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Why Does My Dog Pee in My Bed? 3 Potential Reasons

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

puppy peed on bed sheet

If you find that your dog urinates your bed frequently, you may need to find out why. The reasons can include anything from not being properly housebroken to having a medical condition that needs to be treated by a vet. In this article, we dive into the psychological and physical reasons your dog may be peeing in your bed and how you can address the problem.

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The 3 Reasons Why Your Dog is Peeing in Your Bed

1. Your Dog Has a Medical Condition

vet performing blood test on dog
Image By: thirawatana phaisalratana, Shutterstock

One possible explanation for your dog peeing in your bed is that they have a urinary tract infection (UTI). This can cause accidental loss of urine. The vet can help treat a UTI, which should resolve the problem.

Another medical condition that could cause frequent urination is diabetes. Your dog could be a diabetic if you find that they are frequently peeing — not just in your bed, but in general. Diabetes is accompanied by other symptoms, such as an increase in thirst and weight loss. Severe diabetes can cause blindness as well. Be on the look for these other symptoms if you suspect that your dog may have diabetes, and then see a vet for treatment.

2. Your Dog Is Not Properly Housebroken

akita inu puppy peed in the carpet
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Perhaps your dog never fully became housebroken when he was a puppy, and now he is unsure of where he actually can and cannot urinate. Luckily, your dog can still become housebroken even after leaving puppyhood. You just need to take him back to basics. Close off areas of the house that he is not allowed to urinate in, set out puppy pads, and reward him for peeing and pooping outdoors. You especially need to make sure he knows that the bed is off-limits, so go ahead and completely close off access to the bedroom. Reintroduce areas of the house as he becomes familiar with going outside to do 100% of his business.

3. Your Dog Is Marking

“Marking” is done by male dogs after adolescence and into adulthood as a way to claim territory. Your dog may be marking your bed as a territorial stance to claim his spot. He may also mark other areas of your house. If this is the case, you need to take your dog back to the basics of housebreaking as outlined above to make sure he knows where he is allowed to urinate.

If your dog is peeing your bed, you need to first rule out medical conditions. Take them to see a vet to get them cleared. Once you do that, consider whether your dog could be marking or if he simply needs a refresher on Housebreaking 101. Regardless of what the issue ends up being, you need to make sure to use an enzyme-based cleaner to remove the stain and odor from previously marked places in your house and in your bed. The scent will linger if it’s not cleaned properly. Even if you don’t smell it, your dog does, and he will continue to urinate in the same places as a way to keep his territory marked or because he thinks that that’s an appropriate place to urinate. Using an enzyme-based cleaner will help get rid of those marked areas.

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Remind your dog that you’re in control, and “mark” your territory by setting boundaries. Following these guidelines can help you regain control of your own space and your own bed.

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Featured Image Credit: cunaplus, Shutterstock

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