200 Space Names for Dogs: Our Top Picks for Your Little Explorer
By Jessica Kim
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With how vast and infinite space is, it’s a great place to find all kinds of unique names for dogs. However, it can also feel overwhelming because there are just too many options. So, we’ve made a list of space names to help simplify the process and give you a better sense of direction on the types of space names you like. Keep reading to get some inspiration on fun and creative space names for your dog.
How to Name Your Dog
There’s no pressure to decide on a name for your dog right away. You can take time to get to know your dog before naming them. As your new dog starts to warm up to you and show their true personality, you can take note of various things about them that make them special.
As you go through our list of space names, start jotting down the names that stand out to you or remind you of your dog. Since many space names are based on mythological beings and creatures, you can also look up their stories and see if there are any that you like. After you’ve jotted down a few names, you can start to whittle down your list until you’re left with a final name for your dog.
Female Space Names for Dogs
There are many unique space-related names. Here are some of our favorite female space names for dogs.
- Aurora
- Aster
- Aylin
- Elena
- Esther
- Faye
- Heaven
- Luna
- Jacira
- Phoebe
- Selene
- Vanessa
Male Space Names for Dogs
You can also find a lot of male names that have meanings related to space. Here are some great space names for your male dog.
- Aelius
- Aero
- Apollo
- Astro
- Aydan
- Aysel
- Badar
- Cielo
- Jericho
- Kuiper
- Proteus
- Wurren
Planet Names for Dogs
While the planets in our own solar system are impressive, you can find many exoplanets as well that can end up being cool and unique names for your dog.
- Amateru
- Arion
- Ceres
- Dagon
- Earth
- Eris
- Halla
- Haumea
- Jupiter
- Makemake
- Mars
- Mercury
- Neptune
- Nereid
- Orbitar
- Pirx
- Pluto
- Tadmor
- Tapaho Thong
- Taphao Kaew
- Uranus
- Saturn
- Spe
- Venus
Constellation Names for Dogs
It can be fun to name your dog after a constellation or a Zodiac sign, especially if your dog’s personality matches some of the traits commonly associated with their own sign.
- Andromeda
- Antlia
- Apus
- Aquarius
- Aquila
- Ara
- Aries
- Auriga
- Bootes
- Caelum
- Camelopardalis
- Cancer
- Canes Venatici
- Canis Major
- Canis Minor
- Capricorn
- Cassiopeia
- Carina
- Centaurus
- Cepheus
- Cetus
- Chamaeleon
- Circinus
- Columba
- Coma Berenices
- Corona Australis
- Corona Borealis
- Corvus
- Crater
- Crux
- Cygnus
- Delphinus
- Dorado
- Draco
- Equuleus
- Eridanus
- Fornax
- Gemini
- Grus
- Hercules
- Horologium
- Hydra
- Hydrus
- Indus
- Lacerta
- Leo
- Lepus
- Libra
- Lupus
- Lynx
- Lyra
- Mensa
- Microscopium
- Monoceros
- Musca
- Norma
- Octanas
- Ophiuchus
- Orion
- Pavo
- Pegasus
- Perseus
- Phoenix
- Pictor
- Pisces
- Puppis
- Pyxis
- Sagitta
- Sagittarius
- Scorpius
- Sculptor
- Scutum
- Serpens
- Sextans
- Taurus
- Telescopium
- Triangulum
- Tucana
- Ursa Major
- Ursa Minor
- Vela
- Virgo
- Volans
- Vulpecula
Star Names for Dogs
A star name can be perfect for the shining star in your life. Here are some cool star names that can be suitable for dogs.
- Alioth
- Altair
- Antares
- Avior
- Belenos
- Castor
- Hamal
- Larawag
- Merope
- Mira
- Polaris
- Sham
- Sirius
- Tabit
- Talitha
- Tangra
- Timir
- Titawin
- Vega
- Wasat
- Zaniah
- Zaurak
- Zembra
- Zosma
Moon Names for Dogs
Unlike Earth, many planets have multiple moons with unique names. The following names are inspired by moons from other planets.
- Arche
- Ariel
- Atlas
- Callisto
- Calypso
- Cordelia
- Cressida
- Diana
- Dimidium
- Dione
- Elara
- Europa
- Helene
- Oberon
- Pandora
- Portia
- Titan
- Titania
Other Space-Themed Names for Dogs
Space is filled with many interesting and mysterious things, and there are many explorers and scientists who have made meaningful discoveries. The following space-themed names are perfect for adventurous and brave dogs.
- Albedo
- Aldrin
- Buzz
- Comet
- Copernicus
- Doppler
- Eclipse
- Encke
- Galaxy
- Galileo
- Gibbous
- Hailey
- Hayashi
- Hubble
- Hypatia
- Janssen
- Kepler
- Kruskal
- Lipperhey
- Nebula
- Nova
- Pallas
- Penrose
- Quasar
- Zeeman
- Zenith
Space-inspired names are perfect for adventurous dogs or dogs that may have a mysterious side or do perplexing things. We hope our list of space names has provided some inspirational ideas for your dog. Whatever name you decide on will be special, and your dog will love the stellar name given to them.