Can Cats Eat Sesame Seeds? Vet-Reviewed Nutritional Info

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One of the most endearing qualities of cats is their curiosity. One of the ways that some cats exhibit curiosity is by showing interest in the food their humans eat. This is why it’s important to know if certain foods are safe for cats, before considering sharing any with them.
One of the foods that you may be wondering about your cat eating is sesame seeds, especially if you eat a lot of bagels, toast, salad, or other foods containing them. The good news is that sesame seeds will not harm your cat if offered in moderation and only occasionally, but there is no reason for them to be eating it. Sesame seeds will not bring much benefit to your kitty, and they shouldn’t eat sesame seeds on a regular basis.
Are Sesame Seeds Safe for Cats to Eat?
Even though some foods are safe for humans to eat, it doesn’t mean that they are safe or appropriate for our feline friends. Some foods can be toxic, while there are others that your cat just can’t digest properly or that could cause them to become ill.
The good news about sesame seeds is that they don’t pose any inherent risk for cats as far as toxicity is concerned. They are safe for most cats to eat in very small amounts but should not become a regular part of their diet as they don’t provide the essential nutrients for cats.
However, just because sesame seeds may provide some benefit to your cat, it doesn’t mean that they provide any nutritional benefits. Even though sesame seeds are nutritious for humans, they don’t contain all the nutrients that your cat needs to survive.
But what exactly do we mean by that? We mean that cats are obligate carnivores. They need animal protein and can’t survive on a plant-based diet. It all goes back to the way that a cat’s digestive system works. They can’t digest plant-based foods such as sesame seeds the way that humans, or even dogs, can.
Of course, we’re talking about your cat eating copious amounts of sesame seeds at one time here or living off of a diet of exclusively sesame seeds. If your cat eats one or two sesame seeds off the top of your bagel, it is highly unlikely that it will affect your cat in any way.
Do Sesame Seeds Provide Any Benefits for Your Cat?
Like other seeds, sesame seeds do have nutritional value. They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help with numerous body functions. They are low in carbs and high in plant protein, with moderate amounts of fat.
- Vitamin B: supports a healthy metabolism and cell function
- Vitamin E: helps support the immune system and has antioxidant properties
- Calcium: supports healthy bones
- Iron: needed for proper blood function
- Magnesium: regulates muscle and nerve function
- Zinc: supports a healthy immune system
Sesame seeds are also rich in antioxidants, particularly sesamin and sesamolin, which can help fight against certain conditions due to their anti-inflammatory effects.1 They are also high in fiber, which can help to keep the digestive system in good shape.
Another nutrient that sesame seeds are high in is plant-based proteins. One of the more important benefits of sesame seeds is that they are also thought to lower cholesterol, which is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease in people.
However, you may wonder, does any of this apply to cats? It’s not that simple. Cats can’t digest sesame seeds as well as people can, which limits their benefits significantly and may also give them digestive issues if sesame seeds are eaten in excess. The studies on benefits of sesame seeds and their antioxidant lignans have been performed in human trials, and there is currently limited info on whether these potential benefits could apply to our feline friends. Their nutritional requirements are very different from ours and we have to respect that, in order to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet.
Plant-Based vs Meat-Based Proteins
However, even though sesame seeds are high in proteins, they are not the kinds of proteins that benefit your cat the most. Cats need meat-based proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids for their bodies to function properly and keep them at their healthiest. Plant-based proteins that are found in sesame seeds lack some of the essential amino acids that your cat needs.
What About High Cholesterol?
Plus, even though sesame seeds can help lower cholesterol in people, it remains unknown if cats would benefit from it at all. Hyperlipidemia is not a very common condition for cats to have. If a cat does have high triglyceride or cholesterol values, it is usually caused by an underlying condition, certain medication, or hereditary factors. In other words, sesame seeds aren’t going to be the solution to your cat’s high cholesterol, and your vet will formulate a treatment plan based on the cause for your cat’s hyperlipidemia.
Is It Even Necessary?
Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that sesame seeds are tiny. Your cat would have to eat a lot of them to really even get the chance to reap any of the benefits that they can potentially provide, while this amount of seeds would inevitably give them an uncomfortable stomach upset. Any vitamins, minerals, and proteins that could possibly benefit your cat are already present in your cat’s normal food, so purposefully feeding your cat sesame seeds is unnecessary and may prove harmful in some instances.
Are There Any Risks If Your Cat Eats Sesame Seeds?
Besides not containing the correct nutritional components your cat needs, there are very few risks associated with eating sesame seeds. Of course, if your cat eats too many, it can cause digestive discomfort since cats don’t digest plant-based proteins as well as they do meat-based proteins.
With that being said, eating one or two sesame seeds by themselves shouldn’t cause any harm to your cat, but make sure it doesn’t become a habit. Rarely, sesame seeds may cause some mouth and swallowing issues, and besides eating too many sesame seeds and experiencing digestive issues, there is another concern that is not so much related to the seeds themselves, but to the food that the seeds are on.
Oral Issues
The first thing to be aware of, although fairly uncommon, is that the seeds could get stuck in your cat’s mouth or around their teeth. They’re tiny, and it would be easy for a sesame seed to find a way between your cat’s teeth and gums or stuck in the back of their throat. If the seeds do get stuck, although they are unlikely to cause any permanent issues, they may lead to temporary discomfort for your cat.
The seeds are too small to cause choking, but they can cause a degree of distress if your cat tries to swallow several of them at the time. It’s a good idea to check your cat’s teeth if you notice any discomfort after eating sesame seeds and brush your cat’s teeth to remove any seeds that may be stuck.
Other Foods
Although sesame seeds themselves aren’t harmful to cats, some of the foods that they might be found on or in might be. One common food to find sesame seeds on is bread, such as bagels, buns, or toast. Although bread isn’t harmful to your cats, as with sesame seeds, they shouldn’t eat too much of it either. Some bagels and buns may be sweet and contain chocolate or raisins, both of which are toxic to cats.
Sesame seeds can also be found in certain sauces, some of which may contain harmful and toxic ingredients such as garlic. Make sure to keep all food safely stored and away from your cat. Although sesame seeds by themselves won’t hurt your cat, foods that contain them might.
Can Cats Drink Sesame Seed Oil?
Sesame seed oil is one of the main uses for sesame seeds. It is commonly used for cooking and adding flavor to various dishes and dressings, and again, your cat may be tempted to taste some of it if they’re curious about it. But is sesame seed oil safe for cats?
As with the sesame seeds themselves, sesame seed oil will not harm your cat. It’s rich in antioxidants and healthy fats, but there is currently limited research on their potential uses and benefits in felines. A very small amount now and then may be fine for most cats to consume, but for anything more, a veterinarian should be consulted. Eating large amounts of sesame seed oil will have a laxative effect and cause diarrhea, so it shouldn’t be fed to cats on a regular basis.
Should You Feed Sesame Seeds to Cats?
Sesame seeds should never become a regular part of your cat’s diet. However, if your cat seems to like eating sesame seeds, you can offer it as an occasional treat but not more than once every 1–2 weeks, as it may lead to a stomach upset.
Remember that cats can have trouble digesting sesame seeds. Although they can eat uncooked sesame seeds, another way to feed them to your cat is to roast them. Just be sure to roast them by themselves and don’t season them in any way, not even with salt.
Mix a few seeds into the food in the bowl or offer them on their own, and your cat can enjoy a tasty new flavor. However, it’s important that you do this only if your cat likes sesame seeds and not more often than once every other week or even once per month. If your cat doesn’t enjoy the seeds, or they develop any digestive signs, stop offering it to them.
There are more appropriate and nutritious snack options than sesame seeds that your cat will actually benefit from, such as meat based treats, with very little risk of digestive upset.
Your cat may love eating sesame seeds off of an unattended bagel or piece of toast, or even eating them off of the floor if they fell off. If that happens, don’t worry, as sesame seeds by themselves in moderation, now and then, will not harm your cat. However, they provide very little nutritional benefits, so they should not be fed to cats except as an occasional snack.
Looking for more information on what cats can eat? Check out:
- Can Cats Eat Pine Nuts? Everything You Need to Know!
- Can Cats Eat Hemp Seeds? What You Need to Know!
Featured Image Credit: TheUjulala, Pixabay