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Why Does My Rabbit Run Away From Me? 6 Likely Reasons

Adam Mann

By Adam Mann

baby gotland rabbit running in big gravel enclosure

When you’re trying to care for your rabbit, few things are as frustrating as watching them run away from you when you need them to come closer. But what does it mean if they’re running away from you and how can you stop this behavior from happening again in the future?

Answering these questions means getting to know your rabbit a little bit better, and if you keep reading this guide, we’ll break down why this is such a common behavior for rabbits and what you can do about it!


The 6 Reasons Your Rabbit Runs Away From You

1. They Don’t Want to Go Back to Their Cage

While most rabbits don’t mind spending some time in their cage, if their cage is too small or if they’re not getting out enough, they won’t want to go back in. The only way to fix this problem is to ensure the cage meets all their needs and that you get them out and moving around enough. If you do both of these things, your rabbit should stop running away from you before too long.

2. They’re Playing

Rabbits are extremely playful creatures, and one way rabbits love to play is through games of chase. While this can be extremely frustrating as an owner, there are some things you can do about it, and it’s not a sign of a deeper problem.

Rabbit fold-eared mini lop sits on the lawn
Image Credit: RUI8let, Shutterstock

3. They Don’t Want You Handling Them

Some rabbits don’t like it when their owners pick them up or handle them no matter how strong the bond. There’s nothing you can do about this, but it can make it a bit more challenging to care for them. Ensure you’re meeting all their needs and bonding with them in other ways, but don’t expect your rabbit to like you picking them up any time soon!

4. They’re Angry

Did you do something recently that your rabbit might not have liked? If so, your rabbit might be running away from you simply because they’re not happy with you at the moment. But as long as you keep providing for them and caring for them in other ways, they should forgive you and stop running away from you before too long.

Continental Giant Rabbit running across the yard
Image Credit: Stephen Clarke, Shutterstock

5. They Feel Trapped

If you corner your rabbit before trying to pick them up, there’s a good chance they’ll try and run away. It’s not that they even mind you picking them up; it’s that they felt cornered and like they didn’t have a choice.

It’s simply a rabbit’s instinct to try and run when they’re in a corner. To keep it from happening in the future, try not to corner them before trying to pick them up.

6. They’re Scared

Whether your rabbit is scared of you or something recently happened that scared them, the last thing they want is something confining them. This can be a frustrating issue, but as long as the thing that’s scaring them doesn’t keep happening, they should calm down and stop running away from you before too long.

Black and white mini lop rabbit looking out of a box
image Credit: Mie Winther, Shutterstock



What to Do if Your Rabbit Runs From You

While it can be frustrating and can test your patience, the best thing you can do if your rabbit is running away from you is to sit down and try and wait them out. Grab some of their favorite treats and call out to them. Some times will take a bit longer than others, but eventually, your rabbit should come to you.

And just as important as what you should do is what you shouldn’t do when you’re trying to get them. First, don’t chase them around. Not only can this stress them out, but your rabbit might think you’re playing a game with them and they’ll start running from you every time you try and get them. Another thing you shouldn’t do is try to grab them quickly. While this can be extremely tempting, rabbits have extremely fragile bone structures, and it’s easy to hurt them as they wiggle around and try to get away.

rabbit running on field
Image Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova, Shutterstock

Tips for Gaining Your Rabbit’s Trust

Not only is earning your rabbit’s trust going to make it easier to care for them and catch them so you can put them away, but it’s also a huge part of caring for them. You can start earning your rabbit’s trust by consistently spending time with them, thus allowing them to be more comfortable whenever in your presence.

Next, give them a few of their favorite treats so that they’re associating you with something positive. You can’t constantly feed them treats, but it’s a great starting point. Also, ensure you’re giving them plenty of food and meeting all their needs. Your pet rabbit can see what’s going on, and if they see you’re providing for them, it’s going to go a long way in earning their trust.

Finally, get into a routine and stick with it. If your rabbit knows when you’re going to spend time with them, when you’re going to feed them, and when you care for them in other ways, they’ll start to trust you even more!



Having a rabbit that runs away from you whenever you need them is no fun, but if you take a step back, care for them the right way, and respond appropriately when they’re trying to run away, there’s no reason you can’t stop this negative behavior from continuing to happen in the future.

Featured Image Credit: LNbjors, Shutterstock

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