Do Male Rabbits Have Nipples? Sex Facts & Differences
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It’s a common myth that male rabbits don’t have nipples, but they actually do. Male rabbits, also called bucks, do have nipples like females or does, but they look different. A buck’s nipples are smaller and underdeveloped, while a doe’s six to 12 nipples will be further down their belly but above the genitals. A female’s nipples usually don’t develop until after they’re born and are nearly imperceptible without close inspection for several weeks.
While all male rabbits have nipples, there’s little agreement on how many they have. Conservative estimates say bucks can have as few as two nipples, while other sources say that six is more normal.
How to Sex a Rabbit
First, you should know that the best age to determine a bunny’s sex is at about 8 weeks, but 6 weeks is possible as well. It’s also essential that your rabbit is okay with being handled, and you shouldn’t try to force them if they panic. However, for bunnies that are okay with being held, let’s move on to how exactly you can tell the sex of your rabbit.
What To Look For:
- Hold your rabbit upright and close to your chest with one hand securely holding their chest, and the other underneath their bottom. Their belly should be facing upward.
- Part the bunny’s fur around the genital area.
- Male rabbits will have an O-shaped opening above their anus, and gently touching either side of it will reveal the buck’s penis. Testes are usually undeveloped and difficult to see but are generally small and purplish at 8 weeks.
- Does have an opening by the anus like a buck but nothing comes out of it when you put pressure on the sides. They’ll also have more nipples, on average.
Male & Female Rabbits
Other than their physical differences, male and female bunnies have some other, more subtle differences. For instance, unneutered male rabbits are more outgoing and playful and are more prone to destructive chewing or territorial marking than females, who are more docile and sweet-natured in most cases. Let’s check off some other differences below, but keep in mind that these are generalizations that may not apply to all bunnies out there.
The Differences Between Male & Female Rabbits:
- Males are more likely to spray around your house, especially when unneutered.
- Females aren’t as destructive chewers as males but do have a habit of digging or scratching. This is a natural maternal instinct that encourages building a comfortable and secure nest.
- Female rabbits take to litter training more naturally than males, who are slower to learn until they’re neutered.
- Does are more likely than males to have dewlaps or folds of skin and fat underneath their chins than males.
All male rabbits have nipples, but they’re a lot smaller and harder to see than a doe’s nipples that are designed for young kits to nurse on. Aside from their genitals, male and female rabbits have several notable differences, like behavioral habits, that you should consider when welcoming a bunny into your home.
Featured Image Credit: Coernl, Pixabay