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Sesame Shiba Inu: Pictures, Facts & History

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

sesame shiba inu dog lying with pine cones and meadow

The Sesame Shiba Inu is a rare and beautiful breed of dog. Native to Japan, its lineage dates back to ancient times. Its popularity has been increasing in recent years due to its loyal personality and looks. The Sesame Shiba Inu is distinguished by its unique and stunning sesame markings. This makes it stand out from other Shiba Inu breeds and can make them an eye-catching companion. They are often referred to as ‘sesame tigers’ due to the unique patterning on their coats.

Height: 13–16 inches
Weight: 17–23 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Sesame, which is black, tan, cream, and red colored
Temperament: Intelligent, independent, loyal
Suitable for: Companion dogs, as well as therapy and emotional support animals

Sesame Shiba Inus also have a loyal and friendly nature, making them great family pets. Their alertness and intelligence make them suitable for many different types of activities, such as agility, obedience, tricks, and therapy work.

The Sesame Shiba Inu is known for its calm demeanor and generally obedient personality. Owners must be patient and consistent with their training, however, as the breed can become stubborn if not properly guided. With proper care, they are sure to bring joy into any home!

Sesame Shiba Inu Breed Characteristics


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The Earliest Records of Sesame Shiba Inus in History

The Sesame Shiba Inu has been around since ancient times. It is believed that the first examples of these dogs were bred in Japan as early as 300 B.C. They were originally used as hunting dogs but eventually became valued companions and guard dogs due to their loyalty and protective nature.

Throughout its history, the breed has been highly valued by royalty and military units alike for its bravery and intelligence. The breed was officially recognized by the Japanese Kennel Club in 1945 and continues to be a popular choice among pet owners today.

Sesame color shiba inu puppy in autumn foliage
Image Credit by: e-Kis, Shutterstock

How Sesame Shiba Inus Gained Popularity

The role of the Sesame Shiba Inu in human society has changed over time from that of a working dog to a loyal companion. They were initially bred for their hunting and guard capabilities but eventually became valued members of households due to their friendly personalities and intelligence. Today, they are seen as both a loving pet and an emotional support animal. They are also used in therapy work, obedience training, and agility due to their high level of intelligence.

In the early 2000s, the Sesame Shiba Inu gained popularity due to its unique color markings and friendly demeanor. They began appearing in various television shows and movies around this time as well, further aiding their rise in fame. The breed’s popularity has only grown since then, with many people now choosing them as companion pets or therapy animals. Furthermore, their eye-catching sesame coat makes them an attractive choice in show competitions. All these aspects combined make the Sesame Shiba Inu one of the most beloved breeds around today!

Formal Recognition of Sesame Shiba Inus

The Sesame Shiba Inu was officially recognized by the Japanese Kennel Club in 1945. They are now also recognized by the American Kennel Club, Canada’s Continental Kennel Club, and The Kennel Clubs of Australia and the United Kingdom. This recognition is a testament to the breed’s popularity around the world and its place as a beloved companion pet.

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Top 3 Unique Facts About Sesame Shiba Inus

1. A Sesame Shiba Inu’s coat must be less than 50% black for it to be a Sesame Shiba Inu.

This is a very rare coloration so there are strict requirements that a Sesame Shiba Inu must meet for it to get that label. And having less than 50% black fur is one of them. If the dog has more than 50% black fur, it is not considered a Sesame Shiba Inu. The black coloring cannot be in patches; rather, it must blend with the red base coat.

2. The word “sesame” was translated from the Japanese word “goma”.

When English speakers translated the word “goma” from Japanese to English, the translation was “sesame”. It can be hard to imagine the color “sesame”, but when referring to Shiba Inus and Akita, “sesame” is a red color.

sesame shibu inu
Image Credit: Natalia Fedosova, Shutterstock

3. Sesame Shiba Inus and Red Shiba Inus are not the same.

Sometimes, people think those two dogs are the same. Even though both Shiba Inus have red fur, Red Shiba Inus will never have any black fur on their heads. Sesame Shiba Inus will have the black-tipped fur spread out over their body, head included.

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Does the Sesame Shiba Inu Make a Good Pet?

The Sesame Shiba Inu is an excellent choice for those looking for a loyal and loving pet. They are intelligent, energetic, and have a friendly personality that makes them great companions. They also need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy, so they make an ideal match for active households. With proper training and socialization, the Sesame Shiba Inu can be a wonderful addition to any family! However, it’s important to remember that these dogs do require ample attention, as well as regular grooming due to their thick coats. Additionally, since there is a risk of deafness in this breed, it is important to test hearing prior to breeding them. All things considered, the Sesame Shiba Inu is a wonderful pet for those who are willing to give it the love and care that it deserves.

red sesame shiba inu dog look at the camera
Image Credit by: creativcontent, Shutterstock


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The Sesame Shiba Inu is a unique breed that has been around since about 300 B.C. when they were first bred as hunting dogs in Japan. Over the years, their role in human society has changed from that of a working dog to one of a loyal companion animal. They are now recognized and loved by many around the world for their eye-catching coats and friendly personalities. Although these breeds require plenty of exercise, attention, and grooming, they can make excellent pets with proper training and socialization –making them an ideal match for active households looking for a loving companion pet!

Featured Image Credit: creativcontent, Shutterstock

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