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Cane Corxer (Cane Corso & Boxer Mix) Pictures, Info, Facts, Traits

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Cane Corxer (Cane Corso & Boxer Mix)

Height: 23 – 28 inches
Weight: 65 – 110 pounds
Lifespan: 10 – 12 years
Colors: Black, brown, brindle
Suitable for: Experienced dog owners, active owners, families without other animals, families of all sizes
Temperament: Energetic, curious, intelligent, social, alert, affectionate

The Cane Corxer is a beautiful hybrid between a Cane Corso Italiano and a Boxer. Both parent breeds are strong, wide, and bulky, so you can expect your Cane Corxer to have a similar, rather intimidating look to them.

They may look dangerous and fierce, but these pups are emotional, mushy, and affectionate with their family members and anyone they’re familiar with. Their appearance and intense focus and alertness, however, will make them excellent guard dogs that will protect you, your home, and your family above all else.

These are friendly dogs that often enjoy human interaction and playing, but they can also be a bit independent at times, especially when they’re on patrol guarding your home. They can make excellent family pets for the right owners. We’ll go over everything you need to know about this breed so you can decide if it is the right one for your home!


Cane Corxer Puppies


Cane Corxer puppies are unbearably adorable. You’ll be hooked in one look, and you may be tempted to bring home two or three! However, you need to be prepared for the size of this dog when they are fully grown. They can easily top 100 pounds, so make sure you have the room for them before committing to this breed.

It’s best to bring these dogs home to a house without other animals. Cane Corxers are independent dogs that can be a bit territorial and will compete for your attention. They aren’t recommended for homes with other dogs, and since their prey drive can be rather high, they often don’t do well around cats or other small animals either.

Lastly, you need to be prepared for the amount of exercise this dog will require. Both parent breeds are active, so no matter which parent they resemble more, your Cane Corxer will need around an hour and a half to two hours of dedicated exercise every single day. Unfortunately, many people commit to this breed without understanding their exercise requirements, so make sure you can set aside this amount of time each day for walking or running.

Divider 83 Little-Known Facts About the Cane Corxer

1. They Have an Extensive History

Although the hybrid Cane Corxer is believed to be a relatively new breed popularized in the 1990s, its parent breeds have persisted throughout history for quite a long time. The Cane Corso is believed to have originated in Italy in the 5th century following the fall of the Roman Empire. The Boxer is a much younger breed having been developed in Germany in the 1800s as a hunting dog. The parent breeds of the Cane Corxer have been around for over a combined 2,000 years!

2. One Parent Breed Nearly Became Extinct

After nearly 2,000 years of history, the Cane Corso Italiano declined rapidly in numbers in the 1960s due to a change in how land and farming were handled in Italy, which led to fewer guard dogs needed for farms. Thankfully a group of people who adored the breed bred them specifically to keep them alive, and today they are back up to a healthy population all over the world.

3. They Have a Strong Work Ethic

Both parent breeds were originally bred as working dogs. The Boxer was bred first as a hunting dog used for hunting large game, and the Cane Corso was originally bred for hunting as well as guarding. The work ethic of both of these dogs will most certainly present itself in a Cane Corxer pup.

The parent breeds of Cane Corxer
The parent breeds of Cane Corxer: Left – Cane Corso (Eudyptula, Shutterstock) | Right – Boxer (Romuald, Gałęcki, Pixabay)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Cane Corxer🧠

The Cane Corxer is a strong, sometimes independent pooch who will very happily work to protect you and your family. They may have some aggression toward strangers and unfamiliar dogs, but they will always be abundantly friendly toward you and your family.

Despite their large size and muscular stature, they are rather affectionate pups who love human interaction and playing. After a long day of exercise and guarding your home, they’ll be happy to snuggle up with you on the couch.

They are highly energetic dogs that can be a bit sensitive, so they will usually want to be included in family activities. They also sometimes struggle with being left alone.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🏡 

For the right owners, Cane Corxers can be wonderful family pets. They will love and adore you and all of your family members, including your children. They will be happy to protect you and your home from any perceived threats, however, note that these “perceived threats” can include your children’s friends. If your kids have playdates, you should keep your pooch separated. Children’s play can often be viewed by your pooch as dangerous, and your 100-pound dog may decide to step in! However, your dog will likely be loving and affectionate toward children in your family.

These are rather emotional and affectionate dogs, and although they can sometimes have an independent streak, they will usually want to be involved with whatever your family is doing. They may get sad or feel lonely if they see you go on an outing without them; they’ll want to be part of the fun! They do best in families where there is always someone around to play and interact with.

It’s important to understand that these dogs can be rather dominant, so early socialization with family members and ongoing training is a must. Your pup will be best suited in a home where everyone in the family is willing to pitch in on training and establishing dominance.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?🐶 😽 

The Cane Corxer loves being the center of attention, and they can sometimes be a bit aggressive toward other dogs out of jealousy. Early socialization can help, but these dogs are best suited for homes without other dogs.

The same goes for other animals as well. The Cane Corxer inherits a fairly strong prey drive from its Cane Corso Italiano parent breed, so your pooch may have unwelcome interest in your cat, rabbit, or another small animal. It’s best to bring a Cane Corxer into a family with no fur brothers or sisters.

You may also find that your Cane Corxer takes a bit too much interest in squirrels or other wild animals they see during walks, so always exercise your pooch with a sturdy harness that they can’t easily back out of.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Cane Corxer:

Food & Diet Requirements🦴 

Cane Corxers are large, powerful dogs, and their appetite will match their size! You can expect to feed your pup around three cups of dry dog food daily, and this should be split into two or three meals throughout the day.

All dogs need a high-protein diet, and the muscular Cane Corxer is no exception. Choose a commercial dog food that supplies a high percentage of protein from numerous sources. Many foods contain corn, grains, and other fillers that aren’t as easily processed by dogs. A diet high in protein will help keep your muscular dog happy, healthy, and sufficiently energized.


One of the most important things to keep your Cane Corxer pup healthy is the proper amount of exercise each day. These dogs have a high energy level and will need around an hour and a half of dedicated exercise every single day. They will happily play and run in your yard, but time should be set aside for walking or running even beyond their normal daily playtime.

All dogs can become destructive and exhibit bad behavior if they aren’t provided a proper outlet for their energy, and this is especially true with the Cane Corxer. Your pooch will inherit neediness and the potential for chewing and destructive behavior, so make sure you set aside plenty of exercise time to get that potential negative energy out.

Because these dogs love interacting with you and your family members, they’ll also be happiest when exercising with you. Walks, running, agility training, and playing fetch are perfect options for this breed to get some exercise and quality time in all at once.


Cane Corxers are intelligent dogs, which means they will pick up on commands, tricks, and the rules of your house quickly. However, they also inherit independence, stubbornness, and dominance from their parent breeds. The result is a dog who understands what you’re asking of them but may choose not to listen. As such, this breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog owners.

The desire to be dominant in particular will need to be trained out of your Cane Corxer as early and as often as possible. They will always need a strong leader to guide them, and they will happily take on the leadership role in your home if no one else does.

Beginning from puppyhood, you should plan on a consistent, regimented training schedule that involves as many family members as possible to train your dog obedience and establish the humans in your home as the clear leaders. This leadership will need to be reinforced continuously even after it’s established, so be prepared to set aside regular time for training even when your pooch is fully grown.

If you do put in the required time for training, you should have no issues with your Cane Corxer, and they will likely grow into a calm and obedient dog.

Grooming ✂️

The grooming process for your Cane Corxer will be fairly straightforward. Their fur is short and dense, so weekly brushing with a wire brush will help keep their coat clean and shiny, and it will also help cut down on shedding. Even with regular brushing, shedding will be moderate and will usually require at least weekly vacuuming.

The Cane Corxers coat naturally resists dirt and other debris, so you won’t need to bathe your pup more than once every other month unless they get particularly dirty. Try to keep bathing to a minimum, as shampoos and soaps deplete your dog’s natural skin oils which keep skin and fur healthy and properly moisturized.

Beyond coat maintenance, you’ll want to keep your pup’s nails trimmed to avoid cracking or breaking during exercise, and you should plan to brush their teeth about once a week to help prevent tooth and gum issues.

Health and Conditions❤️

Cane Corxers are a fairly healthy and hearty breed, and most of the issues they do experience commonly aren’t life-threatening. Regardless, you should still schedule routine vet visits to keep an eye on your dog’s health. You should also ask your vet for regular eye examinations, as eye problems can be common in this hybrid.

Minor Conditions
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Other eye issues
Serious Conditions
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Mitral valve disease
  • Congenital heart defect

Divider 5Male vs. Female

Surprisingly, male and female Cane Corxers will normally be about the same size and weight. You will likely find that males will be a bit more territorial and can be more aggressive toward unfamiliar dogs. Both genders will be energetic and playful, but you may find that males have a higher level of energy and liveliness, while females are a touch calmer. For the most part, your Cane Corxer’s temperament and behavior will depend less on the gender and more on which parent breed your dog resembles more closely.

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Final Thoughts

The Cane Corxer is a large, powerful dog, and with their abundant love of you and your family comes an unshakeable willingness to protect your home. They are often wary of strangers and can be a bit aggressive toward other dogs.

As intimidating as these dogs can appear, they are often affectionate toward and emotionally needy with all of their family members, including children. They have a calm and even temperament in familiar places and around familiar people.

Cane Corxers make wonderful family pets for families who have the time and energy to dedicate to proper exercise, grooming, and training. As long as you and your family are willing and able to establish dominance for yourselves and provide this dog with the proper care, the Cane Corxer will likely make a great addition to your home.

See Also:

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