How to Make Your Dog Poop Quickly (6 Helpful Tips)
By Oliver Jones
Updated on

As a pup parent, you may have experienced those annoying situations where your pooch seems too occupied to poop. This can cause frustration, especially if the weather is bad or you’re running late for work.
While it isn’t uncommon for canines to take a long time before pooping, it may be a symptom of an underlying health or behavioral condition. Constipation delays the process. Your pet may also be curious about his new surroundings and investigate things before squatting.
If you are wondering how to make a dog poop quickly, here are six effective ways to encourage him to do so.
The 6 Ways to Make Your Dog Poop Quickly
1. Feed Canned Pumpkin
Canned pumpkin is high in water and fiber and will encourage your dog to go. Never feed your pet pumpkin pie filling or puree, as both contain added sugar. Treat your dog to one teaspoon of the canned pumpkin per 10 pounds of his body weight.
Coconut oil and olive oil also work but they are calorie-dense, so you have to take the extra calories into consideration to prevent weight gain.
2. Add Fiber and Probiotics
Search for a way of adding fiber and probiotics to your dog’s diet. The probiotics help recover healthy gut bacteria while the dietary fibers encourage regular bowel movements. You can find ready-made probiotic formulations, prepare them at home, or add goat’s milk to your dog’s diet. Adding a tsp of natural, unflavored Psyllium husk to your dog’s food can work wonders too. Another way of increasing the fiber content in your dog’s diet is by adding broccoli, spinach, green beans, carrots, papaya, or even apples to their food.
Additionally, you can find ready-made chew treats. This will help regulate your dog’s motility and gut health.
3. Switch to Canned Dog Food
Feeding your pet canned food can help them with their constipation troubles. Canned dog foods will add natural moisture to your pup’s body, helping to make digestion and excretion a breeze.
4. Squirting Stimulation
Squirting water into the anus will stimulate bowel movements and quickly relieve a constipated pup. While your pet may initially cringe at the cool water, they’ll be happy you’ve helped them out. Using a squirt bottle, squirt cool water at your dog’s butt.
Make sure the pressure level and temperature aren’t hurting them. Repeat until your dog starts to poop.
5. Manual Stimulation Method
Before attempting this method, prepare yourself for one unhappy pooch. While he may love to be petted, the anal sphincter is very sensitive and they are simply not used to a foreign object around there.
Put on a pair of clean disposable gloves. Add some lubricant to your dominant hand’s index and middle fingers. Using your fingertips, gently yet firmly press soft tissues around your pet’s anus. Firmly holding the tissue and holding your forefinger and thumb about 1 ½ inches apart, gently press inward, stimulating the rectum opening.
Depending on the size and behavior of your dog, you might need to get the help of a second person for this.
6. The Ice Cube Technique
Using ice cubes is a great way to stimulate dogs to poop. What you’ll need are some ice cubes and a pair of disposable gloves. Before taking your pet outside, firmly embrace them and make them feel comfortable in your lap. Put on the gloves and gently lift your pet’s tail, using your fingers to clear the anal pathway.
Insert the ice cube slowly into your dog’s sphincter and keep it in place for about 30 seconds. Your dog will attempt to move the uncomfortable cube away, leading to contraction. After they push out the ice cube, they’re also bound to push out some poo.
Remedies to Avoid
Avoid these remedies when trying to get your dog to poop quicker:
- Feeding human laxatives
- Adding cereal to their diet
- Giving your dog a suppository or enema
Final Thoughts
From dietary techniques to physical stimulation methods, you can help your pup pass stools quicker and alleviate constipation pain.
Related Reads:
- Why is My Dog’s Poop Dry and Powdery? Possible Reasons
- How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping? Healthy Schedule Explained
Featured Image Credit: Khaligo, Pixabay