thing you need to consider if you have other pets. The Schnauzer is a rat catcher and retains a lot of their prey instinct. If you have rats or other rodent pets, you must keep them in a separate area of the house, and you should never leave your rat out of the cage around the dog.

As is true with most breeds, if you introduce your Schnollie to cats and other animals when they are still a puppy, they should form a close bond with the animal, and they can create strong familial ties, even with cats. However, even if your Schnollie gets on along with an existing cat, it does not mean that introducing them to a new kitten will be an easy task. Take things slowly, be calm, and always be watchful when making the introduction.

Border Schnollie lying down tongue
Image: kanashi, Shutterstock

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Things to Know When Owning a Border Schnollie:

The Border Schnollie combines two intelligent dogs, and you should expect an equally energetic, playful, working breed. When finished rounding up the kids, your Schnollie will be happy to play outside for hours. In terms of appearance, the Schnollie may look more like the Collie or Schnauzer.

They usually have a body that is similar to that of the Schnauzer but with the markings and coloring of the Border Collie. Their fur is normally on the wiry side, and they have distinctive whiskers around their mouth. Expect soulful and intelligent eyes, floppy ears, and a muscular dog capable of surprising shows of strength and agility.

Most Schnollies exhibit the wiry coat of the Schnauzer. It is a double-layer coat, which effectively protects against heat and cold. Your dog should not be sensitive to extreme cold or extreme heat. The Schnollie is an excellent family pet, but there are some things you need to know before you invest time and money in bringing one into your family.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Expect to feed your new dog between one and one and a half cups of good quality dry food every day, preferably split over two meals. Because of the high intensity of the breed, you should look for foods suitable for working and high-energy dogs, which have higher protein than other formulas.

Protein is essential for all dogs. It is vital for puppies because it aids in the growth of muscle. It is also vital for working dogs because it helps maintain muscle. As your dog reaches their latter years, you will want to find a food formulated for senior working dogs. They contain higher protein content than regular adult food but less than foods for active dogs.

Exercise 🐕

Both parent breeds are high-energy dogs, so you should expect the same from your hybrid. They have the energy to burn, and even when you think you’ve worn them out, they will probably be able to keep going and going. Your Schnollie will love accompanying you on hikes and jogs.

They also enjoy time in the water, so be prepared for a muddy dog if you let them off the lead around lakes or puddles. Swimming can tire dogs out much quicker than walking or running, and it is excellent exercise for dogs.

As well as physically tiring your dog out, you must provide mental stimulation. Collies and Schnauzers are intelligent dogs, and they enjoy using their brain to figure out problems. Find a method of training or activity that will enable them to flex their brain as well as their legs.

Both breeds perform well at agility and other physical classes, and they combine physical and mental activities that will entertain your dog and keep them in the best shape possible.

Training 🦮

As well as agility classes, you should take your Schnollie to puppy classes when they are young. This will teach them that strangers are not to be feared, and it will make it easier when you want to introduce them to new people later in life. Puppy classes are especially beneficial because they offer a safe and welcoming environment where your dog can learn to deal with new situations.

The Border Collie is widely believed to be the most intelligent of all dog breeds, and they can quickly learn dozens of new commands. The Schnauzer is almost as intelligent but can be a little more stubborn.

These qualities make it possible to train the Border Schnollie, but they can also learn new habits and behaviors themselves if you are consistent in your training.

Border schnollie running
Image: kanashi, Shutterstock

Grooming ✂️

The Schnauzer is often described as being hypoallergenic because they do not shed a lot of hair. In contrast, the Collie sheds a lot and often. Depending on which parent’s fur is dominant, you could have a heavy shedder or one that never sheds. Most often, you will enjoy a mix of the two traits.

Weekly brushing will be necessary to remove dead hair and to prevent matting and knotting. You should only bathe your dog when necessary, and neither parent is known for having an overtly doggy smell, but they will enjoy jumping in muddy water.

If your dog does take after the Schnauzer side of the family, they’ll need a little more grooming. In particular, the facial hair will require regular brushing, and you may need to trim the beard to prevent it from getting matted. You may also need to wash their face after meals to prevent food from getting stuck and to avoid staining.

Brush your dog’s teeth three times a week at the very least, ideally daily. Clip their nails when you can hear them scraping on hard floors, and check their ears for mites and dirt, especially if they enjoy swimming in the local lake.

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Border Schnollie is a hardy dog with a life expectancy of up to 16 years. They are considered to be a healthy breed, but there are some conditions to which they are more susceptible. Look for signs of the following conditions and seek veterinary assistance if they display any signs.

Minor Conditions
  • Cataracts
Serious Conditions
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Collie eye anomaly

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Male vs Female

There will always be debate over whether male or female dogs are better. Some argue that females are easier to potty train than males and are more attentive to their owners. Male dogs are generally considered to be more independent and aloof. Other than that, the female Border Schnollie will be a little smaller than the male Border Schnollie, but only by a couple of inches and a few pounds.

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Final Thoughts

The Border Schnollie is a hybrid that combines the incredibly energetic and intelligent Border Collie with the loving and accepting Schnauzer. The result is a bundle of high-octane energy that is always ready to herd small animals and children but will have more than enough love for every family member. Provide frequent exercise, offer mental stimulation, potentially through training and agility classes, and take your Schnollie to puppy classes when they are young so that they will become a well-adjusted dog that is good with strangers.

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Featured Image Credit: kanashi, Shutterstock

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