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Does Pet Insurance Cover Spaying or Neutering? Important Info!

Lindsey Lawson

By Lindsey Lawson

spaying cat

With pet insurance growing more and more popular among pet owners as a way to offset the high costs of veterinary care, you may be wondering if it will cover spaying and neutering. With spaying and neutering being so highly recommended to all dog and cat owners, you would assume it would be part of the coverage, right?

The truth is, that most pet insurance companies will not cover surgery for spays or neuters because they fall under the blanket of elective surgery, regardless of how necessary it may be. There are, however, some wellness plan add-ons offered by some pet insurance companies that will cover things like preventative care and may reimburse spay or neuter costs.

hepper-cat-paw-dividerFinding Pet Insurance That Reimburses Spaying and Neutering

Pet insurance plans that cover routine care are relatively rare, but more and more companies have begun offering additional wellness coverage at a higher rate. If you are trying to find a company that will cover spaying and neutering, you will first have to narrow down companies that offer additional wellness plans and compare policies very carefully before making a decision.

Just because a company offers a wellness plan, does not mean that they will reimburse you for a spay or neuter. You will need to thoroughly examine the policy to ensure it will cover elective or preventative procedures.

Some companies have different levels of wellness plans, such as ASPCA Pet Insurance, which has a Basic Preventative Plan and a Prime Preventative Plan. The Prime Preventative Plan will reimburse for spaying and neutering while the Basic Preventative Plan will not. Figo and AKC pet insurance companies also offer this type of coverage.

These companies are always evolving to better suit the market, so it’s best to check with each company you are interested in and filter them out using your personal preferences and needs.

Spaying and neutering is an important part of pet care, but it's not the only health expense your pet is likely to incur. A personalized pet insurance plan from a company like Lemonade can help you manage costs and care for your pet at the same time.

veterinary surgeon checking bandage on cat stressed after spaying
Image Credit: Motortion Films, Shutterstock

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

Many pet owners decide to spay and neuter their pets for many reasons. Having your animals altered has many medical and behavioral benefits in addition to helping reduce pet overpopulation.

Because of all this, there is a pretty good chance you will get your pet spayed or neutered as well. It is then essential to choose the right pet insurance company with a plan that covers these procedures. These are some of the top-rated pet insurance companies on the market you can take a look at when making your choice:

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Pet Overpopulation Crisis

Each year, millions of cats and dogs are euthanized in animal shelters all over the United States because there are more pets than there are responsible owners that will properly house and care for them. Irresponsible pet ownership has led to these devastating statistics and this ongoing crisis seems to have no end in sight.

Encouraging owners to spay and neuter their cats and dogs is one way to help reduce unwanted litters and help prevent animals from winding up in the shelter environment. Shelters and rescues include spaying and neutering in their adoptions to help offset the problem.

cat after spaying
Image Credit: Sannikova Maria, Shutterstock

Medical Benefits

Female Health

Spaying not only prevents heat cycles but can also have significant health benefits by preventing uterine infections and decreasing the likelihood of breast tumors in both dogs and cats, which tend to be malignant in 45 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. A spay surgery completed before the first heat will offer the best protection against these diseases.

Female Behavior

The spay surgery will also eliminate the heat cycle and some behavioral concerns related to being intact. Both female dogs and cats will go through estrus cycles, which can cause a change in mood and overall behavior, which can be very frustrating for owners. Once a female is spayed, it eliminates these behaviors along with the cycle, making them more desirable companions.

Veterinarian holding acupuncture needle on cat's paw
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Male Health

Neutering male dogs and cats will prevent testicular cancer and certain health issues related to the prostate. They will also be much less likely to roam in search of a female, which could result in accidents or other injuries.

Male Behavior

Both male dogs and male cats will display unwanted behavior when left unaltered. Not only will they be less inclined to run away from home in search of a mate, but it can also drastically reduce or even eliminate the urine marking. It can also reduce the chances of aggressive behavior and the mounting of people, pets, and inanimate objects.

cat at vet with owner and veternarian
Image Credit: 4 PM production, Shutterstock

Is It Worth Getting a Wellness Plan to Cover Spay or Neuter Services?

Whether getting a pet insurance policy that covers spaying or neutering will be up to you. Your budget and your needs are what are important when picking out the right policy. If you are rescuing a new pet from an animal shelter or rescue organization, the spay or neuter will already be included in your adoption fee.

If you are obtaining your animal through a reputable breeder or some other way, remember that this is a one-time surgery that may not warrant an additional wellness package unless the wellness package will be beneficial for you and your pet for the other services it offers.

Costs of Spaying and Neutering

The overall cost of spaying and neutering surgeries will depend on several factors including your geographical location, what type of pet you have, their weight, and the clinic that you visit. Costs for these procedures range anywhere from $40 to $600 or more depending on those factors.

Don’t let that maximum price scare you off though, while veterinarians do offer these services at varying costs, there are plenty of non-profit organizations and state-run services that will offer spaying and neutering at discounted prices and some places will even offer them at no cost. These organizations are putting their focus on eliminating the overpopulation crisis and have licensed veterinarians ready to assist.

If you are worried about prices, reach out to your community and locate some organizations that can assist you appropriately. When it comes to pet overpopulation, we all must be in this together.


Most pet insurance companies do not cover spaying or neutering because it is considered elective surgery. Some companies do offer additional wellness plans that will reimburse for these services, but you must thoroughly go over the policy and the specific add-ons to ensure it’s covered. Spaying and neutering not only help reduce pet overpopulation but also has many health and behavioral benefits. Whether it’s worth getting a policy that covers spaying and neutering will be dependent on your preferences but there are plenty of organizations that will help with these services, too.

Featured Image Credit: De Visu, Shutterstock

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