Can Cats Eat Dandelions? Vet-Approved Facts & Benefits
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Contrary to what you might have been told as a kid, dandelions are edible and safe for humans to consume, although you should do so with caution since wild plants are susceptible to exposure to things like pesticides. Just because something is safe for you doesn’t mean it’s safe for your cat, though. If you have a cat that spends time outdoors, you may have seen them trying to snack on dandelion greens or flowers, but are they safe for cats? Yes, cats safely eat dandelions, as they are not known to be toxic to cats.
Are Dandelions Safe for Cats?
Yes, dandelions are non-toxic to cats, as far as we know. Dandelion flowers, leaves, and roots are all considered edible, although the leaves are the most likely part of the plant that your cat will want to eat.
However, there are safety concerns associated with allowing your cat to eat wild dandelions. This is especially risky if these plants aren’t on your property, so there’s likely no way for you to know if the plants have been exposed to pesticides, herbicides, and other dangerous chemicals. If you’re going to allow your cat to eat any part of a dandelion, it should be a plant that you are positive has not been exposed to dangerous compounds.
Are Dandelions Healthy for Cats?
The health benefits of dandelions for cats are uncertain. Dandelion plants are nutritious plants that can provide multiple benefits to other species. Dandelions are low in calories, fat, and sugar. They’re an excellent source of vitamins, like vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C, and they’re also a good source of multiple B vitamins, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, and vitamin E. Of course, cats are obligate carnivores, so they require little to no plant matter in their diet. Because of this, your cat shouldn’t be allowed to eat any part of the dandelion plant in excess. Eating a small amount as an occasional treat might be healthy for your cat, but dandelions are not an ideal daily food for your cat.
Final Thoughts
While there are health benefits provided by dandelions for other species, they’re not a necessary part of your cat’s daily diet. Not only that, if your cat is allowed to overeat dandelions, they may suffer from digestive upset, including vomiting and diarrhea.
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