Can Cats Eat Pancakes? Vet-Reviewed Info & Considerations

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Can cats eat pancakes? The best answer to that question is that they shouldn’t. While you may be tempted to share your pancakes with your feline companion, and they aren’t toxic to cats, it’s not the best idea you’ve ever had.
You might be saying, “Well, they can technically eat pancakes, why not offer a bite?” For one, this popular breakfast contains milk, and most cats are intolerant to lactose, as well as flour, which is something your cat doesn’t need. If you’re still wondering why you should avoid sharing your pancake breakfast with your furry friend, keep on reading to find out.
Are Pancakes Toxic to Cats?
No, pancakes aren’t toxic to cats. Chocolate, onions, raisins, and grapes are toxic to your cat. Toxic ingredients will have very negative consequences, thus injuring their organs and body after consumption. Pancakes do not have this effect but do have ingredients that are not ideal for a cat. Dairy can cause pain, discomfort, diarrhea, and vomiting to your cat. The sugar in the pancakes can also make them bad for your cat if eaten in large amounts over time.
What Happens When Cats Eat Pancakes?
If you catch your cat snacking on your plate of pancakes, you don’t have to worry too much. They can cause an upset stomach for a few hours, but that’s about it.
However, if they keep eating the pancakes or get into the pancake dough, it can lead to being overweight, something you don’t want your cat to have to deal with. Excessive body weight in cats is the number one risk factor of many health problems, including diabetes, recurrent urinary infections, and arthritis.
It would be best to avoid giving your cat the toppings, such as whipped cream, chocolate chips, or strawberries and syrup that are popular toppings for pancakes, as these come with their own brand of trouble for your feline friend.
Are There Any Benefits to Feeding Pancakes to a Cat?
There are no benefits to feeding your feline pancakes or the dairy, butter, and sugar that can be found in them. These snacks and popular breakfast items are just empty carbs and have almost no protein in them at all. Therefore, why would you want to feed them to your cat?
Cats also have a hard time digesting dairy as they age, so it’s best to just avoid giving them the treat, to begin with. The last thing you want is a cat with diarrhea just because you thought it would be a good idea to share your pancakes at breakfast.
So, in a nutshell, there are no benefits and certainly no nutritional value to feeding your cats the pancakes on your plate. Instead, keep them for yourself and give him a healthier treat.
Can You Feed Kittens Pancake Syrup?
Not only should you keep your kittens away from pancake syrup, but it’s also best to keep your adult cats away from it as well. Feeding them pancakes and the syrup can also lead to diarrhea and digestive problems. In addition, kittens have very delicate stomachs, which means it’s best to not give them anything but kitten food, to begin with, so that they grow up healthy.
Precautions to Take
If you feel that you must give your cat part of your pancakes, there are a few precautions you should take first. First, make sure that the pancakes have no chocolate, raisins, grapes, or anything that contains xylitol, an artificial sweetener. Every one of these things is potentially poisonous to your cat. Chocolate is toxic to cats and needs to be dealt with right away. As for raisins, grapes, and xylitol, they are recognized to be toxic for a dog and are likely to be dangerous to your cat.
What to Do in Case of Poisoning
If your cat gets ahold of a plate of pancakes that have the above toppings on them, you need to contact your vet right away. You’ll need to take your cat in for observation and treatment as soon as possible. Sometimes timely efforts make the difference, so please do not take the risk.
Can Cats Eat Vegan Pancakes?
So, if your cat can’t have pancakes because of the dairy and sugar, is it okay if they have vegan pancakes? While a slightly better option, it’s still not recommended. In fact, whipping up a batch of vegan pancakes and feeding them to your cat opens them up to a whole other set of problems.
The problem is that these pancakes have no nutritional value at all, while the egg version at least has a slight bit. Remember, cats are carnivores, so at least the eggs gave them some protein. On the other hand, vegan pancakes provide them with nothing at all.
Final Thoughts
So, in answer to the question of whether cats can eat pancakes, the answer is they shouldn’t. While you could share your plain pancakes with your feline pal on occasion, it’s best to avoid giving them to them altogether for the best results.
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