100+ Game of Thrones Dog Names: Ideas for Medieval & Noble Dogs

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For those of us who truly appreciate a great fantasy novel and are as passionate about the storylines as we are about our pups, a name inspired by Game of Thrones might be what you have been searching for.
We have gathered the most popular names inspired by this unique series and set them up in an easy-to-navigate guide. There are top names for males and females, ideas generated from the novels’ locations, suggestions based on the most important families, and, of course, the names of the notable pets throughout the series.
Female Game of Thrones Dog Names
- Nymeria Sand
- Olenna Redwyne
- Sarella Sand
- Anya Waynwood
- Alerie Hightower
- Cassana Estermont
- Obara Sand
- Lysa Arryn
- Alannys Harlaw
- Selyse Florent
- Catelyn Tuley
- Talisa Maegyr
- Jorah Mormont
- Mellario of Norvos
- Tyene Sand
Male Game of Thrones Dog Names
- Khal Drogo
- Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
- Tormund Giantsbane
- Melisandre
- Daario Naharis
- Jaqen H’ghar
- Grey Worm
- Davos Seaworth
- Sallador Saan
- Bronn
- Roose Bolton
- Robin Arryn
- High Sparrow
- Yohn Royce
- Sandor Clegane
- Gillu
- Jeor Mormont
- Samwell Tarly
Game of Thrones Dog Names Inspired by the Landmarks & Places
The places created for the series include a world of beauty, heartbreak, poverty, wealth, love, and scandal—you name it is in there! The best part about these influential landmarks and areas is that they all double as pretty cool and unique names for our pups!
- Westeros
- East
- Erie
- Westerlands
- Braavos
- Essos
- Winterfell
- Stormlands
- Vale
- Dorne
- North
- Journeys
- Dothraki Sea
- West
- Reach
- Sothoryos
Game of Thrones Dog Names Inspired by the House Families
The families depicted in Game of Thrones provide a wealth of traits, and your pup is sure to relate to one of them. Below, we have listed the most iconic, brave, sweet, and sinister characters from the most notorious families for you to consider.
House Stark
- Rickard
- Arya
- Benjen
- Robb
- Sansa
- Brandon
- Bran
- Lyanna
- Jon Snow
- Eddard
- Rickon
House Targaryen
- Aemon
- Duncan
- Aegon
- Aerion
- Daeron
- Rhaella
- Aerys
- Rhaegar
- Daenerys
- Viserys
- Rhaenys
House Lannister
- Tytos
- Dorna
- Kevan
- Tywin
- Cersei
- Jamie
- Tyrion
- Joanna
- Lancel
- Willem
- Martyn
House Martell
- Lewyn
- Doran
- Trystane
- Oberyn
- Ella
House GreyJoy
- Balon
- Alannys
- Euron
- Aeron
- Theon
- Yara
- Maron
- Rodrik
House Baratheon
- Steffon
- Robert
- Stannis
- Selyse
- Renly
- Shireen
- Tommen
- Gendry
- Myrcella
- Joffrey
House Tyrell
- Luthor
- Margaery
- Loras
- Mace
Pet & Beasts Names from Game of Thrones
Although they may not have had the biggest roles in the books, there were a few pet characters that, for the die-hard fan, might serve as the perfect name for a new dog! We have also included notable animals and beasts featured throughout the storyline.
- Manticore
- Direwolf
- Drogon
- Beast
- Wight
- Lady
- Ghost
- Walker
- Krakens
- Grey Wind
- Shadow
- Nymeria
- Shaggydog
- Wun Wun
- Dragon
- Summer
- Rhaegal
- Viserion
- Raven
Finding the Right Game of Thrones Name for Your Dog
There are quite a few names to consider when considering the characters in Game of Thrones. Deciding on an excellent match for your pup should be a fun experience; it may remind you of how great of a series GOT truly was.
We hope you found the right inspiration while reading through our list of Game of Thrones-inspired dog names. Whether you have chosen a noble character, memorable place, or interesting animal, we are sure your pup will be happy to know they’ll be safe indoors when winter comes!
If these names weren’t quite right for your new furry friend, check out one of our other popular name posts links below:
Featured Image Credit: Linda McNally Photography, Shutterstock