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Can Dogs Eat Hummus? Nutrition Facts & Safety Guide

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Can Dogs Eat hummus

Hummus is made from a base of chickpeas. Different recipes and different flavors incorporate different ingredients, but you will commonly find garlic, lemon, and tahini in most recipes. The food is considered a reasonably healthy treat for humans. After all, it contains vitamin B6 and manganese and is a good source of dietary fiber.

Most of us are advised to eat more legumes, and chickpeas are a beneficial form of this dietary group. However, while hummus might be good for owners, it is not considered a healthy snack for dogs. While your dog might be perfectly fine if he eats a small amount, some of the ingredients in this dish are considered toxic for dogs so it should be avoided.

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Is Hummus Bad for Dogs?

Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are actually considered good for dogs. They are found in some dry dog foods because they offer a good alternative to foods like corn. They should be prepared, and they should be served free from the additional ingredients that are often included in cans or chickpea dishes — this includes hummus.

While chickpeas are good for dogs, hummus usually includes lemon juice and garlic.

Why lemons and garlic are harmful to your dog:
  • Lemons are packed full of citric acid, and this is found in highly concentrated form in lemon juice. This acid can cause a negative reaction to your dog’s stomach. In the short-term, it can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Also, even if your dog does not get ill, there is no benefit for your dog to eating a lemon.
  • Garlic is another common ingredient found in hummus. Garlic, and other members of the allium family such as the onion, are toxic to dogs. They can cause damage to red blood cells and may ultimately lead to hemolytic anemia. Short-term symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. Debate rages over what is considered a safe amount to feed your dog. Some dry dog foods even include trace amounts of garlic, but the best approach is to assume that any amount of garlic is toxic, and avoid feeding it altogether.
three colors of hummus
Image Credit: Pixabay

What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Hummus?

If your dog steals a small amount of hummus from your plate, it is unlikely that they will experience any negative effects straight away, but you should keep a close eye on them because garlic, and potentially some other ingredients, may prove highly toxic to your four-legged friend. If he starts to vomit, has diarrhea, or shows signs of a seizure (for example shaking), you should get help straight away.

Provide plenty of water for your dog. They may become dehydrated, and you must provide enough water to replace any that is lost from sweating, vomiting, or pooping.

Sick dog on pillow
Image Credit: PickPik

Healthy Alternatives To Hummus

There are plenty of healthy alternatives for dogs, and it really depends on the reason you’re considering feeding this treat to your dog. If you feel guilty because you’re enjoying chips and a dip while he gets nothing, get some natural, healthy dog treats and feed him a small serving of these instead. Alternatively, several fruit varieties can be very beneficial for your dog. Apples, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, and blueberries are all healthy alternatives to unhealthy hummus.

If you’re looking for a way to encourage your dog to eat chickpeas, the chickpeas themselves are not considered toxic and have several healthy ingredients. Prepare them yourself and add them to your dog’s daily meals.


Is Hummus Safe For Dogs?

Hummus is a human food and while the chickpeas are healthy for your dog, other ingredients like garlic and lemon juice are not good for your canine. You should avoid feeding this type of food altogether. If your dog has stolen a small amount of hummus from you, this shouldn’t pose too much of a problem. Look for vomiting, diarrhea, or uncontrollable shaking, and seek veterinary assistance if your dog shows any of these symptoms. Feed other fruit, healthy dog treats, or just chickpeas if you want a healthy alternative.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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