Can Dogs Eat Teddy Grahams? Health Concerns Reviewed
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Teddy Grahams have long been a childhood snack favorite. While people love Teddy Grahams, they are made from graham crackers and, therefore, may not be the best choice for your dogs. These treats are not appropriate for canines, and they shouldn’t be served as treats or as part of their diet. They aren’t toxic for your dog, but some of the ingredients aren’t suitable for them. We’ll discuss what’s in Teddy Grahams and more in the article below.
Things in Teddy Grahams that Can Hurt Your Canine Pal
Teddy Grahams come in a few flavors, which means that some of those flavors might not be the best choice for your canine pal to eat. We’ll discuss those flavors and the ingredients that are in them below.
One of the most popular flavors in Teddy Grahams is cinnamon. While cinnamon isn’t toxic for your dog, it’s best for them to avoid it. More than one teaspoon of cinnamon can be harmful to your pet. The small amount of cinnamon in one Teddy Graham won’t hurt your dog, but don’t let them eat a whole handful or more of the sweet treats.
Honey is another popular ingredient in sweet treats, and Honey Teddy Grahams are one of the most popular varieties. Honey has a few benefits, including antibacterial properties, but it’s unsuitable for dogs to consume regularly. If your dog eats a few Honey Teddy Grahams, they’re unlikely to experience any adverse effects. However, it’s better to serve high-quality commercial treats that contain the nutrients dogs need.
While Teddy Grahams with cinnamon and sugar are safe but not healthy for your dog to eat, Chocolate Teddy Grahams should never be served to your dog. Although consuming chocolate is not usually fatal for dogs, depending on the amount, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, increased urination, increased thirst, panting, and an increased heart rate. In severe cases, it can also lead to heart failure, seizures, and tremors. All chocolate products should be stored securely so that your dog cannot access them.
Sugar and Sugar-Free Teddy Grahams
Sugar isn’t toxic for your furry friends, but it’s not good for your dog, either. Sugar is unnecessary for dogs to consume, and it can be harmful to dogs in large quantities, potentially leading to things like weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. Also, dogs with diabetes should never eat sugary treats. However, sugar-free Teddy Grahams are even more harmful to dogs.
Some of the sugar-free versions have xylitol in them, which is a sugar substitute. Xylitol is toxic to canines and can cause vomiting initially, but it can progress with signs such as staggering, low blood sugar, seizures, and collapse. Large amounts of xylitol can even lead to liver failure and death.
What Are the Side Effects of Teddy Grahams on Dogs?
If your dog eats too many Teddy Grahams, there are a few side effects that you should be on the lookout for.
- GI distress including abdominal pain, bloating, and gas
- Weight gain
- Digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea
What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Too Many Teddy Grahams?
It’s best to keep the bag of Teddy Grahams where your pet can’t reach them. If your dog gets into the Teddy Grahams and you feel they have eaten more than a handful, it’s best to make an appointment with your vet. If the Teddy Grahams have chocolate or xylitol, take your dog to the emergency vet immediately.
Final Thoughts
Teddy Grahams are a sweet treat that almost everyone enjoys occasionally, and though you might want to share them with your dog, they’re not appropriate for canines. There are ingredients in Teddy Grahams that can make your dog sick, and the chocolate and sugar-free varieties can cause severe gastrointestinal issues, heart failure, and seizures if a large portion is consumed. Instead, feed your dog high-quality dog food that has all the nutrients your dog needs to stay healthy, and it’s best to avoid snacks designed for humans.
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