325 Warrior Cat Names: Our Top Picks for Your Strong & Tough Cat

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The Warriors series is a successful group of novels that detail the adventures of four clans of felines: Riverclan, Thunderclan, Shadowclan, and Windclan. The cats’ names in the stories were developed using a prefix that describes a color or something in nature and a suffix that describes the animal’s personality. Newborn cats are given the suffix “-kit,” and apprentices over 6 months old have the suffix “-paw.”
We’ve developed some lists to help you give your pet a warrior name, and we’ve included popular characters from the series and original combinations. All the names are suitable for a male or female cat. We bet you will find a fantastic Warrior-inspired name for your fierce and fabulous feline.
Popular Warrior Cat Names
- Ashfur
- Berrynose
- Blackstar
- Blossomfall
- Brackenfur
- Bramblestar
- Breezepelt
- Briarlight
- Brightheart
- Brokenstar
- Bumblestripe
- Cherryfall
- Cinderheart
- Clawface
- Cloudtail
- Crookedstar
- Crowfeather
- Darkstripe
- Dawnpelt
- Deadfoot
- Dustpelt
- Echosong
- Featherwhisper
- Ferncloud
- Firestar
- Flametail
- Foxleap
- Goosefeather
- Graystripe
- Hawkheart
- Hazeltail
- Heatherstar
- Heathertail
- Hollyleaf
- Honeyfern
- Icecloud
- Jayfeather
- Leafpool
- Leafstar
- Leopardfoot
- Lilyheart
- Lionblaze
- Mapleshade
- Molewhisker
- Moonflower
- Mousefur
- Mousewhisker
- Mudclaw
- Needletail
- Nightcloud
- Nightstar
- Patchfoot
- Petalnose
- Pinestar
- Poppyfrost
- Rainwhisker
- Ravenpaw
- Rootspring
- Rosepetal
- Sandstorm
- Seedpaw
- Sharpclaw
- Snookthorn
- Snowfur
- Sootfur
- Sorreltail
- Sparrowpelt
- Spiderleg
- Spottedleaf
- Stormfur
- Sunstar
- Swiftbreeze
- Tallstar
- Thistleclaw
- Thornclaw
- Tigerheart
- Tigerstar
- Toadstep
- Whitestorm
- Whitewing
- Yellowfang
Ancient Cat Names
Before clans were created, the Ancients lived in the Lake Territory. After moving from the lake to the mountains, the Ancients formed the Tribe of Rushing Water. Giving your cat an ancient name is similar to using a warrior name, but there is a space between words.
- Bright Stream
- Broken Feather
- Clear Sky
- Cloud Spots
- Cloudy Sun
- Crow Muzzle
- Dancing Leaf
- Dewy Leaf
- Falling Dusk
- Falling Feather
- Fluttering Bird
- Furled Bracken
- Gray Wing
- Half Moon
- Hawk Swoop
- Hollow Tree
- Jay Frost
- Jagged Peak
- Lion’s Roar
- Melting Ice
- Misty Water
- Moon Shadow
- Morning Star
- Quick Water
- Quiet Rain
- Running Fox
- Running Horse
- Shaded Moss
- Sharp Hail
- Shattered Ice
- Shy Fawn
- Silver Frost
- Snow Hare
- Stone Song
- Strong Pounce
- Sun Shadow
- Tall Shadow
- Turtle Tail
- Twisted Branch
- Whispering Breeze
Kittypet Names
Kittypets are housecats that usually have ordinary cat names. Kittypets are cared for by Twolegs, but they’re not respected by the warrior cats. Kittypets are plump, lazy animals that the Twolegs feed several times a day. Some former clan members become Kittypets when they’re banished or decide to go their own way. Names with suffixes similar to warrior cats mean the cats were former clan members.
- Ajax
- Algernon
- Bacon
- Bella
- Benny
- Bess
- Betsy
- Bob
- Boris
- Brandy
- Bumble
- Cheddar
- Cherry
- Cloudtail
- Cody
- Crystal
- Curlypaw
- Ebonyclaw
- Echo
- Eggs
- Flower
- Frankie
- Fuzzball
- Hal
- Harveymoon
- Hattie
- Henry
- Hussar
- Hutch
- Jacques
- Jake
- Jay
- Jessy
- Jigsaw
- Jingo
- Lily
- Loki
- Lulu
- Madric
- Marmalade
- Max
- Max
- Minty
- Myler
- O’Hara
- Oscar
- Parsleyseed
- Parsnip
- Pasha
- Patch
- Pickle
- Pinestar
- Pixie
- Polly
- Princess
- Purdy
- Red
- Riga
- Riley
- Rose
- Rose
- Rusty
- Sasha
- Scarlet
- Scourge
- Seville
- Smudge
- Snowdrop
- Susan
- Tom
- Twig
- Velvet
- Velvet
- Victor
- Violet
- Webster
- Yew
- Zelda
- Ziggy
Rogue Cat Names
When cats are exiled from a clan, they become rogue cats. They do not follow the clan’s rules, and sometimes form separate groups. Unlike loners, who keep to themselves and obey the clans, rogues are violent cats. Rogues often sneak into the clan’s territory to steal goods, and some rogue felines kill without reason. If your cat has a wild streak and isn’t the most loving pet in the world, you might consider giving it a rogue name. Some of the Kittypets from the previous list that became rogue are also included on this list.
- Barley
- Bee
- Beech
- Beetle
- Bone
- Boulder
- Brick
- Burr
- Clover
- Coal
- Cora
- Cow
- Cricket
- Dew
- Dodge
- Drizzle
- Fern
- Fircone
- Flick
- Flora
- Frog
- Frost
- Gorse
- Harley
- Hawk
- Ice
- Juniper
- Leaf
- Lichen
- Lowbranch
- Micah
- Milkweed
- Minty
- Misty
- Moth
- Mouse
- Nettle
- Nutmeg
- Onion
- Patch
- Percy
- Pine
- Red
- Red
- River
- Sasha
- Scratch
- Scree
- Shorty
- Skipper
- Snake
- Snapper
- Snipe
- Snowy
- Sol
- Splinter
- Stash
- Stick
- Stone
- Storm
- Stranger
- Stripes
- Swallow
- Swift
- Tangle
- Thorn
- Twig
- Twist
- Violet
- Willie
Original Warrior Names
If you want to create an original warrior name, you can create a long list of prefixes and suffixes and mix and match the names. The prefix can describe the color of your cat or something in nature that represents it. For the suffix, consider words that describe your pet’s personality.
- Acornberry
- Acornbite
- Adderbird
- Adderbrook
- Appleblaze
- Applebush
- Ashblaze
- Ashcreek
- Autumnbrook
- Autumncloud
- Badgerbite
- Badgerdusk
- Birchbright
- Birchclaw
- Blizzardclaw
- Bouncebelly
- Bouncedawn
- Bravebark
- Bravefern
- Briardawn
- Briarear
- Cinderkit
- Cloudfire
- Copperburr
- Copperflight
- Crowbrook
- Crowflame
- Cypresshawk
- Cypresshollow
- Dapplepaw
- Dewflame
- Dewjaw
- Doveeyes
- Dovefeather
- Hazelpoppy
- Hazelshade
- Hoperunner
- Ivypetal
- Junipernight
- Larkpatch
- Larkrunner
- Leafpool
- LeopardJaw
- Leopardshine
- Mosstail
- Nightstone
- Nightwater
- Ravenwhisper
- Rippletalon
- Ripplewing
- Sandywillow
- Silvernose
- Silverpatch
- Thornthisle
- Whiskerpatch
Erin Hunter’s Warriors novels have inspired cat lovers to use unusual names for their pets, and some fans enjoy the books so much that they’ve written fan fiction and even novel-length adventures. The Warriors series has spawned seven sub-series, each containing six novels. Whether your feline seems like a rogue Percy, or a warrior named Leopardshine, we hope our list has helped in naming your beloved Tigerheart.
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