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Why Do Cats Sleep Pressed Up Against Me? 6 Usual Reasons

Sarah Psaradelis

By Sarah Psaradelis

gray tabby cat cuddling up to her owner in bed

Many cat owners enjoy sharing their bed and sofa with their cats, only to find that their cat prefers to sleep right up against them. Cats are known for their quirky yet adorable behaviors, but a cat who wants to sleep against their owner is often seen as unusual. Unlike most dogs, cats are not usually overly cuddly towards their owners. While this behavior is adored by some cat owners, others find it uncomfortable to sleep, relax, or work this way.

So, why do cats choose to sleep pressed up against us? This article will discuss the six most likely reasons why.


The 6 Reasons Cats Sleep Pressed Up Against You

1. For Warmth

Cats love warm spots in the home, especially on colder days. In some cases, this warm spot might be you. You might have found that your cat intentionally seeks out warm sunny spots in the home to relax. When they cannot find a warm spot, they might start seeking your warmth. Our bodies naturally give off heat, which is exactly what your cat wants. If your cat starts sleeping pressed up against you, they are likely using you as their heater.

Cat laying on owner's chest
Image Credit: Maliflower73, Shutterstock

2. To Bond with You

Cats often form strong bonds with their owners that are built on mutual trust and love. They enjoy being around us and want to show affection to you. If a cat chooses to sleep up against you, it could be their way of trying to bond with you. They feel safe enough to be in a vulnerable sleeping state near us and it is a sign that your cat trusts you. Your cat might welcome a few scratches and pets as well when they choose to sleep near you.

3. They Enjoy Your Scent

Cats have an incredible sense of smell, so much so that they can find you solely by smelling you. We each have unique scents that are distinguishable by cats, and some cats find comfort and security in their owner’s scent. By sleeping near us, cats can feel content and love being surrounded by our familiar smell.

Maine coon cat cuddling owner
Image Credit: Fercast, Shutterstock

4. To Claim Territory

Cats are naturally territorial animals, and one of these territories could be their owners. They “claim” us as their own and one of the ways cats do this is by transferring their scent onto us. This is why you might find that your cat rubs the side of their faces on you while they lay against you. It is normal behavior for cats to scent mark you, and they likely get comfort and security from doing it.

5. They May Have Separation Anxiety

Like dogs, cats can suffer from separation anxiety as well. However, separation anxiety seems to be more recognized in dogs than in cats. Some cats enjoy spending every moment with us and struggle to be apart from us. They might enjoy sleeping close to you and show behavioral distress when you leave them alone. This can make it difficult for you to leave the house, work at home, or share your bed with your cat.

While it can seem cute that your cat does not want to leave your side, separation anxiety is stressful for cats. It is important to discuss with professionals about ways you can help manage your cat’s separation anxiety.

cat purring while being pet by owner
Image Credit: catinrocket, Shutterstock

6. They Feel Unwell

There’s no doubt that our cats love us and find comfort in our presence. So, when your cats feel unwell, they might find that sleeping up against you helps them feel safer and slightly better. Whether your cats have recently been ill or injured, you might find that they have been snuggling up against you much more than usual.

If you suspect that your cat is sleeping against you because they are not feeling good, it is important to take them to a veterinarian for a checkup. Cats are masters at hiding their discomfort.

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Should You Let Your Cat Sleep Against You?

Whether or not you let your cat sleep near you is entirely your choice. There is nothing wrong with having an affectionate cat that likes to sleep pressed against you. However, it might become a problem if this behavior interferes with your sleeping, working, and relaxation time. Some people don’t like that their cats sleep right up against them at night. This can make your sleeping positions uncomfortable, or you might be woken up throughout the night by your cats’ movements.

If you do find that your cat’s sleeping arrangements are negatively affecting you, it is best to speak with a professional cat behaviorist. They can help you find ways to change your cat’s designated sleeping spots and help them break old sleeping habits that are no longer working for you.

cat sleeping a bearded man
Image Credit: Vitalis83, Shutterstock



Cats can choose to sleep pressed up against you for a variety of reasons. One of the most likely reasons is that you provide your cat with warmth and comfort. However, some of the more worrying reasons cats choose to sleep this way could be stress or illness. Cats usually sleep where they feel safe since sleeping puts them in a vulnerable state. If your cat does decide to sleep against you, it is most definitely a sign that they trust you.

Featured Image Credit: Chris Abney, Unsplash

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