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Shocker (Shiba Inu & American Cocker Spaniel Mix) Info, Pics, Traits & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Shocker (Shiba Inu & American Cocker Spaniel Mix)

Height: 13–16 inches
Weight: 15–30 pounds
Lifespan: 12–15 years
Colors: Cream, brown, tan, chocolate, white
Suitable for: Active families that want a companion who is equally happy to be alone
Temperament: Loving, lively, active, energetic, independent

The Shocker is a hybrid mix of the Shiba Inu and the Cocker Spaniel. These two breeds are quite different in a lot of ways, which means that the type of dog you get will depend on which parent breed is dominant in your puppy. Alternatively, you could get a puppy that combines all of the traits of the two parent breeds.

The Shiba Inu is a Japanese hunting dog, primarily used to flush out small game but also track wild boar. They are known for their agility and energy, although they are now more commonly kept as companions rather than used for hunting. The Shiba Inu is intelligent and will learn quickly, so they must learn the behavior you want them to adopt. They can be independent and need a lot of room to run around. They can also be aggressive with other dogs and possessive over their things, so is not usually recommended for first-time owners.

The Cocker Spaniel is also lively and energetic, but in contrast to the Shiba Inu, they will want to please you, spend as much time as possible with you, and are not usually possessive or aggressive.

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Shocker Puppies


The Shocker breed is still relatively unknown and, as such, it can be very difficult to find examples of this breed. As such, you should be prepared to travel to buy this type of puppy. When choosing a breeder, ensure that you use a reputable one. They should be willing to answer any questions you have and will probably have questions of their own. The breed’s potential for aggression and high-energy demands mean that this breed is not suitable for everybody and a good breeder will want to make sure that their dogs get the best possible owners.

Some disreputable breeders may try and pass other breeds off as Shockers if they know you are looking for this breed. Look for breeders that specifically offer this type of dog to avoid disappointment. The rarity of the breed means that you are unlikely to find them in local shelters, but it isn’t impossible. They can be possessive, aggressive, and difficult to train, leading to owners giving them up for adoption when they find they can’t cope. Adopting may work out cheaper than buying, but ensure that you ask questions to determine the character of the dog and the reason for it being put up for adoption.

If you have other dogs, make sure you can introduce them to the Shocker before adopting or buying. The Shiba Inu is known to be aggressive around other dogs, and this trait might be prominent in the hybrid. The more often the dogs get to meet all members of your family before you take them home, the more likely the rehoming will prove to be a success.

Parent Breeds of the Shocker
Image Credit: (L) Jumpstory | (R) Lenkadan, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Shocker 🧠

To determine the likely temperament of your Shocker, we need to look at both parent breeds. While many hybrids cross two similar breeds that exhibit a lot of the same characteristics, this certainly isn’t true of the Shocker. Although both dogs are energetic and lively and both make excellent hunting dogs in their own right, they couldn’t be further apart when it comes to their friendliness, how they mix with other dogs, or their general attitude.

The Cocker Spaniel is a typical Spaniel. They will want to spend every minute with you and will be equally happy whether they are laid out on the couch next to you, getting under your feet as you head to get a drink, or walking around your local fields and dog park. The Shiba Inu, on the other hand, is very independent. They will form a bond with their owner, but they will be happier spending time on their own in a separate room of the house, if possible.

If you’re lucky, your Shocker will develop traits from both parent breeds so they will be happy spending time watching TV with you, but just as happy sitting elsewhere while you prepare food or play with the kids.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Both breeds are loyal, family dogs. They will usually get along very well with children in their own family, although both breeds can be a little wary of kids. Their high energy levels mean that the Shiba Inu and the Cocker Spaniel will enjoy time outside with children if they are willing to throw a ball or tug on a rope. But neither will enjoy being crawled on and pushed around. Your Shocker may exhibit some of the possessive qualities of the Shiba, too, which means that it is a good idea to prevent kids from picking up dog toys and make sure they have space while they are eating.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

There are exceptions, but the Shiba Inu does not usually get along with other dogs, and this breed is one that is known for being dog-aggressive. However, if you introduce your Shiba to your other dogs when he is a puppy, this shouldn’t be an issue in your own family. The Cocker Spaniel is known to be better with other dogs, although they can be a little wary during the first introduction and meeting.

With proper introductions, the Cocker Spaniel is also known to get along with other family pets, including cats, but may exhibit some prey drive when out of the house. Similarly, the Shiba will chase smaller animals when at the park or out on a walk, so they need to be kept on a leash. Early introductions are vital if you want your Shiba cross to live with small animals.


Things to Know When Owning a Shocker:

There is no such thing as a perfect breed that is suitable for all owners. With the Shocker, you need to consider that the Shiba Inu in the breed can be very independent and challenging to train, and he can show signs of dog aggression and possessiveness over his things. Other factors to consider before choosing this breed include the following.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Expect to feed your Shocker approximately 2–2.5 cups of food per day. This should be good-quality food, ideally with the majority of protein coming from meat-based sources and containing a full balanced diet of essential vitamins and minerals. Do not overfeed your dog. Obesity is as dangerous for dogs as it is for people and can lead to an increased chance of heart disease and illnesses like diabetes. Split the food over two meals and measure the amount you feed to ensure that you do not give too much. Always provide fresh water for your dog.

Exercise 🐕

The Shocker needs both mental and physical stimulation. Provide an hour of walks a day, ideally over two walks, and also offer some active playtime in the yard or at the park.

Because of the breed’s intelligence, you can try dog agility and other dog sport classes. This can also present you with the opportunity to socialize your dog throughout their lives, while also building a bond with them yourself.

shiba inu cocker spaniel puppies
Image Credit: Pixabay

Training 🦮

Training could go either way with this hybrid breed. The Cocker Spaniel is intelligent and loves to please their owner. As such, they can be very easy to train. They will take to new commands quickly and will develop the kind of behavior you want, in exchange for your praise and the occasional treat.

On the other hand, the Shiba Inu, while highly intelligent, is also very independent. They will learn quickly, but it is your responsibility to ensure that they learn the commands you want them to. Left to their own devices, they will develop habits and traits that give them short-term benefits and these will not necessarily align with what you want.

Your Shocker hybrid breed will likely fall somewhere between these two extremes. You will have an intelligent dog that will pick up training techniques and new commands easily, but you will need to be consistent and provide positive motivation to enjoy the best training results.

Grooming ✂️

The physical characteristics of your puppy will also depend on which parent breed is dominant. The Shiba has short fur that is easy to manage. The Cocker Spaniel, on the other hand, is high maintenance. He will require regular brushing. Their coat will also need regular trimming, and a lot of owners opt for a professional groomer to ensure that their coat always looks their best. A short coat is easier to care for but will still take regular trimming. Again, it is likely that your Shocker will have a coat somewhere between the short-haired Shiba and the high-maintenance Cocker, but be prepared for a lot of brushing, grooming, and trimming.

If your Shocker inherits the long ears of the Cocker Spaniel, you will need to check them every week. Clear out any debris and dirt and look for possible signs of infection.

Clean your dog’s teeth at least three times a week, ideally every day. Trim their nails every month to two months. The frequency that you will need to trim nails depends on how often they walk on hard surfaces. Ensure that you don’t cut too low or you risk cutting the quick. This will start bleeding and you may experience the Shiba scream.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Both breeds are generally considered to be quite healthy, but there are some genetic conditions that they might display. Look for signs of the following and seek professional help if you are concerned.

Minor Conditions
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Seborrhea
Serious Conditions
  • Allergies
  • Cataracts
  • Heart disease
  • Patellar luxation
  • Lens luxation
  • Hip dysplasia


Male vs Female

Males of this hybrid breed may grow slightly larger than the females. The male Shiba Inu is known to be more dog-aggressive than the female, and this may be evident in your Shocker as well.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Shiba Inu Cocker Spaniel Mix

1. The Brushwood Dog is a versatile hunter.

Shiba Inu is believed to translate into “brushwood dog”—a name that was given to the breed because of its tendency to run through long grass and brushwood while hunting. They were bred primarily to flush out birds and game, but they have also proven very successful hunters of boars and even bears. They are small and agile, leading to them sometimes being referred to as catlike. They also have a dense undercoat that would enable them to hunt comfortably even in the snowy climate of the Japanese countryside.

Although they are now more commonly kept as companions, they retain many of the traits that made them such popular hunters. They are fast, nimble, and agile. They require a lot of exercise, and they still have the same double coat that will require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best.

2. Shiba Inus scream.

As well as being renowned for their hunting prowess, the Shiba Inu is also known for being a drama queen. If you scare them or put them under undue stress, they let out a wail that sounds like a human screaming. Although this can prove a useful trait if they are working as a guard dog or watchdog, it can be embarrassing if they are simply having their nails clipped or if they are startled while out on a walk.

To be fair to the breed, they are not known for being particularly vocal. They won’t usually bark and they will only emit their blood-curdling scream under what they believe to be necessary circumstances. It is believed that they have this scream because they are genetically very closely linked to the grey wolf.

3. The Cocker Spaniel makes the worst guard dog.

The Cocker Spaniel is an equally good hunter, and they excel in agility and other dog sports. However, one area where they do not excel is in guarding and watching. The breed is one of the friendliest breeds around and, if they see a stranger, they are more likely to roll on their back for attention than bark and alert their owners to their presence.

However, because the Shocker is a hybrid, there is only a 50/50 chance that your puppy will inherit this trait. They could have the independent streak of the Shiba Inu, which means that they will be very unlikely to want to mix with strangers.

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The Shocker is a hybrid breed that combines the friendly and lively Cocker Spaniel with the independent Shiba Inu. You could end up with either trait, but one thing is certain, you will have an active dog that requires a lot of physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

The Shocker will make a great companion for the right person or family. Here’s hoping one of these unique hybrids makes it into your home!

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Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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