Are French Bulldogs Good for First-Time Owners? Breed Facts & FAQs

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French Bulldogs, also known as Frenchie’s, are popular companions for dog lovers and make great pets. If you want to add one to your family but are a first-time dog parent, you may wonder if a Frenchie is a good fit for a first-time owner.
All breeds will have pros and cons, but some will demand more care and attention, so it’s essential to know if a dog is a good family pet, how much maintenance they require, and if they are prone to any health concerns.
French Bulldogs are a great breed for first-time owners because they are easy to train and love spending time with their owners, but that does not mean it will all be easy. Knowing what to expect will help you raise a Frenchie with confidence.
Are French Bulldogs Good Family Pets?
Frenchies make great companions, no matter how big your family is. They are among the most adaptable dog breeds, making great companions for singles, families, and seniors, whether they live on a farm or in a city apartment. They are deeply committed to their family and love spending all their time with them.
They typically get along well with kids and other pets in the family, so if you intend to adopt another pet down the line, your Frenchie will happily accept it as long as it is socialized. Frenchies love to cuddle and offer unconditional companionship. Their small size and moderate energy requirements also make them great pets for apartment living and for the elderly who can’t keep up with an active dog.
Despite their small size, Frenchies are known to be very faithful and protective dogs, and although they won’t scare off an intruder like a bigger dog, they will be sure to give it a good effort.
Because Frenchies are so playful, they may unintentionally be a little rough around small children, so let them play while there is a watchful eye around them. They also don’t enjoy being alone, so they are best suited for homes where someone is usually around.
Are French Bulldogs High Maintenance?
French Bulldogs do not require plenty of exercise. One hour of exercise a day, divided into short sessions, will be enough for a Frenchie instead of one long one.
French Bulldogs thrive in a positive training environment. If training is presented in a manner that is not suitable for their playful temperament, Frenchies can be pretty stubborn. Despite their stubbornness, they love to please their owner and are typically easy to train. They are quick to learn and usually very cooperative. They can be territorial, but proper socialization at an early age usually prevents this because their natural temperament is more relaxed and easygoing.
French Bulldogs have a short coat and shed mildly, so their coat doesn’t require regular maintenance. Weekly brushing is enough to keep it in good condition, and your dog should only be bathed once a month or if it gets dirty. It is also essential to wash their ears once a month, brush their teeth, and clip their nails when they get too long.
Their skin folds need to be kept clean and dry to avoid dirt and moisture build-up, which can lead to infections.
Do French Bulldogs have any Health Concerns?
French Bulldogs, like other flat-faced dogs, are susceptible to brachycephalic airway syndrome. This causes them to have difficulty breathing and regulating their body temperature, leading to overheating and heat stroke.
French Bulldogs have sensitive skin, making them more susceptible to allergies. Some allergies are minor and can be managed with supplements, diet, and medication. Other allergies can be more severe and cause skin or ear infections.
Another common condition among French Bulldogs is ear infections, including yeast and bacterial infections. These infections can result from underlying allergies or the ear canal’s shape.
If a Frenchie doesn’t get enough exercise or is overweight, they are more prone to develop back injuries, and it is vital to keep their weight under control.
Due to the shape of their pelvis and the size of their head, French Bulldogs rarely give birth naturally; in most cases, a C-section is required. Emergency C-section procedures can be expensive, so keep this in mind before breeding your French Bulldog.
How to Keep a French Bulldog Healthy
You should feed your Frenchie a complete and balanced dog food appropriate for your dog’s life stage. Puppy food is recommended until your Frenchie reaches the age of one, adult food is recommended for ages 1–8, and a senior diet is recommended for dogs over the age of 8.
French Bulldogs require two to three small meals per day, and it is important not to overfeed your Frenchie because it can lead to obesity, increase the risk of back injuries, and make breathing more difficult.
A high-quality omega-3 supplement that supports the skin and coat of French Bulldogs may help your dog fight off yeast and bacterial overgrowth.
Frenchies love companionship and may be prone to separation anxiety if their owner is gone for long periods. If you plan on getting a French Bulldog, they must have someone around the house most of the day. Otherwise, a Frenchie is not the right dog for you.
Tips for Buying a French Bulldog
Before adopting a Frenchie that will fit your personality and live a long and fulfilling life, here are some tips, especially if it’s your first time owning a pet.
- Make sure you buy from a knowledgeable breeder who cares for the puppies.
- Make sure the puppy has been to the vet and had its necessary vaccinations.
- Be wary of low prices for French Bulldogs; this can sometimes be a sign of an unhealthy puppy.
- Choose a male if you are looking for a more energetic dog.
- Ask the breeder for the parent’s history.
- Speak to previous clients of the breeder.
- Ensure the puppy’s eyes aren’t red as that can signal a health problem.
Frenchies are great pets for first-time owners because they are relatively easy to care for and have loving personalities. They are easy to train, easy to groom, and will adapt to most environments. However, they face some health concerns because of their physical characteristics, so as a first-time owner, you need to know how to care for them.
They also don’t like being alone and will need company most of the time. As we mentioned before, any breed will have pros and cons, but a Frenchie will make a great companion for you if you are a first-time pet owner.
Featured Image Credit: Sbolotova, Shutterstock