Can Cats Eat Raw or Cooked Squid? Tips & Potential Risks
By Luxifa Le
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It’s normal for cat owners to want to give their cats something special to eat now and then. After all, your fuzzy feline companion is a family member that deserves some pampering, right?
If you’d like to give your cat some squid, raw squid should never be feed to cats. However, cooked squid is fine if you feed it to your cat properly and in moderation.
Why Cooked Squid is Best
A squid is a soft-bodied creature of the sea like an octopus. These cephalopods can vary in size. Some squid can be very small, while others can measure more than 40 feet in length!
Most squid found in food stores and served in restaurants are smaller in size and caught in huge quantities. Since cats don’t typically come across squid in the wild, these odd-looking creatures are not a part of the standard feline diet. However, since cats do love seafood, most felines will eat squid if given the chance.
Like other raw seafood, uncooked squid contains bacteria and parasites that can cause foodborne illnesses in cats like food poisoning. Cats can get food poisoning from raw foods like uncooked squid just as humans can. If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know it’s nothing to write off, as it causes symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy.
The lesson to be learned here is this: raw squid contains bacteria and organisms that can make your cat sick so keep it away from your cat no matter what!
How to Give Your Cat Cooked Squid
Now that you know not to give raw squid to your cat, you may wonder how to feed your cat some cooked squid. The key is to cook the squid thoroughly without using any spices. Nutritionally, squid is a relatively healthy food that contains protein, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.
While squid has some nutritional value, it cannot replace the normal feline diet as it doesn’t contain all the nutrients the cat needs. With that being said, it’s fine to offer your cat a little squid now and then as a treat, as long as you prepare it correctly.A good way to prepare squid for a cat is to boil or steam it without any seasonings, oils, or additives. Once the squid has been thoroughly cooked, cut it into small pieces to make it easy for your cat to chew and swallow. Remember that squid becomes rubbery when cooked, so smaller pieces are better!
One downside to squid is that it can be expensive to buy. And since you must cook it well and cut it into pieces before serving it to your cat, it involves work to properly prepare. If you don’t want to spend money on fresh squid and want to skip the hassle of cooking it, pick up some cat food containing squid to make things easier.
Importance of Feeding Your Cat the Right Diet
When you feed your cat the correct diet, he will have all the nutrients he needs to be healthy and happy. A proper cat diet consists of the right balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
The easiest way to ensure your cat gets all the nutrients he needs is to carefully read cat food labels. Look for foods with the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) statement of nutritional adequacy. The AFFCO oversees regulating the sale and distribution of pet foods.
Treats to Feed Your Cat if He Loves Seafood
If your cat goes nuts over seafood and you want to give him a special treat now and then, you’re in luck! You don’t have to pull out your fishing pole and head to the nearest lake to catch a fish to cook for your cat. There are plenty of seafood-flavored cat treats on the market that are safe and healthy for cats to eat.
When shopping for seafood cat treats, pay attention to labels. The best cat treats aren’t full of chemicals, colorings, and other questionable ingredients. Look for a treat that’s 100% nutritionally complete to ensure it supports your cat’s overall health. And don’t overfeed your cat the treats, even if he’s begging for more!
Risks of Feeding Your Cat Special Treats Too Often
When you give your cat something new and exciting to eat, be sure not to overdo it. Give your cat squid or another special treat to enjoy once every week or so to ensure they don’t refuse to eat their regular cat food.
If your cat suddenly were to stop eating their regular food, you’ll have some problems. You may end up running all over town looking for a new cat food your pet will eat.
Cats can be very finicky and unpredictable with their eating habits, so play it safe. Only give your cat squid as a special treat so they continue eating the cat food in their food dish every day.
Speaking of food dishes, cats love eating out of raised dishes that don’t require them to bend over. If you want to buy your cat a gift, consider picking up an elevated cat food bowl that will raise the food to their level, because it’s a sure bet they’ll love it!
It’s fine to feed your cat a little squid now and then, as long as you cook it well without adding any oils or seasonings. Squid has a rubbery consistency that poses a choking risk so be sure to cut the cooked squid into bite-sized pieces your cat can easily chew and swallow. Under no circumstances should you give your cat raw squid because it can make your cat sick!
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