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Bull Jack (English Bulldog & Jack Russell Terrier Mix) Info, Pics, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Bull Jack (English Bulldog & Jack Russell Terrier Mix)

Height: 12 – 14 inches
Weight: 17 – 50 pounds
Lifespan: 10 – 12 years
Colors: Black, brown, white
Suitable for: Attentive and affectionate owners, families of any size, apartment dwellers or homeowners, experienced dog owners
Temperament: Friendly, Loving, Affectionate, Stubborn, Lively, Cheerful, Emotionally needy

The Bull Jack is a mix between a Bulldog and a Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are small in size but have big personalities and a healthy amount of spunkiness.

Bull Jacks are energetic and playful, but as long as they get their necessary exercise every day, they are adaptable to apartment living. Their small size and low tendency to bark makes them appealing for owners who live in apartments and smaller dwellings, but they do best if they have enough room to frolic and play, so those with yards will be the best fit for these dogs.

Bull Jacks can make very good family pets, as they are very friendly, sociable, and loving. We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this breed so you can decide if a Bull Jack is perfect for your home!

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Bull Jack Puppies


The most important thing you need to know about Bull Jacks before committing to this breed is that they have a high energy level. Many people incorrectly associate smaller dogs with a low energy level, and this could not be more inaccurate than with the Bull Jack. These pups need about an hour of dedicated exercise every day, and they have a high energy level best suited for playful and active families even outside of their normal exercise requirements.

You’ll also want to be prepared for the difficulty you’ll likely experience with training a Bull Jack. These dogs inherit the Jack Russell’s infamous stubbornness, so they will give you some trouble in terms of obedience. They’re not recommended for inexperienced or new dog owners, and they respond best to very regular and firm obedience training.

Lastly, you’ll want to be prepared for the Bull Jack’s level of neediness. These dogs are emotionally needy and love human interaction, so they don’t do well if they’re left alone for long periods of time. They often resort to destructive behavior if they feel neglected, so be ready to shower your Bull Jack with attention from the minute you bring them home!

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bull Jack

1. They Are Extremely Energetic

The Bull Jack has a fairly moderate daily exercise requirement, but they inherit high energy from their parent breeds. Jack Russells are known to be hyperactive, and Bulldogs also have a high energy level and activity requirement. Mixing these breeds together leads to a hybrid that is full of energy and playfulness on a constant basis.

2. They’re Deceptively Strong

The Bulldog parent breed is stocky and muscular despite its small size, and the Bull Jack is likely to inherit their tendency to be strong and muscular. Combine this physical power with the Jack Russell’s stubbornness and willfulness, and you’ve got a hybrid that is far stronger than it appears!

3. They Vary Quite a Bit in Appearance

Bull Jacks inherit physical traits from both parent breeds, and because the Bulldog and Jack Russell have very different appearances, Bull Jacks don’t all look alike. Your Bull Jack can resemble one parent over the other or be a perfect blend of both breeds. Even puppies from the same litter can look like entirely different breeds depending on the traits each inherits, so you never really know exactly what your Bull Jack will end up looking like!

The parent breeds of the Bull Jack - Bulldog and Jack Russell Terrier
The parent breeds of Bull Jack: Left – English Bulldog (Hermes Rivera, Unsplash) | Right – Jack Russell Terrier (Gemma Regalado, Unsplash)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bull Jack 🧠

Bull Jacks are lively, energetic, and very playful, so they will always be in the mood for some fetch, games, or play.

They thrive on human interaction and love being around people constantly, and they don’t do well in isolation. They can easily feel neglected if they are left alone or if they feel like they aren’t getting enough attention from their owners.

These dogs are very friendly and loving toward family members, and this usually extends to strangers as well, although they may take some time to warm up to unfamiliar faces.

Are Bull Jacks Good for Families? 🏡

Bull Jacks often make excellent family pets. These dogs are highly interactive and love being surrounded by humans. They will happily interact with and play with any member of your family, and this includes children. You’ll never have to worry about your dog playing with your kids.

As we mentioned before, they are very needy dogs that love attention, so the more people you have in your household who can give them attention, the better! They are very comfortable around familiar people and will love goofing off and being the center of attention for your family.

In addition to being energetic and playful, these dogs are also affectionate. This combination is great for families with younger and older members. Bull Jacks will happily rough-house playfully with kids and snuggle and be affectionate with lower-energy family members.

Do Bull Jacks Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Bull Jack’s friendliness often extends to other dogs, and they’ll usually get along just fine with dogs they live with and unfamiliar dogs they meet on walks or at parks. They have very present personalities, but they very rarely show any kind of aggression. If provoked, however, they will stand their ground, even if the dog instigating trouble is larger.

They may be friendly toward other dogs, but the same can’t be said for cats and other small pets. Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt and flush out rodents, so the Bull Jack will more than likely inherit a rather high prey drive. As such, they may take particular interest in cats and other small animals like rabbits or hamsters, and they are recommended for homes without them.


Things to Know When Owning a Bull Jack:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Bull Jacks are fairly small, but their high energy leads to a rather large appetite! You should expect to feed your Bull Jack around 3 cups of food every day, and this should be split into two or three meals to help maintain energy levels. The food cost will be high for a breed so small, so make sure you consider this ongoing cost before committing to this breed!

Additionally, you’ll want to choose a high-quality commercial dog food that contains protein from multiple sources like fish, chicken, and beef. Since Bull Jacks are so energetic, a food packed with protein and formulated for medium-sized, high-energy dogs will be perfect for them.

Exercise 🐕

With all this talk about the Bull Jack’s energy, you may be expecting a very high daily exercise requirement. However, the Bull Jack really only needs about an hour of dedicated exercise every day. They can easily handle more and will happily run and walk for hours, but the recommended minimum is 60 minutes.

It’s very important to note that Bull Jacks will always display a high energy level, likely from puppyhood, and many owners see energy being expended during playtime and believe they can skimp on dedicated walking or running. It’s important always to set aside about an hour a day for exercise even beyond the playing and running around in the yard that your Bull Jack will likely take part in.

It’s also important to mention that you should always keep your Bull Jack properly leashed and in a sturdy harness when exercising outside. These are strong and powerful dogs that have a high prey drive, so they will tend to lunge at and try to chase down squirrels, rabbits, and other small animals they see on walks.

Training 🦮

Training a Bull Jack will very likely be a challenging test of patience for most owners. These dogs inherit stubbornness and willfulness from their Jack Russell parents, and these traits will test your obedience training mettle.

Bull Jacks are intelligent and will pick up on new concepts quickly, but their inherited stubbornness means they will often choose not to listen. As such, these dogs are recommended for experienced owners, and even then, they will prove to be a challenge!

Constant and persistent training is essential with Bull Jacks, but for the right owners, they will be obedient. You will need to establish an authoritative role in your home early on and work to maintain that leadership if you want your Bull Jack to listen to you.

Because these dogs are emotional, they can also be a bit sensitive during training, so you’ll need to be firm but remain positive and supportive. Positive reinforcement will work far better than anything else when it comes to training your Bull Jack.

Grooming ✂️

Bull Jacks have a short coat that is fairly dense, so weekly brushing is recommended. This will help cut down on shedding, and it will also distribute your dog’s natural skin oils to maintain a healthy, shiny coat and healthy skin.

Bathing a Bull Jack should be done about once every 2 months unless they get dirty during outside exercise or play. You’ll want to avoid more frequent baths, as shampoos and soaps can deplete their healthy skin oils.

Beyond coat maintenance, make sure you keep your dog’s ears clean and free of debris, and plan to brush their teeth about once a week to promote tooth and gum health. You’ll also want to make sure to keep your Bull Jack’s nails properly trimmed, as active dog breeds like this hybrid have a tendency to break or crack their nails if they get too long.

Lastly, you’ll want to establish a regular grooming schedule from puppyhood. Because Bull Jacks are known to be stubborn, they may not take too kindly to grooming if it isn’t introduced early. Getting your pooch accustomed to the above practices early on will make for a smooth grooming process.

Health Conditions ❤️

Unfortunately, Bull Jacks can inherit quite a few common health issues from their parent breeds. Although most are not serious, some can be life-threatening. In addition to keeping an eye out for the below problems, make sure to schedule regular vet visits at least once a year to ensure your pup remains as healthy as possible.

Minor Conditions
  • Cherry eye
  • Heart murmur
  • Epilepsy
  • Skin conditions
  • Mast cell tumors
Serious Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar luxation
  • Glaucoma
  • Anemia


Male vs Female

Male Bull Jacks tend to be a bit larger than females, but their size is more often determined by which parent breed your pooch more closely resembles more than it does on sex. Male and female Bull Jacks are, for the most part, very similar in temperament as well. Males can have a higher prey drive and may exhibit more stubbornness, but again, personality and behavior are determined more by which traits are inherited from which parent breed.

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Final Thoughts: Bull Jack

Bull Jacks are small dogs with big personalities and lots of spunkiness. They love human interaction and will always enjoy spending time with you and your family members.

These dogs are very energetic and extremely playful, and even outside of their dedicated exercise time, they will always be ready for high-energy play. However, they’re also rather affectionate, so they won’t turn their nose up at snuggling either!

Bull Jacks are fun-loving and exuberant dogs, and as long as you and your family have the time and dedication it takes to train them, they can make wonderful additions to your family and home!

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Featured Image Credit: Pxfuel

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