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Golden Retriever vs Australian Shepherd – How Are They Different? (With Pictures)

Chelsea Mortensen Profile Picture

By Chelsea Mortensen

Golden Retriever vs Australian Shepherd

If you’re looking for an athletic, energetic, and trainable dog, Golden Retrievers and Australian Shepherds are right at the top of your list of options. Both of these dog breeds are very intelligent and highly trainable. They both require daily exercise and have the strength and stamina to keep up with an active owner. They’re also both medium-large in size and can get along well with other dogs. But when you’re trying to decide between the two breeds, there are some pretty big differences too.

Overall, Golden Retrievers tend to be more outgoing and laid back, while Australian Shepherds are more focused and hardworking. Australian Shepherds also have higher exercise and mental stimulation needs. This article will review some of the main similarities and differences between these two beloved breeds.

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Visual Differences

Golden Retriever_sidebyside_Australian Shepherd
Image Credit: Left: Golden Retriever(Justin Aikin, Unsplash). Right: Australian Shepherd (RebeccasPictures, Pixabay)

At a Glance

Golden Retriever
  • Average height (adult): 20 – 24 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 55 – 75 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10 – 12 years
  • Exercise: 12 hours a day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate
  • Family-friendly: Yes
  • Other pet-friendly: Often
  • Trainability: Intelligent, eager to please, very trainable
Australian Shepherd
  • Average height (adult): 18 – 23 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 40 – 65 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 – 15 years
  • Exercise: 2+ hours a day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate
  • Family-friendly: Often
  • Other pet-friendly: Often
  • Trainability: Clever, energetic, and trainable

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Golden Retriever Overview

golden retriever dog lying on couch with tv remote
Image Credit: LightField Studios, Shutterstock

Personality and Temperament

Golden Retrievers are famous for their outgoing, friendly temperament. These big softies love people—their owners, strangers, and other dogs. This extroversion often comes with a relaxed, laid-back attitude that makes them relaxed and adaptable. They can be a bit overeager and rambunctious, especially if they don’t get enough exercise, but they are generally happy as long as their basic needs are met.

Energy Levels

Golden Retrievers are high-energy dogs that need about 1–2 hours of exercise a day. They are happy to exercise at moderate or high-intensity levels—a brisk walk or a run—and especially love playtime. Frisbee, swimming and other activities are great ways to burn off steam so that they won’t be tearing up the house from nervous energy.


Golden Retrievers are also highly trainable. Their eagerness to please makes them very motivated to learn new skills and tricks, and they will often work hard at gaining new skills on praise alone. Golden Retrievers are often used as service dogs and other working dogs because of their intelligence and calmness. They also make excellent, obedient showing dogs.

Suitable for:

Golden Retrievers are easy-to-please and outgoing, which makes them a great choice for family pets. They often get along well with children (although no dog should be left with small children without supervision) and can accept other pets into the household without much trouble. Because of their exercise needs, they do best in homes that can support an active lifestyle and do better in homes with some space as opposed to small apartments.

Golden Retriever standing on the ground
Image Credit: Melanie Mai, Pixabay

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Australian Shepherd Overview

blue merle miniature australian shepherd by the beach
Image Credit: Danielle W Press, Shutterstock

Personality and Temperament

Australian Shepherds have a deep love for their owners, but they tend to be more reserved around strangers. Some Australian Shepherds struggle with being in crowds or become anxious in noisy, hectic environments. They are hardworking and driven, with a strong need to be busy throughout the day. Boredom is an Aussie’s worst enemy—they can easily become destructive or irritable if left with nothing to do. On the other hand, they have an incredible level of dedication and endurance, willing to stick to a task all day.

Energy Levels

If you don’t live an active lifestyle, an Aussie probably isn’t for you. These dogs require two or more hours of exercise a day and are happiest when they can be with their owner all day, with exercise scattered throughout. Some of the exercise they get should be high-intensity, and they need mental stimulation as well as physical exertion to stay happy and healthy. They’re great companions for athletes and serious hikers because of their endurance and energy.


Australian Shepherds are incredibly trainable dogs. They are clever and dedicated, so it’s easy for them to work hard to master new skills as long as they have strong trust in their owner. They do require a solid relationship and a stable routine to really thrive in training and can become stubborn in the hands of an inexperienced trainer. However, once a good training relationship is formed, it’s easy to build on. Australian Shepherds are ideal for herding, obedience competitions, and police or detection work because of their discipline and trainability.

Suitable for:

Australian Shepherds do well with individuals and families, but their herding background can lead them to struggle in homes with small children. They can sometimes become snappish with overeager children, so supervision and socialization is necessary. Similarly, they can get along with other pets, but some Australian Shepherds need solid socialization and training to behave around pets smaller than them.

These dogs have high endurance and high energy needs, and they also require a great deal of mental stimulation. That makes them best suited for active households, where they can run, hike, and play with their owners on a daily basis.

australian shepherd dog running
Image Credit: Vivienstock, Shutterstock

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Which Breed Is Right for You?

If you’re deciding between an Australian Shepherd and a Golden Retriever as a pet, you’ll find that most of the differences come down to personal preference. Both dogs have similar needs, but they have very different personalities, and some owners will be a better match for one or the other. Both dogs need space to exercise and lots of active time with their owners. Both are also incredibly trainable, able to learn complex tasks and succeed as a pet or a working dog.

However, there are some differences. In general, Golden Retrievers are better for less experienced owners. They have slightly lower care needs and are more laid back and adaptable, so they can integrate well into a variety of families. Australian Shepherds can be a little more anxious or high-strung, and it can take work to build a strong trusting relationship with an Aussie.

They do have more focus and endurance than Golden Retrievers, making them ideal for avid hikers and runners. Some owners prefer the friendly, open personality of a Golden Retriever, while others appreciate the Australian Shepherd’s more serious and down-to-earth demeanor. In the end, both breeds can be a great choice for many owners, and it’s up to you to decide which one meets your needs best.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: (L) MirasWonderland, Shutterstock | (R) Medenka Nera, Shutterstock

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