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Are Beagles Hypoallergenic? Breed Facts & FAQ

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove


Beagles are the eighth most popular dog breed in America,1 and since they are so common, many people might conclude that Beagles are also hypoallergenic. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Beagles are moderate shedders, and while other breeds might trigger allergies quicker, someone sensitive to dander will still feel the effects when they are around a Beagle. However, keep reading as we look at what causes the allergic reaction and what you can do to minimize the symptoms that you or your loved ones experience, so everyone can cohabitate comfortably with this entertaining and energetic dog.

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What Causes Dog Allergies?

Dog allergies can affect adults and children. Some people will notice that the reactions lessen as they age, but many others will never even spend much time with a dog before the suffering begins, even one as lovable as a Beagle. Symptoms include itching, red and watering eyes, and a runny nose that may accompany sneezing or coughing. You may also notice itchy skin or a rash, especially if the dog scratched you or jumped into your lap. A specific protein is the main cause of allergies in people, and you can find this protein in the dog’s skin, saliva, and urine.2

Dog Dander Allergies

Dander is the term for tiny dead skin particles that often come off the dog as they shed. These microscopic particles can get into the air, where they can float for several minutes before coming to rest on the floor or your furniture. Each time you sit on the furniture or walk through the room, you will send the microscopic dander particles back into the air.

wool pet pile with grooming remove tool on a textile furniture
Image Credit: monte_a, Shutterstock

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How Can You Prevent Dander?

There is no way to prevent dander from your Beagle because they are moderate shedders, and as the hair leaves the body, it will take dead skin along with it. However, there are a few things you can do to help minimize it.

Choose a Non-shedding Breed

If you haven’t purchased your next dog yet, you might want to consider choosing a different breed to minimize the risk that you or a family member will have an allergic reaction. There are several dogs that experts call hypoallergenic because they are light shedders. These include the Irish Water Spaniel, Labradoodle, Schnauzer, Maltese, and Tibetan Terrier. Breeds that you want to avoid if you have allergies include the Akita, Chow Chow, Huskie, German Sheppard, Great Pyrenees, and Saint Bernard.

Brush Your Pet Frequently

If you already purchased your Beagle, you will not be disappointed, but you will need to begin a regular brushing routine. The more frequently you brush your dog, the less your dog will shed hair elsewhere, which greatly reduces the amount of dander in your home. Brush your pet with a soft-bristled brush or fine-tooth comb at least twice a week during peak shedding times. Beagles have straight fur that’s easy to comb, and you can give them a quick once-over every day for the best results.

owner brushing beagle's fur
Image Credit: N_T, Shutterstock

Vacuum Frequently

If you have ever owned a cat, you know how far the dust from the litter box can travel into your home. Dander from a pet is even finer than clay dust and can travel much farther. Your Beagle is also releasing it all over the house, so you will need to vacuum frequently to pick up the dander particles off the floor and furniture. We recommend vacuuming as often as possible to keep the dander from building up.

Control Your Dog’s Diet

Diet can be an important part of controlling the dander in your home. High-quality dog food with meat like lamb, chicken, beef, or duck as the main ingredient will provide your pet with zinc. Zinc is important to boost the immune system, resulting in healthier skin that doesn’t shed fur as much. Vitamins can help lubricate the follicles, and omega fatty acids can strengthen the hair strands. The proper diet will reduce shedding and, therefore, dander.

Bathe Your Beagle

Bathing your dog can help remove dander and loose hair, greatly reducing the hair that ends up around your home for the next several days. Several commercial shampoos will deliver omega fats and other important nutrients directly to your pet’s coat, where it can immediately get to work. However, giving your pet too many baths can cause your pet’s skin to become dry. Dry skin will cause your pet to start scratching, which will increase the amount of dander and fur your pet releases into your home. We recommend bathing your Beagle no more than once every 6 to 8 weeks.

Although no pet is completely hypoallergenic, regular bathing can help reduce the amount of dander and other allergens in their fur and the air. We highly recommend Hepper's Oatmeal Pet Shampoo for this job! 

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Dog Saliva Allergies

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that the same protein that causes an allergic reaction to pet hair is also in saliva. Saliva is why you may still have a problem with a hypoallergenic dog like a Poodle because if it’s one thing that nearly all dog breeds have in common is a fondness for licking people they like. To make it worse, they often lick you directly on the face, which can quickly lead to itchy eyes and a runny nose. Many breeds also tend to slobber and drool, and when the saliva dries, it can send the tiny proteins into the air, the same as dander. Luckily, the Beagle is not a big drooler, but they do enjoy jumping on their owner’s lap and licking their face.

Preventing Saliva

The best thing you can do to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction due to saliva is to clean up any drool that winds up on the floor before it dries and try to keep it in a designated area if possible. You will also need to wash your hands and face frequently, even if your pet doesn’t lick them, because you can pick up the dander when you touch any surface. You may also need to discourage your Beagle from licking you or the affected member of your home.

beagle puppy biting a chew ball
Image By: tetiana_u, Shutterstock

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Dog Urine Allergies

Luckily for most owners, their dogs go outside the home to do their business. Therefore, you usually only need to worry about urine proteins when your pet has an accident in the house. Beagles are intelligent animals that rarely break their training unless they’re locked in the home with no escape for too long.

Preventing Urine

If your Beagle should have an accident in the home, you will need to clean it quickly before the proteins get into the air. An enzyme cleaner will work best because it will destroy the organic proteins, eliminating the threat. These enzyme cleaners also work well for cleaning up saliva.

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While a Beagle is not hypoallergenic, they are only a moderate shedder, so there is a chance you won’t be affected unless you are highly sensitive, especially if you keep in mind the tips mentioned here. We recommend fostering this breed for a day or two and keeping them in a designated area of the house to see how you and other family members react. If everyone pets the dog (and washes their hands) and is reaction free, the Beagle may be able to stay, and you can try them out in a larger area.

Featured Image: Olga Melnichuk, Shutterstock

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