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Blue Point Siamese Cat: Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Blue Point Siamese Cat

Height: 10–12 inches
Weight: 5–11 pounds
Lifespan: 10–13 years
Colors: White, grey, black, blue
Suitable for: Individuals and families that want a chatty, loyal cat
Temperament: Affectionate, playful, vocal, intelligent

The Blue Point Siamese is a color point of the well-known and highly regarded Siamese breed. It is noted for its beauty as well as its intelligence and its tendency to vocalize. The Siamese is a very chatty cat that will want to have conversations with its owner all day. This purebred can be expensive, especially for a kitten with show standard breeding, and they can be prone to separation anxiety, which is common in cats that combine intelligence and loving natures.

The breed has existed for centuries but gained official recognition in 1934. Since then, they have become one of the most recognizable of all breeds. There are only four official types of Siamese, and because it is the Seal Point that is considered the primary color point that all others stem from, the Blue Point is more difficult to find.

The Siamese breed, in general, makes a good family pet because it is loving and affectionate. Its propensity to vocalize everything and its desire to chat and spend time with family members only serves to further ingratiate it to family members.

Blue Point Siamese Kittens

bluepoint siamese kitten_Shutterstock_Kitti Kween
Image Credit: Kitti_Kween, Shutterstock

Always do your research on the breed of cat you are interested in, but also on the breeder that you buy from. While many breeders ensure the good health of the kittens they offer, there are unscrupulous breeders that do not look after the welfare of their cats and try to make a quick buck. When dealing with a breeder, be prepared to ask plenty of questions. They will want to ask you questions, especially regarding the house that you will be moving the cat to, and the size and nature of your family.

Ask to meet one or both parent cats. It is usually the mom that will be available. The Siamese tends to be quite an amiable cat that will get along with all family members of any age, and will also get along with cats, dogs, and other animals. However, meeting the mom enables you to get some idea of your cat’s likely character.

The breed is widely recognized and very expensive. This means that it is unlikely that you will find a Siamese of any color or marking in a shelter, but it is possible. If you are fortunate enough to find a Blue Point Siamese in a shelter, adoption costs can vary but tend to be much lower than buying. Ensure that you meet the cat at least once, ideally two or more times, before you take them home. This will allow you to assess the cat’s character and friendliness.

The 3 Little-Known Facts About the Blue Point Siamese

1. One of Four Recognized Siamese

There are only four recognized types of Siamese. The Seal Point is considered the original type and is the one that most other color points originate from.

This is also the most widely available today. These have a dark brown coloring that can almost appear black.

Like the Blue, the Chocolate Point Siamese is a genetic variation or a dilution of the original Seal Point Siamese whereas Lilac is accepted as being a dilution of the Chocolate. When you see other color points and marking references, such as tortie Siamese, these are not true Siamese and are considered to be ColorPoint Shorthairs instead. They are just as beautiful, in their own right, but are not recognized as Siamese.

2. They Talk (a Lot!)

The Siamese breed has a lot of positive attributes, including the fact that they get along with their human family. They are affectionate and loving cats, to the extent that they can suffer separation anxiety if they are left to their own devices for too long. Another symptom of their friendliness and their family-loving nature is their ability, or desire, to talk.

The Siamese isn’t the only breed to vocalize, but they are very well known for it. Yours may well follow you around the house telling you everything they are doing and having long and highly involved conversations with you. In fact, they are so vocal, that if you enjoy peace and quiet, you may want to consider a different breed altogether.

3. They Can Suffer Progressive Retinal Atrophy

Unfortunately, the Siamese is prone to several health conditions. In particular, they are known to have quite poor vision and they can develop any of a number of eye complaints.

One of the most common conditions is progressive retinal atrophy, also known as PRA. This genetic condition causes a degradation of the retina and can eventually lead to blindness, and while it is being bred out of the Siamese, it remains a problem. Ensure that your kitten’s parents have been screened for PRA because this will help reduce the chances.

Blue Point Siamese
Image Credit: Reimar, Shutterstock

Temperament & Intelligence of the Blue Point Siamese

The Blue Point Siamese is a friendly, loving, and affectionate cat. It will get along with all family members and will especially enjoy talking to you all. A well-socialized Siamese will also get along with strangers and visitors and may get along with other cats, dogs, and other animals.

Are These Cats Good for Families? 👪

The Blue Point Siamese is a very friendly little cat. They bond very closely with the family. Yours will follow you around and look for ways in which it can help you with jobs and just generally be a part of your day. It will also talk to you throughout the day and will expect you to listen.

In fact, many Siamese get louder when ignored, so it is best to show that you are listening and acting upon your cat’s advice. Also, this is a breed that not only likes to be near you but will want to be on you too. Expect the Siamese to be on your lap when you’re watching TV and on the bed when you’re asleep.

These traits do make for a loving, caring, and close member of the family, but they also make for a difficult companion if you do not enjoy noise or the sense that you are being watched and followed. The Siamese is not considered a suitable pet for families that are out all day. They can suffer separation anxiety, which causes depression and may lead to behavioral problems such as destructive behavior.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The Siamese will usually get along with other animals in the family. They can live with other cats, as long as you continue to give them attention and listen to their vocal demands. They will also live with well-behaved dogs that know how to act around cats.

Things to Know When Owning a Blue Point Siamese:

The Blue Point Siamese is a friendly and loving, good-natured cat. It does require plenty of exercise and enjoys games, but is not considered suitable for families that are out for extended periods or that do not want a vocal and demanding feline companion. While they are beautiful and sought-after animals, they may not be the best choice of cat for everybody. Read on to see if the Blue Point Siamese meets your requirements.

blue point siamese cat_Shutterstock_Tatiana Chekryzhova
Image Credit: Tatiana Chekryzhova, Shutterstock

Food & Diet Requirements

Siamese cats are actually at greater risk of food allergies and sensitivities than other breeds. As such, you may want to adopt a grain-free diet or choose a food with a single protein source so that it is easier to eliminate this as a source of distress if your cat suffers a negative reaction to its food. Otherwise, weigh your Siamese and ensure that you feed according to the manufacturer’s instructions or, better still, according to your vet’s recommendations, and ensure that your cat gets enough moisture in its diet or via a steady supply of fresh water.

Exercise 🐈

As well as being chatty and loving, the Siamese is also a fun-loving and energetic cat. Most owners choose to keep their Siamese as indoor cats because this eliminates the risk of them getting injured by vehicles or other animals and it prevents them from picking up illnesses.

The cost of the Siamese also means that they are at greater risk of being picked up and carried away by thieves. You can try to put a leash and harness on your cat to walk them or offer approximately 15 minutes of interactive play each day. This will keep your cat’s mind active as well as its body.

The Siamese is an intelligent breed and does benefit from mental stimulation, as well as physical. Buy laser pointers, cat toys on strings, and other toys that encourage explosive reactions.

Training 🧶

Siamese cats are considered to be one of the most intelligent cat breeds. They are also keen to please their humans, and this combination means that it is possible to train your cat to respond to their name, play fetch, and perform some other quite basic tasks.

Training a cat is similar to training other animals. Wait until the cat does something you want it to repeat, or encourage this action, and then praise and treat it. Continue to do this until the cat repeats the action without needing to be praised or rewarded.

You should also look for ways to socialize your cat. Even the most sociable of animals will not know how to behave around new people or in new situations if it has not been exposed to them. Socializing a cat can be more difficult than socializing a dog because you can’t attend puppy classes or take your cat down to the local park. Invite friends and family over and don’t lock them away whenever you do have visitors.

blue-eyed tabby point siamese cat
Image Credit: Hanna and the world, Shutterstock

Grooming ✂️

The short coat of the Siamese cat means that it is easy to groom and care for. Yours will need a weekly brush with a steel tooth comb to remove dead hairs and knots. You should also brush your cat’s teeth at least three times a week and trim its nails when they start to get too long. It is best to start grooming when still a kitten. Not only does this help ensure that your cat retains a healthy coat and teeth throughout their lives, but it means that it will be easier for you to continue when they get older.

Health and Conditions 🏥

The Siamese is considered prone to several genetic conditions. In particular, they are prone to eye problems, as well as some heart complaints. Look for signs of the following conditions and seek veterinary treatment straight away if any symptoms materialize.

Minor Conditions
  • Lens Luxation
  • Asthma
Serious Conditions
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Pancreatitis

Male vs Female

Typically, the female Siamese is considered quieter and more obedient, but she will still be more vocal than other breeds.

The female is not usually as playful or mischievous as the male, but it really does depend on the individual and their character, rather than the gender.

Final Thoughts

The Siamese is one of the best-recognized cat breeds. It is well known for its stunning looks, as well as its tendency to vocalize everything. There are four recognized color points of Siamese, with the Blue Point Siamese being a diluted version of the original Seal Point. It is rarer and more expensive than the Seal Point but, despite its color difference, it is similar in most other aspects to the standard. Siamese are friendly, make good family pets, and are intelligent and sociable animals that can make great family pets.

For more information on Siamese Cats, see our articles on:

Featured Image Credit: Lucie K, Shutterstock

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