Do Mastiffs Drool a Lot? Plus 8 Ways to Manage the Slobber
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There are several breeds of Mastiff, and many drool quite a bit. In fact, as a rule, these dogs tend to drool excessively due to their large jowls and loose lips. However, some drool more than others, and the environment may affect how much a dog drools at any given point.
For instance, exercise, excitement, and heat can make a Mastiff drool more than at other times.
Luckily, you can deal with their drooling in several ways and make it more manageable.
The 8 Ways for Managing a Mastiff’s Drool
There are ways you can deal with a Mastiff’s drool. You’ll probably need to implement many of these suggestions:
1. Provide a designated area for your Mastiff to eat and drink.
Don’t let them drink and eat all over the house, as this will increase the drool they get everywhere. It’s much easier to contain the mess by providing them with food and water on an easy-to-clean surface. You can even place their bowls on a mat that can be thrown into the washing machine when necessary.
2. Regularly clean their face.
These dogs will drool, so you should clean their face several times daily (or more if it bothers you). Have towels where your dog tends to want affection so you can wipe their face before cuddling.
3. Keep towels stashed around the house.
You never know when you’ll need to clean your dog’s face, so having some towels stashed around the house can ensure you’re always prepared.
4. Use a drool bib.
There are drooling bibs for dogs that you can put around their neck to keep the drool from getting everywhere. You can also use a bandana. You can use this bib to wipe their mouth as necessary, but it can also prevent the drool from getting on their fur and the floor.
5. Use a waterproof bed cover.
These dogs tend to drool when they are asleep. Therefore, it is best to protect their mattress with a bed cover that can be easily cleaned. Otherwise, you may find yourself running through beds pretty fast (and because they’re large dogs, their beds can be extremely expensive.
6. Avoid feeding your dog human foods.
Dogs often drool when excited to eat human foods, even if they aren’t Mastiffs. As you might imagine, this drool can get out of control when you have a dog that excessively drools. Therefore, it is best not to get your dog in the habit of eating table scraps.
7. Provide fresh water.
Because Mastiffs drool a lot, they can become dehydrated faster than other dogs. Therefore, it’s important always to provide fresh water and clean their bowl regularly.
8. Keep their mouth clean.
Dental problems can lead to more drooling, so it’s important to regularly brush their teeth and take them to the vet for regular checkups.
Can You Prevent a Mastiff from Drooling?
No, there is no way to completely prevent a Mastiff from drooling. It’s a characteristic of the breed. If you’re against having a dog that drools, you shouldn’t adopt a Mastiff. There are many ways to control their drooling, which we explained above. However, none of these methods will prevent them from drooling completely—it just helps the drool become more manageable.
Mastiffs drool largely because of their loose lips and large jowls. Their short snouts can also prevent them from swallowing their saliva efficiently, which leads to drooling. Plus, their larger heads require a lot more blood flow than other breeds, which can lead to more saliva production. All Mastiffs have these features, so finding one that doesn’t drool is impossible.
Certain situations may make Mastiffs drool even more. For instance, excitement and heat can both bring on bouts of excessive drooling. However, excessive drooling can also be connected to health problems like dental issues. Therefore, if your Mastiff seems to be drooling excessively for no apparent reason, you may want to visit your vet.
Are There Some Mastiffs That Don’t Drool?
No, all Mastiffs are prone to drooling, though some may drool more than others. It’s a characteristic of the breed that you can’t get around.
With that said, some breeders will advertise their Mastiffs as “not drooling.” In these cases, we recommend extreme caution. It’s implausible that any Mastiff would be non-drooling—never mind having a whole litter of non-drooling puppies. In many cases, these breeders are misleading, often attempting to sell the puppies at a higher cost.
However, some breeders may cross their Mastiffs with non-drooling dogs to create puppies that drool less. However, these dogs wouldn’t be purebred Mastiffs, and the odds of them drooling at least a little bit would still be high. Because mixed-breed puppies can inherit any trait from either parent, there is no way to predict how much they may drool.
Which Mastiffs Drool the Most?
It’s impossible to say which Mastiffs may drool more than others, as it can vary widely from dog to dog. All individuals will drool to some extent, so finding a Mastiff that doesn’t drool is impossible. Most of them drool quite a bit, as well.
Mastiffs with larger heads tend to drool more than others. Dogs will produce drool congruent to their size, so bigger dogs will drool more. English Mastiffs, for example, are known to be heavy droolers due to their large heads and jowls. Neapolitan Mastiffs and Bullmastiffs are also known to be heavy droolers, although, again, individual dogs within these breeds may vary in their drooling tendencies.
No one can determine how much particular puppies may drool when they age. Therefore, you should be prepared for a Mastiff that drools a lot. If your Mastiff drools less, great. However, you should never purchase a puppy assuming it will drool less, as that may not happen.
Final Thoughts
All Mastiffs drool to some extent. It’s a natural characteristic of the breed, largely due to their large heads, loose lips, and deep jowls. Mastiff drool can range from light and occasional to heavy and constant. Factors such as excitement, exercise, and food can also trigger increased drooling in Mastiffs. Some individual dogs within the breed may drool more than others due to their anatomy, physiology, and temperament variations.
While Mastiff drool is a natural characteristic of the breed, excessive drooling can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as dental problems, mouth or throat infections, or gastrointestinal issues. If your Mastiff’s drooling seems excessive or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems.
It’s also important to note that Mastiff drool can be messy and may require some management on the owner’s part. You may want to provide a designated area for your Mastiff to eat and drink, regularly clean their face and mouth, and have towels or rags on hand to wipe up any excess drool.
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